I Love You...

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"Y/n!!! Get uuuuuup!" You opened your eyes to see Toga with her face uncomfortably close to yours.

"No..." You said bluntly as you put your hand on Toga's face and pushed her away.

"Well I guess you're not a morning person," She pouted.

"What time is it," You said as you rubbed your eyes trying to wake up.

"5 AM," She said happily.

"What the actual fuck," You said angrily as you glared at her.

"Oh my god, go to sleep crazy bitch. It's literally five in the morning," You saw Dabi walk into the room and say. As you looked at Dabi you were practically drooling, his hair was all messy, his morning voice, and he had no fucking shirt on!? He looked like a god with his chiseled abs! I mean if you got to see that everyday you wouldn't mind staying too much...

"Get on a shirt burnt man, before you scare Y/n away," Toga said as she stuck out her tongue at Dabi.

"Are you sure about that, because I am pretty sure that Y/n has a different opinion on the matter... Isn't that right, Sweetheart,"

"Yeahhhhhh- I uh mean... Um, uh- Words... Yep, words are something that I uh- know... Yeah," You stammered as your eyes wandered the room so that you wouldn't stare at Dabi. "you know what, I really need a glass of water... Water sounds really nice," You said as you stood up. Before you could think Dabi had pinned you to the wall.

"A tall glass of water sounds nice doesn't it," Dabi said as he looked you up and down.

"Fuck- uh, yeah... I- um... Sorta said that," You went on as you looked anywhere but at him.

"Awe, are you blushing, Sweetheart?" Dabi said as he cupped your chin in his hand and tilted your head up slightly.

"Uh, no?! I'm just thirsty?T-That came out wrong!" You said as your face turned ninety different shades of red.

"Thirsty?" His face came closer to yours as he licked his lips. The lustful intent in his eyes sent chills down your spine.

"W-well... I- uh, maybe?" Your voice trailed off as his face grew closer and closer to yours.

"You look cute when flustered," Dabi whispered, his lips just brushing against your ear. He let go of you and walked away. You fell to the ground as your mind ran 60 miles per hour trying to process what had just happened.

"Get a room next time!" Toga said, pulling you away from your thoughts. You didn't say anything and just nodded your head as you stood up slowly. The rest of the day went on as usual, you just sat there bored out of your mind as members of the League came in and out as they pleased. "UGHHHHH, it's soooo boring when you don't try and run away," Toga whined as she paced around the room.

"Uh... Sorry?" You responded in a confused tone.

"We are leaving... Get up now," Shigaraki said in a stern tone as he entered the room.

"Oh, an adventure," You laughed a bit.

"Just follow me," Shigaraki continued with aggression.

"Damn, chill out crusty hand man," You said as you raised your hands in the air defensively. You, Toga and Dabi began to follow him.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint but the crusty hand man has no chill," Dabi chimed in and said.

"Rotten flesh is right for once," Toga said with a giggle. Once you were some distance away from the building you had been staying in you heard a loud bang in that direction you looked back and saw smoke rise up in the air.

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