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Once Tuesday came you were taught everything you needed to know for your job. You had been doing your job for s few weeks now when an oddly familiar person came in. You didn't know their face but their voice. "What can I get you today?" You asked politely.

"Oh, can I- uh... I would like a strawberry lemonade, with a bagel," The blonde said as he stared at you.

"Okay, sounds great! Your order will be right with you," You said after he had paid. "Hey, I'm sorry if this sounds weird but do I know you?" You asked the blonde as he grabbed his drink from the counter.

"No, maybe in another lifetime..." He said as his voice trailed off.

"Oh? Well maybe!" You said as you smiled warmly at him causing his cheeks to turn a subtil pink.

"Here... Maybe we could get to know eachother better," The blonde said as he wrote down his number on a napkin and handed it to you.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer," You said as you waved goodbye to him as he left the coffee shop. You didn't know why but a part of your heart ached for him. After work you added his number into your contacts and started texting him.


Hey, I'm Y/N! The girl you met at the coffee shop today. So I was just wondering when you might want to hang out?

I am busy most days of the week but I can clear up my schedule for tomorrow if that is not too soon.

No, that's perfect! Where should we meet up?

How about at Redwood Park?

Sounds great!


You looked up the place he suggested on google maps and figured out that it was actually quite close to your house. You didn't tell your dad about it, in fear that he wouldn't let you go. When the day came you just lied and told him that they needed you for another shift at work. The walk to the park wasn't that long and once you arrived you saw a whole picnic set up.

"I hope you like strawberry pie," The blonde said as you sat down on the blanket. You nodded your head yes and he handed you some on a plate. It was sorta quiet for the first few minutes until you spoke up.

"So what school did you attend?" You asked, trying to break the ice.

"UA, I was in the hero course," The blonde said as he avoided your gaze.

"Oh? I have heard about that school, I don't know much about heroes but they do seem pretty cool," Your father always tried to keep you away from hero stuff and whenever the news turned on he would turn it off instantly so you didn't know much.

"Yeah, I actually have my own hero agency," He said in a confident manner.

"What's a hero agency?" You tilted your head slightly and the blonde laughed at you a bit until he realized your question was serious.

"Well it's like an organization that takes heroes who apply there and sends them out for work. How do you not know this? Hero agencies are a staple in the society we live in today?" The blonde went on as he furrowed his brows.

"Well... I was in an accident in my highschool years, it resulted in my memory loss. Because of the accident my father is a bit weary of letting me leave the house. Also he tries to keep the news off at all times," You said as you stared at the blanket you were sitting on. You looked up at the blonde and could tell he was quite angry but then he shook his head and tried to calm down a bit.

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now