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"What?! What are you doing here?" You asked when you opened the door to see Kana wearing an odd costume.

"I came to surprise you! Now come on let's have some fun!" Kana said as she dragged you out of the cabin and into the trees.

Don't question her, she is your best friend!

"OMG! Look at how cute these flowers are Y/N!" Kana said as she pulled you by the arm and showed you a few little flowers on the ground.

"They are cute, huh," You laugh a bit.

"I should really take off this weird costume," Kana said.

"Oh, if you want you can borrow some of my clothes from the cabin," You said as you shifted your attention to Kana.

"Awww, that's so cute! You think I'm talking about my clothes!" Kana said with a giggle as you saw a weird sludge type thing fall off her and she looked like a total different person.

"W-what!? Who are you and where is Kana!" You yelled as you got into a fighting stance.

"Kana has been dead since before school started, isn't that just adorable!" The strange girl said in a bubbly tone.

"W-WHAT! You're lying! Where is Kana?" You said panicked.

"UGHHHHH, come on! I'm your bestie! Kana was never your bestie, it was always me, Toga!" Toga said as she skipped towards you.

"W-why did you lie to me?!" You said as you tried to step back from her.

"You look so cute when panicked!" Toga giggled as she pulled out a knife.

"You would look even cuter in red! It's definitely your colour bestie!" She continued as she ran towards you.

"What the hell!?" You yelled as you stepped to the side and dodged her.

"Too bad, I really wanted to give you a makeover," Toga sighed.

"Come on bestie! You should meet my other friends, remember you will always be my number one bestie so don't get jealous!" She went on as she put a knife to your neck before you even had time to react.

"Isn't this fun! You look so cute when you're horrified, and confused," Toga giggled as she dragged you along still holding the knife to your neck.

You tried to make a move and run away but she grabbed your arm and bent it backwards as she whispered in your ear "Don't try anything because the next time you do I won't hesitate to make sure you can never leave me ever again."

"Y/N?" You turned your head a bit and saw two girls that went by the name Uraraka and Asui.

"Mores friends!" Toga said as she jumped happily.

"Stay here Y/N! I'm going to play a little game with our new friends!" she continued as she stabbed your leg so it would be harder for you to run. You winced in pain as Toga ran towards the two girls. You had no idea what was going on until you heard Toga's voice again "They wrecked my fun! But at least I made some new friends," She giggled as pulled you along next to her.

"You're insane, you know that right?" You said angrily.

"Oh? Well that's okay! As long as I have my bestie!" The sadistic girl smiled.

"See, red really is your colour," She continued as she pulled the knife out of your leg still dragging you. You cried out in pain as she pulled the knife out, licking some of the blood off of it. She continued dragging you along with her as she skipped but she suddenly stopped and dropped you down.

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now