Silent Cries

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You finally got home. Entering you house you looked at the kitchen tables and saw another note from your dad. You reluctantly picked it up and read it.

I am so so so sorry but I was called in for work once I got home. I made sure you had enough food in the fridge for tonight! I love you so much! You are the reason I smile!
Love Dadmight

You rolled your eyes at the cheesy quote he added at the end. ",HE COULD AT LEAST TRY TO BE ORIGINAL!" You shouted as you tore up the note and threw it out. You chose not to eat dinner that night. You went straight to your room turned your led lights to red and clicked shuffle on your liked playlist on Spotify. Ironically enough the first song that played was Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood.

You just laid in your bed letting the lyrics of the song soak in, closing your eyes, shutting out the world around you. This was peace, this was stability, this was constant! You wanted this moment to last forever. As you laid there the world seemed to not exist as you drifted to sleep.


You woke up 5 minutes before your alarm had gone off, music still playing, led lights still on. You knew that your father had not come home that night. But did you really care? No! Of course not! He didn't even know if you had made it home last night, he just let you live a life totally separate from him! Why should you care? But as always there was sadness that weighed down on your heart whenever he wasn't there.

You got ready for the day repeating to yourself that you would be better off without your dad at home. Once you were ready you made you way to Mitsuki's place to possibly catch a ride. To your surprise she was in her car waiting? Who was she waiting for? Was it you? "GET IN KID!" She yelled while gesturing at you.

So she was waiting for you? You never really had anyone take time out of their life for you since your mom had passed. It gave you an odd feeling? You didn't know what to do, you just stood there in shock! Until you were suddenly brought back to reality "WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY DUMB ASS!" You heard the blonde yell at you from the back seat. You hopped into the car, and you started you way off to school.

You put in your earbuds and zoned out for most of the drive. The usually loud boy was oddly quite right now. Sitting across from you it was as if he was nervous or something?

You pulled out one of your earbuds and asked him "You got something on your mind mister Hero?" You voice had a slight teasing tone to it but you face showed that you were concerned.

He was silent? "You know you can talk to me, right? After all I am just a dumb ass extra!" You joked. For some reason you felt as if it was your fault he was so distant. "I'm sorry," you mumble under your breath.

The blonde boy suddenly got angry and said "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING SORRY? NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!"

Looking at him in shock you realized that this was his way of telling you to stop worrying if you did anything wrong and move on. You nodded your head as if acknowledging what he said. You put back in your earbuds and slouched back into the seat.

You shortly arrived at school and waved goodbye to Mitsuki. The angry blonde rushed off to class leaving you to walk into the school alone. Alone that is until Kana ran up to you waving chaotically. "Hey! What's up!" You said through your laughter.

"I have a question for you? What is your blood type!" It wasn't that odd for people to ask about you blood type in japan. It's similar to when someone would ask about a zodiac sign in America.

"AB+"you said as you both entered the school doors.

"Wellllll I'm B+!" She said while you headed to Homeroom.

I could have seen that coming from a mile away people with the blood type B are typically creative yet chaotic. That fit kana's personality perfectly! You both continue chatting away as you made your way to class. The day continued on as per usual but class was dismissed early because a bunch of teacher had to run out for some reason? You just shrugged it off and took you time out of class great fully!

You started on you way home but noticed that the blonde haired boy you still didn't know the name of was no where in sight? You rationalized it by thinking he was probably hanging out with friends and continued on your way home.

As you walked home you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. You ignored your gut instinct but just to be safe when you got home you turned on all the lights in the house and locked every possible entrance. "Your just being paranoid," you repeated to yourself as the day continued.

You turned on the TV in your living room to take your mind off of the possibility that someone had been watching you. Nothing was really on at the time so you decided to watch the news.

To your surprise and annoyance on the news was none other than All Might ,your father. He had just protected class 1A from a villain attack as they were training. He was too busy playing hero to even acknowledge your existence, to hug you and hold your hand as you felt so unsettled right now! In a fit of anger you shut off the TV and threw the remote across the room.

You hurried up to your room and laid in your bed in silence. Tears streamed down your face, you didn't even know why this hurt you so much! You were used to it at this point. Why did this one time make you cry so much!

"Why are your crying so much sweetheart," you suddenly jolted up in you bed. The voice was unfamiliar it sent shivers down your spine.

"Who's there!" You shouted hiding your fear to the best of your abilities. You saw a shadowy figure in the corner of your room. "Step forward before I- uh? Use my quirk on you?!" You were obviously bluffing but you had no other choice!

He laughed stepping forward a bit "I know you don't have a quirk, but you sure do have spunk!" He said as the moonlight outlined his figure. You were shocked at how he knew this about you. How long had he been following and tracking you?

He took a few step closer to you as you sat at the edge of you bed shaking in fear. "So your the little secret the number one hero has been hiding, huh?" His voice was no louder than a whisper yet it seemed to scared you more than a yell.

"So what, I'm the daughter/son of All Might is that so hard to believe!" You shot back. You had no quirk so you chose to use your words as weapons.

"You have a temper as well?" He said as your eyes scanned his tall figure. He was wearing what looked to be a black tench coat with a white shirt on underneath.

"If all your going to do is talk then leave!" You shouted hoping he would leave. He just laughed as if he was the one in control!? That laugh caused your blood to boil with anger! You looked around you to see if there was anything you could use to defend yourself.

"I'm not here to hurt you sweetheart. All I'm here to do is to send a message," he said as he walked up to you.

You were to scared to move, all you wanted to do was call out to your Father in the hopes that he would hear you! But you knew that he was not home yet.

"Tell your daddy that even once he is dead the league will destroy everything he loves," he said as he lifted your chin to meet his eyes "that includes you sweetheart," he the let go and jumped out the window leaving you in shock!

A/N I really hope you guys are liking the story so far! I know I am not the best writer but this is a way of letting my creativity flow!

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