Deja Vu

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Seconds later the room was filled with unfamiliar faces. Everyone crowded around you in an attempt to calm you down. They treated you like a feral animal. You felt a sharp pain in your arms as everything went black.


You slowly opened your eyes. You were in a fucking containment cell? "Based on what we have seen in your interactions with Ground Zero you are not in your right mind. You have also been found guilty for attempted murder... Your jail time has been cut for the plead of insanity. You will be here for your sentence and be put through intensive therapy," A voice over a speaker said. You didn't want to go back... You couldn't... But you had no way to get out. A tear slowly fell down your cheek as you gave up on being free. This was your reality now, the four walls, the ominous voice... Everything was the same.

"Hey, speaker guy... Wanna tell me that to my face!" You said as you walked up to the cell door and leaned on it.

"I am not permitted to do so, also according to my records you are too dangerous for anyone to have direct contact with," The voice said.

"Too dangerous? Ha, I didn't even kill the bitch. How am I too dangerous?" You said. You gritted your teeth as the memories of Nomozi played in your head. They were too much for you, you were trying your best to keep your mind off of them.

"You almost ended the life of the number 2 hero in one attempt, that's no small accomplishment."

"Guess so... But it's not my fault he is so damn gullible," You laughed. This wasn't too bad...

"Ground Zero, being gullible? Never heard of it?" You could hear the person's voice cut out a bit over the speaker as they laughed.

"Yep... And apparently we were once a thing, have no memory of it of course," Talking made you feel better, it took your mind off things. "I mean, he is hot... But the anger issues, and the hero complex? It's obnoxious."

"He does have a very... Explosive personality you could say," You laughed at the joke.

"Ugh, my dad is going to literally kill me for getting arrested... Not to mention the attempted murder," You went on as you paced around your cell.

"So you're worried about your dad more than you are worried about your 5 year jail sentence?"

"I don't even know if he is my real dad, when I lost my memory he filled my head with lies... I guess when I found out the truth it was too much for me and I just snapped," You laughed weakly as you vented to an unknown person.

"That's rough buddy..." (I just had to quote it... I'M SORRY!!)

"Yep... Not to mention how a group of villains convinced me I was one of them. life is just shit right now, and 5 years of jail is the least of my problems... It's just great because even my memories just want me to have a horrible life," You went on as you sat down on the cement floor.

"How so?"

"Well the only memories that have come back are of a time where I was trapped in a room 24/7 with speakers repeating the same message over and over again. Sometimes it would change up... But it mostly stayed the same. Over... And over again..." Your voice trailed off as you went on trying to hold back tears. "this is love, this is joy, this is all you need...Your life was a lie Y/N... Lies never last..." You repeated to yourself as you started to zone out. You heard a name called over the speaker but it meant nothing to you... It felt as if you were underwater and someone was trying to talk to you, everything muffled...

"Y/N!!!" You were pulled back to reality by a familiar voice. A memory came back to you... You were a horrible person?! You caused people so much hurt... Just for food?! "Y/N... Do you need me to get a doctor?" The voice over the speaker continued.

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