Better Than Ever

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Next round was the Todoroki guy against a guy with funky elbows. Present Mic introduced the elbow kid as Hanta Sero. Right as the round started Sero flung tape out of his elbows and tried to throw Todoroki out of bounds. The round quickly ended when Todoroki completely immobilized Sero in ice.

You watched that round intently taking notes on everyone's abilities. You were extremely nervous for what might happen to you if you get paired up against someone as powerful as the Todoroki guy.

Only one more round until you were up against Mei. You weren't really nervous since Mei said that she would just get in bounds, talk about her nicknacks for a bit and then walk out of bounds. Still just in case, you decided to head down to your entrance and stretch for your fight.

You knew that your weak performance so far had earned the attention of practically no one. If you wanted to get an internship you would have to make sure that all the fights you had a possibility of having after Mei would be good.

The fight before you had finally ended and Denki lost to a really sweet girl who had green hair. You didn't really pay much attention to what her quirk was but just by looking at the area where they had both fought you could tell that her hair was like vines, and powerful ones at that.

You and Mei both stepped into the ring as Present Mic introduced you both to the crowd. You sat back and watched Mei do a few tricks with her gear and advertise it. Then she stepped out of bounds and you won by default.

You walked away from your win not saying anything. You knew it was cheap but at least you were making it to the quarter final so far. No one actually congratulated you on your win, but it wasn't much of a win to congratulate.

Your next competition would be up against the green haired girl who had won before you. On the bracket list it said that her name was Ibara Shiozaki. You knew that you would have to actually start trying now, which made you kind of nervous.

You have got this. The voice in your head calmed you. Repeating encouraging words to you. "Thanks" you mumbled under your breath while talking to the voice.

You watched the next few rounds intently taking notes on everyone's fighting style and abilities. "Hey, what's up dumb ass," you heard Bakugo call out from behind you.

"Oh, I'm just taking note of everyone's abilities and what not," you said as you clicked your pen anxiously.

"You got this, but just remember if I'm put against you I'm not holding back," Bakugo went on in his usual cocky manner which cheered you up a bit.

"So, who are you fighting next?" You asked Bakugo as you closed your notebook to show him your undivided attention.

"Just some floaty pink bitch," he grumbled.

"Doesn't that floaty pink bitch have a name," you questioned with a laugh.

"Wouldn't know it," Bakugo went on as he sat down next to you.

You then both directed your eye contact back to the fights that were going on. Eijiro Kirishima, otherwise known as the one Bakugo referred to as Shitty Hair, was about to fight against a guy who Present Mic called Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

"Hey Dumb ass, I'm up after this fight," Bakugo said as he stood up and you both waved goodbye.

The two people who were fighting at the moment had practically the same quirk, so watching the fight wasn't very riveting for you. Once the fight had ended both of the hard heads had been knocked out.

You watched Bakugo as he entered the arena, he looked as if he was ready to kill. You knew that no matter who Bakugo was up against he would try his hardest. You admired him for that, it was quite honourable even though not many people saw it like that.

As he fought you cheered him on as any good... uh- friend would do? For some reason the crowd didn't really like Bakugo, they shouted and booed at him. You just rolled your eyes at their stupidity and kept cheering for him yourself.

He really is a monster. The voice in your head rang added to the chaos of everyone's anger towards Bakugo. He is insane, what a villain. The voice in your mind continued

"No, he is not!" You shouted loud enough for the people around you to direct their attention to you. Your face turned red at the awkwardness and you decided to step out of the arena and clear your head.

You took off your mask for a moment and walked a bit around the outskirts of the arena. "Y/N? I didn't know you were competing?" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you. You whipped your head around to see none other than Izuku Midoriya.

"I- uh... No? I'm not competing!" You said. You know that if Midoriya knew he would definitely snitch on you to your father.

"Then how come you're wearing the gym uniform," Midoriya asked as he tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Uh... I-," you had no idea how to dig yourself out of the hole you were in.

"Y/N... Stop lying," Midoriya said as he walked closer to you. "I know you are competing under the name of Tanaka Kana," he continued.

Instill fear in him, the only way people will listen is if they fear you. Fear is respect... The voice rang in your head causing some blood to drip out of your ears. You didn't know what to do in that moment so you listened. You walked up to Midoriya and gripped onto the collar of his shirt and lifted him up by it.

"If you tell anyone about me entering, you'll have more to worry about than just Bakugo coming for your head," your voice was stern and angry. It didn't even sound like you when it came out of your mouth. You let Midoriya go and started walking away.

"Y/N, are you okay?" The green haired boy asked as he followed you.

"OF COURSE I'M OKAY!" You yelled at him as you laughed a bit. "Why wouldn't I be," you voice was suddenly quiet yet it seemed to do more damage than your yell.

Midoriya's face morphed between shock, fear, and worry. You just continued walking. "W-what's going on with you?!" Midoriya said, trying to catch up with your fast pace.

He will take me away from you if you say anything! The voice was louder than ever, you fell to your knees and cried out in pain covering your ears trying with everything in your ability to get the voice to stop yelling.

"Y/N, are you okay?!" The now horrified green haired boy ran over to you trying to see what was wrong. You slowly stood up regaining your composure and met eyes with him.

"I'm better than ever," you said with a smile on your face that was faker than All Mights. You turned around and walked off. Midoriya didn't follow, he couldn't. He was up next against Shoto Todoroki and his match started in minutes.

Everything that had just happened between you and Midoriya seemed to pass by in a blur. Your mind felt cloudy and you had no idea what you were saying. It was as if you had no control.

You put back on your mask and walked back into the arena. You started to get ready for your fight against Leafy Greens girl. "Make sure you use my equipment," you heard Mei say from behind you. You turned around and she handed you some cool boots to put on.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to use them!" You said as the cloudiness in your mind slowly faded and you started to put on the boots.

"These boots have electro magnetic soles, when you want to use them just press the button on the side! You should be able to evade most attacks almost instantly!" Mei said in a cheerful attitude.

"These should be a great help," you said as Mei walked back into the stands and you prepared yourself to fight.

A/N hope you enjoyed this chapter with zero editing done... BECAUSE IM LAZY! UwU

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