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"Y/N, please come with me," Overhaul said as he unlocked the door to your room and stepped in. You stood up and followed him to the same room with the chair. You sat down and he injected you with the serum twice.

"Therapy... Now," He said as you sat up in the chair and were brought to the empty room with the speaker.

"Welcome back Y/N, now today I would love to talk to you about the difference between a manipulative relationship and a loving one. Now not all relationships are sexual so keep that in mind as we talk," The same voice as last time came over the speakers as you nobbed your head in agreement with it.

"All of your UA classmates and friends were fake, they all are just like All Might. They smile at you and say that they believe in you and are here for you but in the end they were just kind to you because you did not stand a threat towards their future and they thought that they could use you to get ahead as well," The voice continued.

"But... How do you know that?" You asked.

"Who was the closest to you?"

"Bakugo?" You answered slightly confused.

"And Bakugo knew that you are the child of All MIght, his idol, correct?" Suddenly everything fell into place and you understood why he liked you so much.

"Yes... I understand what you mean now," You said with your voice not changing pitch whatsoever.

"Good... The only person who loves you is Nomozi. Nomozi only hurts you because she loves you, she keeps you here because she loves you, all you need to be happy is Nomozi because this is what true joy feels like," The speaker then repeated this sentence over and over again for what felt like hours as you sat silently in the almost empty room.

"How do you feel towards Bakugo now?" The speaker changed it's tune finally.

"I... I know I don't need him, but I still-" Before you could finish your sentence the speaker went back to its old games, playing the same thing repeatedly. After a while you slowly drifted to sleep, when you woke up you were in a different room next to a little girl who looked no older than 7.

"Don't speak..." Nomozi said in a strict tone as she entered the room Overhaul with her. Instead of being injected it looked like they were taking your blood. You were confused about what the little girl had to do with it but you followed your mothers orders and stayed silent.

"Follow me," Your mom said as you stood up slowly. You were a little bit weak from the amount of blood that was taken but you made it to your room and fell into your bed. The next few days that passed by felt like a repeat of this one, injection, therapy, sleep, blood taken, sleep. You didn't know if that was a full day but you started counting it as that. One day the routine was finally broken and you were brought to what looked like a training room.

"Y/N, you will train in here until you pass out," Nomozi said as she left the room locking the door behind her. Out of nowhere some speakers in the room started playing the monologue you knew off by heart from therapy at this point.

"This is love, this is joy, this is all you need," The speakers blared over and over and over again. You started measuring days by the times Nomozi would drop by with food and take your blood. You didn't leave this room unless it was for blood to be take , all you did was work out, eat, give blood, and sleep now. Slowly as time went on you felt a difference in your stamina and strength, you could last longer and longer and constantly train. For what reason... You never thought to ask, you already knew the answer anyways it was because Nomozi wanted the best for you. Nomozi loved you.

"Y/N, you will come with Overhaul and I to a meeting," Nomozi said, interrupting your training. At this point you didn't even acknowledge what she said, you just obeyed. "This should be an honour to wear, now put it on," She continued as she handed you a bird mask similar to hers. You put it on and followed her and Overhaul outside. You had not been outside for what not only felt like but had been forever. You were taken to an odd warehouse that had some of the league in it. You walked into the wear house just a few steps behind your parents. You didn't look around, and just kept your head down.

"Just remember you made the first move," You turned your head slightly as Overhaul's voice and saw blood splattered all over. You turned away as the fight went on until you heard Nomozi's voice.

"Y/N, protect," She called out, her voice stern and low. You looked up and immediately jumped into action stepping in front of Overhaul and Nomozi who Shigaraki was charging towards. You knew his quirk would kill you but you stood there anyways. As he put all five fingers on you, you were sure you would die but nothing happened, Shigaraki quickly stepped away confused.

"It seems you have a new weapon on your side," Shigaraki said, referring to you.

"OMG! Y/N, it's you bestie!!!" Toga said as she jumped for joy. All you did in response was glare at her, once she noticed you glaring she became really gloomy and sad.

"So, how is life going for you sweetheart," Dabi started talking as he walked towards you. You didn't acknowledge him. He was almost right next to you when Overhaul jumped towards him trying to use his quirk on Dabi. Dabi reacted fast and blasted fire towards Overhaul. Without thinking you jumped in front of the fire and it immediately disappeared.

"We will be leaving now," Overhaul said as you turned around and walked back home. Once you got home you were taken straight to your training room where you took off your mask and continued back in routine.

"We are running behind on progress, I will need you to take Eri's blood and your own from now on," Nomozi told you as she brought you to the room where you always get your blood taken with the little girl whose name you now knew was Eri. You entered the room as your mom shut it behind you. The little girl sitting there looked terrified as you prepared the needle, your mom's voice guiding you through the steps. Once you are finished go back to your room. The voice rang in your head as you set aside the blood you had just taken. You opened the door and immediately as you did Eri started running.

"After her!? She can't leave home!" Overhaul said as he noticed Eri running. You were still quite unsteady from taking your blood and Overhaul was really far behind so she managed to make it outside but not for too long.

"You should be careful, wouldn't want to cause any trouble for the heros," Overhaul said calmly as he walked out of the alley Eri had ran down. You stood behind Overhaul ready to fight if need be. You started analyzing your possible opponents, one of them looked oddly familiar with green hair, you tried to think about where you had met them before but your mind was just cloudy whenever you tried. The green haired boy looked alarmed when he saw Overhaul, and he had not yet noticed you behind him in the shadows.

"I don't know what to do with her, always bumping into things," Overhaul continued. The green haired boy's eyes met with yours as you visibly saw his reaction change before the tall blonde put his mask on.

"Whoopsie daisies! Looks like that darn mask came off again. You might wanna think about getting it resized," The tall blonde said to the guy with green hair. "I'm so sorry about that, it was our fault too," The tall blonde guy started to ramble so you zoned out and stared at the ground. Overhaul started talking and walking back down the alley without Eri, you didn't know what to do, you just followed, keeping your head down. Within seconds Eri was running back over to both you and Overhaul, you assumed she had a change of heart and kept walking behind Overhaul until the green haired boy grabbed your wrist.

"Y/N?" He whispered just loud enough for you to hear. You immediately turned at the name and glared at him. You twisted your wrist out of his hand and continued walking back home.

A/N Deku tells Bakugo about what he saw that day because he finds it to personal for him not to know (that is how Bakugo is in future chapters)

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