Pain In The Neck

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"I will in a minute, I promise," you said under your breath as you finally made out what was going on in the alley. There seemed to be a fight going on? You decided to be safe and watch from the shadows. Panic was slowly rising in you as the fight went on you wanted to shout for help but you knew it would only put you in danger.

Almost everyone was down but Shoto was still up and fighting. Shoto got knocked to the side and the villian made his way towards one of the guys who was peralized on the ground. He raised his weapon ready to end the poor guy's life but right before he struck down on the guy you ran in and took his katan right out from under his hands.

"Y/N?" you directed your attention to where the voice came from and you saw none other than Izuku Midoriya.

"Get out of here Y/N," Shoto said as he stood up slowly getting ready to take another beating from the villain that now stood in front of you. 

"Uh, hello... Yeah uh sorry I took your knife thingy, but it's kind of rude to try and turn people into sushi?" you talked to the villian nervously. As he came closer to you, you realized that the villain was Stain, the exact one Kana had been tracking for fun. The hero killed pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"Oh? Looks like you have an assortment of dicing tools," you continued with a nervous laugh as you got in a stance ready to fight.

As he lunged towards you, you swung the katana at him. Stain easily dodged your attack and threw the knife in his hand towards your stomach. Right as it was about to hit you Izuku pushed you out of the way.

Shoto shot fire at Stain trying to burn him, he did do much damage but he distracted the hero killer as Izuku jumped from wall to wall building up momentum for when he punched him. Stain shook off the hit and kept fighting. The hero killer lunged at Shoto as Shoto shot ice at him. He managed to dodge the ice and was about to stab Shoto but before he could one of the guys who was paralized on the ground stood up and stopped him.

The fight seemed to go back and forth as you stood there not knowing what to do. Wanting to help you jumped into the fight and used the katana in your hand to stab Stain in his left leg while he was distracted. You made sure you got him right in between his fibula and tibia, doing so made his leg completely useless. You watched as the hero killer's face morphed from pain to confusion as he was unable to move his leg without immense pain.

"Brat!" Stain yelled at you as he pulled the katana out of his leg. He then lunged towards you cutting you slightly, a few seconds after he cut you, you were completely unable to move.

"What the hell?!" you yelled as you tried to move. Before you could react anymore there was a bloody katana right next to your head. Your breath hitched as you noticed it.

"One step closer and they die," Stain said as you felt the weapon start to cut your skin slightly.

"None of you needed to die, if only you didn't mess with my plans," he continued as the blade cut deeper causing you to wince in pain.

"STOP!" Izuku called out as his quirk started to activate.

"Don't try anything! There is no use waiting this one out either... The blood types AB," Stain laughed as he pulled you up by your hair as you felt some blood from your neck drip down. You were confused as to why he knew your blood type but the thought quickly faded.

"What's your problem you sadistic vampire," you said weakly.

"MY PROBLEM IS WITH THESE FAKE HERO!" Stain yelled at you as he pulled at your hair even more.

"Honestly you're the one with the bitchy hero complex, you think it's your job to clear the word of the fakes. Newsflash, get over yourself! Not everything is about you and what you want! So yeah I get it heroes become heroes for the wrong reasons but that reason doesn't matter when it comes to the lives they have saved!" you said as you laughed at Stain. Your speech really didn't help the scenario if anything it made matters worse because all you did was poke the already angry bear.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING!" Stain yelled as he threw you aside in anger.

"It seems that I know more than you at least," you said in a mocking tone as Shoto used his ice to bring you towards him, Izuku, and the other guy from UA so you would be safer. As you laid there paralized you felt the blood slowly trickle from your neck you knew you would be fine though it just felt kind of uncomfortable. After a few minutes of lying there the fight had come to a close and Stain had been tied up. You were still paralized so Shoto picked you up and carried you over to where the pro heroes were.

"Hey, thanks for the help but I should be able to manage from here," you said as you finally gained control of your body.

"Oh, that's good," Shoto placed you down lightly.

"What were you thinking running head first into danger, and without a quirk?" He continued as he stood next to you.

"Impulse?" you said as you shrugged your shoulders slightly.

"Impulse huh? That would make a great hero name," Shoto said as you both locked eyes.

"I guess it would," you laughed shyly.

"Kana! Where is she," you suddenly panicked as you remembered your friend. You looked down at your phone as you received a text from her as if it was on cue.


Hey! I hope you made it home safe! I am taking the next train home cya ttyl


You sighed in relief that your friend was okay but immediately after you were filled with panic again. "Are you okay? If you want I can help you look for your friend?" Shoto said as he placed a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down.

"No my friend is okay, it's just I sorta missed my train home and I am supposed to be grounded right now?" you said as you looked down at the ground in guilt for disobeying your fathers instructions to stay home.

"Hey, I'm sure you can catch a ride home with me. And maybe if your father knows how much of a hero you were today he would have some grace," Shoto said as he lifted your head a bit. You stared at each other for a moment before you turned your head away from his.

"If only he actually wanted me to be a hero... Whenever I try to do anything slightly heroic I get lectured and disciplined by him for my recklessness," you said as you leaned your head back and looked at the sky that had now been laced over in darkness yet covered in stars.

"Dads are the worst," Shoto said with a slight laugh.

"Agreed," you said as you directed your attention back to him.

"Sooooo, about that ride back?" you continued.

"I'm sure if you lie to my father and tell him you have a powerful quirk he will be fine with you riding back with us," you laughed a bit once Shoto said it.

"I'm not joking?" Shoto said as he tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Oh," you said as your laughter faded. In the end you and Shoto convinced Endeavor your quirk was DNA manipulation. Surprisingly with a bit of improv and mediocre acting he really was convinced.

A/N hehe... Shoto cute 🥰
That's all I have to say...

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