Bad Drives & Worse Dreams

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Once the villain who vaguely resembled a raisin with all his scars left you, you felt nauseous. You knew if you told your father he would just blame that incident whenever you had an argument. So talking to him was out of the question.

You didn't know who you could talk to, you felt so alone.

Like anyone with common sense would do, you bottled your emotions, shut the lid and buried it in the deepest part of you with the hopes that no one would ever try to open it. Knowing full well that even one tap on it would cause an explosion.

After a while you reluctantly fell asleep giving in to your heavy eyes and letting yourself be embraced by the night.

That night while sleeping you had a dream, or was it more of a nightmare? You couldn't tell the difference.

In the dream you had killed your father and as he lay there dead it wasn't remorse you felt, but it was power! You felt as if you could do anything in that moment you felt as if the whole world would bend at you will.

But all of the sudden in your dream you felt fear, the fear of what you had become. Were you a monster for feeling this way, letting the darkness take over your being?

You were suddenly pulled out of your fear by a voice that sounded all too familiar "This is who you are," it said "Don't shy away from your destiny!"

The voice was gradually getting louder and louder, yet the louder it got the more you wanted to listen. "Who says that being a monster is bad?" It continued "anyone who tries to stop you doesn't want you to be happy!"

At this point the dream had faded and the only thing that clouded your vision was the voice "anyone who tries to stop you is just like All Might!" You felt so enraged yet so empowered.

You were pulled out of your dream suddenly by your alarm going off telling you it was time for your day to start. The voice suddenly went away, leaving you with an empty feeling.

Once you had gotten ready for school you went downstairs to see a note on the door.

Sorry I was not home last night. I have just been very busy lately. I set it up so you would ride to school with young Midorya today.
Love Dadmight

You despised that broccoli haired boy, he always was the center of your fathers attention. You figured out about Izuku having your fathers powers. It was simple to put two and two together.

Annoyingly enough Izuku knew that you were All Might's daughter/son. Your father treated him as if he was the son he had always wanted.

You reluctantly walked over to his house and seeing that Bakugo was his neighbor you decided to stop by and tell them not to wait.

"Hey, I won't by driving with you guys today. My dad arranged for me to ride with someone else to give you guys a break," you laughed a bit.

You didn't want to tell them that your father had chosen for you to drive to school with Izuku because he wanted you two to get along. It felt as if you were betraying them.

"Oh, it's okay! We will miss you though!" Mitsuki said as she waved out her car window at you. She was always so welcoming to you, it felt nice.

"See you after school Mister Hero!" You said to Bakugo as they turned out of their driveway and started on their way to UA.

You then knocked on the door of the Midoriya household and were welcomed in by Inko "Izuku is almost ready and then we will be on our way, I'll head out to the car and get it started." She said as she welcomed you in.

"Okay..." you said, trying to sound polite. Inko was sweet but she just wasn't the same as Mitsuki. You also didn't like Inko because you had heard rumours around the school that Izuku was the child of Inko and your father All Might. It really annoyed you because you knew it wasn't true. You still laughed at the rumours anyways.

"H-hey Y/N!" You were pulled out of thought as the young green haired boy scrambled to get his shoes on.

"Please refer to me as Yagi," you said in a passive aggressive tone. You didn't like being on a first name basis with that little green haired twerp, so you only wanted him to refer to you by your last name Yagi.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you!" Izuku was starting to get emotional but you just stuck your head up in a cocky manner and continued out the door to the car.

You took a seat in the back and annoyingly enough the little broccoli boy sat down right next to you. You just grumbled a bit and put in your earbuds to ignore the awkward situation you were forced into.

The ride felt like it would never end! One song after another played in your earbuds, counting down the minutes until you finally reach UA. It felt like an eternity had passed once you got to school.

Kana ran up to you once you had gotten into the classroom "Why were you later than usual! I missed you!!!" She clung onto you.

Bakugo had always made sure he was at school on time, as well as having an actual sleep schedule. Unlike the annoying broccoli boy. Bakugo may come off as any angsty rebellious teen but you could tell he only came off that way because he was so gifted. You never told him that to the face though because you could tell his ego didn't need a boost in that way.

"Ugh, I was just held back by traffic," you answered trying to think up an excuse so you could start your school work. You had no idea how Kana got her work done, she spent 90% of the day just tapping your shoulder trying to get your attention and talking. The teacher left you two alone though since your grades were exceptional.

"Okie!" She said taking her seat before class started. You followed along taking your spot right in front of her.

The day seemed to go by quickly, you didn't really like the business course since you would have preferred the hero one.

At least you were good at "being bossy" is what the students who had lower grades said. You typically just shook your head at their frivolous comments choosing to be mature about it even though deep down it kinda hurt.

Kana was exuberantly more clingy today and also kinda nosy. "Can I come over to your place!" She asked "WHY NOT!!!! Do you have a boyfriend you're not telling me about?!" She continued after you already had told her no four times that day. She just didn't quit. Also after school she literally tried to jump on your back while shouting "TO Y/N'S HOUSE WE GO!"

You ended up walking through the school three times trying to lose her. Could you really blame her for wanting to hang out with you so much, you were BFF's at this point yet you had never been to each other's homes.

You walked home yet this time Bakugo was nowhere to be seen? Which was kinda odd since he had asked you to come to his place after school. You still followed his instructions and knocked on his front door. "Oh, Y/N Bakugo said you would be coming! He is around the back of the house in the little forestry area!" Mitsuki said swiftly as she opened and shut the door immediately afterwards.

The forested area Mitsuki was talking about seemed way larger than it did from the front of the house, it looked as if one could easily get lost in there especially at night. Luckily for you it was only 5:00 and based on the seasons the sun was only starting to set.

You slowly got deeper and deeper into the forested area and it felt like the trees would never end? Every few steps you would call out his name with hopes he would hear you. Suddenly you heard a rustle in the trees.

You got into a fighting stance ready for anything that would come at you, all of the sudden you felt someone grab your wrist and on instinct you twisted it and flipped whoever it was over your head pinning them to the ground.

A/N this chapter is up kinda soon but idc anywaysss thank you for all the support in this ff so far, it truly mean a lot to me! Sending you all virtual hugs 🤗✨❤️

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