I Can't Lose You Again

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"Oh, this is easy!" He scoffed.

"Well if it's so easy then you do it," you didn't really want to do any work right now, so you tried to use his ego against him.

"I'm not an idiot," Bakugo's voice went deadpan as he stared at you. You just rolled your eyes and sat up in the bed getting ready to work.

"Okay, so this page right here is just scatterplot shit. You know, Y=mx+b?" Bakugo said as he pulled out a pen he had on him and handed it over to you.

"Oh yeah! That's simple," you said as you quickly did the page. You handed it over to Bakugo to check if it was all done correctly. He took a few seconds to read it over, shook his head and then handed you the next page.

Time seemed to fly by, the work was all pretty simple and you only needed Bakugo to teach you a few things. Once you had finished the work it had only been four hours, and Mitsuki said she would pick up Bakugo in six so you had some time to kill.

"Hey, thanks for the help Mister hero," you said with a bit of a laugh at the end when you used his nickname you had assigned him.

"I didn't have to do much work dumb ass," he grumbled and looked away from you in annoyance.

He must hate you. The voice said, pulling your attention away from him.

"No he doesn't," you mumbled under your breath.

"What did you say dumb ass?!"

"Oh, uh nothing?! Just uh, I uh need to call someone," you pulled out your phone and fake dialed a number so you could talk to the voice without seeming insane.

So you care for him more than ME?! The voice rang through your ears, the pain it caused you was excruciating but you couldn't react since Bakugo was in the room.

"No! That's not true?!" You said in defence.

Then tell him to leave, tell him you don't need him! Everything the voice said made your head hurt more. You wanted it to stop, but you didn't want it to leave! You feared the silence you felt whenever it was gone you needed it!

"I- Can we talk about this later? It's just a big decision that I'm not ready to make just yet," you didn't want to lose the voice but you also didn't want to lose Bakugo, he was such a great friend.

So what now? You're just throwing me to the side like I'm nothing!!! The voice was louder and more painful than it had ever been. You cried out in pain and set your phone down as it's yelling caused some blood to drip out of your ears.

"OH MY GOD?! Y/N?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Bakugo said as he stood up to get a better look at what was wrong.

"I- I'm fine, it's just a little migraine," you said as you wiped some of the blood off from your ears.

Make the right choice. Suddenly your mind went silent and you started to panic. "No, no, no!" You repeated over and over again as your started to hyperventilate.

"Y/N?! It's okay, breath just breath," Bakugo tried to calm you down but the silence in your mind was too loud.

"DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN?! I can't go back to the silence!" You cried out as you started pulling at your hair. Suddenly you were pulled out of your panic as you felt someone's hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N?" Bakugo said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"I- the darkness, the silence? It's coming back, I know it is?!" You said to him as you started to calm down a bit.

"You're going to be okay, just- stay with me..." Bakugo said weakly through his tears.

Before you could say anything in response a bunch of doctors rushed in to check on the commotion. Bakugo sat down and broke down in tears. He was so scared of what might happen to you he couldn't look he just rested his face in his hands as he wept.

You tried to sit up a bit more to see if Bakugo was okay but you couldn't see anything over the doctors in your way.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why are your ears bleeding," you were berated with questions.

If you tell them about me, they will take me away forever. The voice said to you through the chaos calming you down.

"I-I don't know," you managed to spit out. One of the doctors proceeded to clean the blood out of your ears as another continued to ask you questions. Your response to all of them was 'I don't know'.

After a bit the doctors cleared out of the room. Bakugo was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room just crying.

"Bakugo?" You called out to him trying to get him to look up.

"They did the exact same thing when you went into a coma," he said, pulling himself together, but still not looking up. 

"I- I just don't think I can take it again," he said as he rested his forearms on his legs. He slowly tilted his head up to meet your eyes and said "Y/N don't leave me again," his voice was just above a whisper yet you could still hear it.

"I won't, I promise," once you said this the voice in your head yelled at you causing a huge headache but you just ignored it. The pain was worth keeping one of your best friends.

A few minutes later Mitsuki stopped by to pick up Mister hero, which left you and the voice alone.

Why do you hate me so much? The voice wined causing you to feel bad.

"I'm sorry, I don't hate you! It's just I have caused Bakugo so much hurt and he has done so much to help me," you said, trying to reason with the voice.

Okay, you can keep him around I guess. You felt so happy when the voice said that, it caused you to visibly smile.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!" You said to the voice as you looked over to the flowers on your windowsill.

That night you didn't sleep, you were afraid that you would never wake up if you closed your eyes. You sat in the dull hospital room talking to the voice for the whole night.

Once the sun rose a few doctors came in and did a couple of tests on you before you finally left. Once they finished you father came to pick you up and drove you home.

Surprisingly your leg had healed pretty fast and was almost as good as new so you were able to walk on it fine but your father still was uneasy whenever you did. Thanks to Recovery Girls work you would be able to compete in the UA sports festival.

When you woke up you had texted kana and asked if she was entering the UA sports festival to compete. To no surprise she said no so you asked her to sign you up under her name so that your father wouldn't intervene. Everything was set up perfectly!

You were so happy to be home, you immediately ran to your room and turned on your led light lights to dark blue. You had grown quite fond of that colour. You wanted to go out with Kana but your father said no and that he didn't trust Kana enough yet. His comment made you roll your eyes.

"Can I atleast go for a walk?!" You wined, you really wanted to go out. You had been cooped up in a hospital for so long you wanted some fresh air.

"If you are going on a walk you have to take Young Midoriya with," your father said with a smile on his face. At this point you were convinced that if your father was not going out with Inko, he was trying to set you up with Izuku which made you want to vomit.

You still really wanted to go out for that walk so you just said okay. Your father then called Izuku and in a matter of minutes he was at your door.

A/N I guess I am posting like two chapters every other day at this point? Idk I'm just putting them out when I finish them, and or have the motivation. HOPE YOU LIKE IT SO FAR!!! Thanks for all the support

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