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The round before you had finally finished. You slowly walked into the middle of the arena. The voice in your head calming your nerves as Present Mic welcomed both you and Ibara Shiozaki into the ring with his announcement.

Then, the fight began. Based on Ibara's timid nature you knew that she would prefer to attack from a distance. Your deduction proved to be true because as soon as you took a few steps forward Ibara sent her vines straight towards you.

You hit the vines aside with your arm thinking it would block them but they just latched onto your arm instead. Ibara seemed to panic when you tried to approach her so you assumed that her hand to hand combat was not the best.

You ran towards her evading most of the vines she sent towards you. The rest of the vines you didn't evade you made sure that they clung onto your arm that already had vines on it.

You ran until you stood directly in front of her, before she could react you threw a punch at her with your arm that had been covered in her vines. She stumbled back a bit from the impact but was not yet knocked out.

You overwhelmed the girl with punches and kicks, her slowly stepping back trying to dodge each one. Now that you were in close combat she only used her vine hair to block hits and not attack. Once you were close to the out of bounds line you did one final blow shoving her out.

Once you had won you slowly walked off the battle platform realizing that you forgot to use Mei's boots. You took a mental note of that to remind yourself to turn the boots on before you start your next round.

You made it to the semi-final round! You walked over to the bracket sheet only to see that you would be fighting against Shoto Todoroki. Now you were extremely nervous. You had no quirk and you were put up against someone with two, there was almost no chance you would win.

You made your way to the stands and watched a bit of Bakugo's fight with Kirishima. Midway through the fight you stood up and made your way back down to prepare for your fight against Shoto Todoroki.

"Isn't that the person who is fighting next?" You heard whispers behind you.

"Yeah, that's Tanaka Kana. Kana probably won't last long. They have made it this far just on pure luck," you heard another person say just barely.

You wanted to turn around and punch whoever said that square in the jaw but you knew that they were right. You felt as if you didn't deserve the chance to fight against a powerful person such as Shoto.

Those people know nothing about you. The voice in your head stated taking your attention away from all the whispers.

You probably won't win the next fight, unless you let me take control. The voice continued.

"What do you mean?" You asked under your breath.

Let your mind become clouded with doubt, fear, and power! You know you can't win this fight, you know you are too weak to do anything! So I will guide you.

Suddenly your mind became foggy and it felt as if you had no control of your actions. You didn't fight it, you felt panic inside you that the voice would leave if you tried to. It was time for your fight, Present Mic announced both your names as you and Shoto stepped up onto the stage.

The fight had begun and you clicked on your boots so that you would be able to avoid Shotos ice a bit better. Shoto shot some ice at you but thanks to Mei's boots you easily dodged it.

He then shot some more ice at the ground towards you. You jumped up and thanks to the boots again you jumped ten times higher than you usually would. As you landed you scoffed at his feeble attempts to immobilize you.

You charged at Shoto and tried to get some hits in. He dodged most of your attacks but you did manage to knock him off balance. You took advantage of him being off balance and used your leg to sweep him off of his feet.

As he fell to the ground he coated your boots in ice, if you didn't take them off then you couldn't move. You reluctantly jumped out of the boots realizing that you wouldn't be able to dodge his ice attacks very well anymore.

"Bastard," you said under your breath.

"How weak do you have to be, when the only way you have to defeat me is by taking away my gear," you said loud enough for him to hear. At this point it felt like you had no control over what came out of your mouth.

"How weak do you have to be, when you can't even defeat All Might's quirkless loser of a kid," your voice dripped out like poison as you slowly walked towards the shocked Todoroki.

"A bluff won't get you anywhere," his breath came out visibly as he spoke.

"And why exactly would I lie," you laughed.

"I understand you Shoto, I understand the pain and the neglect that comes from having a hero for a parent," you continued as you walked closer and closer to him. Everything you said you wanted to take back, but then again you felt it all to be so true.

"You understand nothing!" He said losing his composure a bit as you saw a flame come from his left hand a bit and slowly fade.

This is perfect! The voice went on inside your mind that seemed so clouded.

You clicked your tongue and laughed a bit. "Never having a parental figure there for you, the constant training away from humanity! I've been there, the only difference between you and me is that I don't care what my father thinks! Whether he's proud or disappointed, whether he's happy or sad. I DON'T CARE! In my mind he is as good as dead," everything in your mind that you held inside was coming out as an iron fist,  the clouds that filled your mind made it so that you couldn't hold back.

You saw rage and pain in Shoto's eyes as you went on. "All you are is your fathers pawn. I was once like you but I created my own rules! It's your move Todoroki, what will you do,"

Suddenly you saw a flame rise from him and everything went black for you as you felt yourself become enveloped in heat. Check. The voice rang inside your head as if it was playing a game of chess, as the clouds disappeared.

It felt like only minutes had passed as you woke up in a hospital bed with burns covering your body. You turned your head to the side and saw Shota Aizawa sitting in a chair in the corner of your hospital room. Most of the pros knew that All Might had a kid, but not all of them knew who it was. Annoyingly enough all the teachers at UA knew your were his kid.

"Did you tell my dad? Please say you didn't tell my dad," you grumbled.

"Your father was the one who asked me to wait here while he gave out the awards for the Sport Festival," Aizawa replied in his usual sleep deprived manor.

"You know what you did out there was really dangerous for someone without a quirk," he lectured.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'm not dead, so I'm fine," you said in annoyance. You tried to sit up a bit in your hospital bed but ended up in a lot more pain.

"Shit, that hurts," you went on as you winced in pain.

"What did you think, being burnt to a crisp wouldn't hurt," Aizawa said as he rolled his eyes at you. After a few moments his phone rang, he then stepped out into the hall to answer it.

"What the hell, you could've gotten us killed," you said under your breath trying to get the attention of the voice.

But I didn't, and I also made it look like you were powerful! You got third place, people will probably want you for internships now. You rolled your eyes a bit. You knew that the voice was right, but still what happened was reckless.

Do you doubt me? I helped you and this is how you repay me, by getting angry at me?! Don't make this a replay of your last hospital trip! The voice threatened. You knew you couldn't handle the silence.

"P-please stay! I need you. I'm sorry, I owe you thanks," you said trying to get the voice to stay with you. It agreed and stayed but you still were anxious that it would leave.

A/N hope you liked this chapter! Hopefully it is easy to understand, Ik that sometimes my writing can be very scattered. Please follow me if you like the ff so far, and thanks for all the support! 💖🥳👏

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