The End Of Your Nightmare

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As the days continued you trained more and more, it may have been repetitive but it was better than nothing. It felt like almost a week had gone by when you heard a loud noise that seemed to come from above you. It startled you a bit but you just resumed what you were doing at the moment.

"Come, now," Nomozi said as she opened the door of your room. You put on your mask and followed behind her. For some reason the building looked very distorted and deformed. You followed quickly behind your mom, she slowed down once she met up with Overhaul and one of his assistants who was holding Eri.

"Y/N take the long way out and head to the other site. I will take Eri to that site this way with Nomozi . As long as we keep one of you it can be built back up, but just in case we need more of that serum for you Y/N, Eri should be a priority," You nodded your head as you turned around and started on your way out. You didn't really have the layout of the building memorized but Nomozi was guiding you in your mind. You still had the headband like thing on,it was annoying to wear with the mask but you got used to it.

"Y/N?!" You turned around as you heard your name and standing there you saw a guy who had spiky blonde hair, a girl who was wearing a bubbly pink outfit that resembled a space suit, and another girl who had green hair and reminded you of a frog. "What have they done to you Y/N," The blonde cried out as he ran towards you. You grabbed his arm and pinned him face towards the ground.

"State what business you have here, if I do not like your response I will be forced to eliminate you. I know you won't pull any stunts because if you do I will not hesitate," You said in a monotone voice.

"Y/N? I-It's me?" The blonde said as he tried to move his head. "Bakugo..." He continued as his voice cracked a bit from trying to hold back tears. As he said his name immediately all the memories flooded back to your mind as your demeanor changed.

"B-Bakugo!?" You cried out as you let go of him and let him stand up. "I- I uh..." You tried to talk but as you did it felt as if someone was stabbing a knife repeatedly into your brain. You cried out in pain as you fell to your knees, you put your hands on your head and started pulling at your hair in the hopes that the pain would go away. Slowly some blood dripped down your face from where the headband was.

"Y/N! What's going on!?" Bakugo said as he tried to help you up from your knees. Your expression went dull as the pain went away and you looked up at the concerned blonde.

"I have an end destination to get to so i will have to make this quick. Too bad I can't drag out your deaths to make them as gruesome as possible," You went on as you stood up getting ready to fight.

"Y/N, we are not going to fight you," The brunette in pink said in a panicked voice.

"Then that should make my job much easier," You said as you charged towards her. She touched you trying to use her quirk on you but it was ineffective. You grabbed her arm and flipped her over your head and onto the ground in her confusion. You then started punching her repeatedly in the hopes of killing her.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The blonde yelled as he grabbed your fist and pulled you away from the unconscious brunette. You then punched the blonde multiple times, him dodging most of it. "What's going on with my quirk!?" The blonde said as he stepped away from you and clenched his fists.

"Maybe it's Y/N's quirk," The frog girl said as she tilted her head slightly.

"She doesn't have a quirk extra!" The blonde yelled at the girl.

"On the contrary I do in fact have a quirk. It is quite new, it was gifted to me by family," You said in an emotionless voice as a smirk formed on your face behind the mask.

"Y/N, this is not your family! We are, UA is where your daily is!" The blonde went on as he started to become even more emotional.

"Don't call me Y/N. You do not know me so you have no right to use it," You said as you charged at the blonde and punched him repeatedly. The blonde tried his best to block but was knocked to the ground. You readied your fist to punch him until he died but as you looked into his eyes full of pain and brokenness you stepped back and hesitated.

"WHY THE HELL CAN'T I JUST KILL YOU?!" You yelled out in anger as you clenched your fists."I'll just kill the others and come back to you later," You said regaining your emotionless expression as you kicked the blonde in the head knocking him out. You ran towards the frog girl as you swept her off her feet and onto the ground. You started kicking her over and over again as she winced in pain each time. You felt nothing as you kicked the helpless girl, you didn't feel joy, nor did you feel remorse. You were just numb, but that is how you usually felt these days... Numb... But feeling nothing is better than feeling everything, right?

"Y/N!" You whipped your head around to see the blonde slowly standing back up to his feet. "I love you," He said, making your eyes widen. The memories of him started coming back slowly but your head began aching.

"I- I can't do this Bakugo," You cried out as you ripped off your mask and  ran and hugged him. "I can't, the pain is too much! P-please end it all, just do it!" You yelled as you sobbed into his shoulder.

"Y/N, what did they do to you," Bakugo said as he grabbed onto your shoulders and pulled you away from him slightly so he could see your eyes.

"Just end it! Take the headband off me, it will stop this nightmare!" You cried out in pain as blood dripped from your head and slowly down your face as it mixed in with your tears.

"Y/N, stop talking this nonsense! You're not leaving me again!" Bakugo yelled as he started sobbing. The pain began to feel less excruciating as you got used to it. Your mom's voice rang in your mind demanding you to listen to her but you were trying your best to ignore her.

"Stop caring about me! The only reason I am alive in the first place is for this!!! T-this is my destiny, this is joy, this is love," You said as your eyes became lifeless again.

"Y/N! Listen to me! Whatever shit you were told by these people is not true! You have so much more ahead of you, you are meant for better, this is not your destiny!" Bakugo yelled as you snapped back to reality with his words.

"Bakugo... You have to break the headband," You said as you wince in pain and fell to your knees. "No matter what happens from this point on just remember... You're my hero Bakugo," You said as tears continued to stream down your face.

"What will happen if I break the headband?" Bakugo questioned as he grabbed a rock in his hand preparing.

"I will have control again," You said weakly as you felt the pain in your head increase. You didn't tell him the whole truth, you knew that breaking the headband would kill you, but you also knew that Bakugo would not kill you even if it meant setting you free. "Whatever happens to me from this point on is my fault... Please never blame yourself," You said as Bakugo sat down next to you and held you in his arms.

"Why are you talking like that dumbass, you're going to be fine," He said between tears with a light laugh.

"I love you," You said just as he broke the headband and set you free.

A/N thank you for reading! I hope you liked this chapter! Is this truly the end... Maybe 🤔

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