This Should Be Fun?

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"Hey, uh thanks for the ride," you said to Endeavor as you and Shoto both took a seat in the back of his fancy car. Endeavor sorta grumbled after you said that but you just accepted that as a 'your welcome' in angry idiot language. Thanks to Bakugo you knew that angry idiot language quite well.

The ride was quiet until Shoto spoke up and asked "So why were you in Hosu city to begin with?"

"Well my dad was out for the day and because I have been grounded since the sports festival I decided to sneak out and hang with my friend who had been tracking the hero killer," you went on as Shoto listened to you intently.

"I'm curious how your friend even made it back since the trains to Hosu city have been postponed and due to the nomu?" his question made you think.

"I'll text her just in case," you said as you whipped out your phone and texted Kana.


Did you make it home safely?

YEP! Hbu ☺️

On my way home rn cya


"Well according to my texts she made it home?" you said after you put your phone back away.

"Oh? Interesting..." Shoto said as his mind began to wander.

"Hey, uh... Thanks for the ride home, it really means a lot to me," you said breaking his train of thought as he redirected his attending towards you.

"I mean we were already heading that way? It isn't much," Shoto went on as he tilted his head in confusion.

"You and Bakugo are the exact same," you said as you playfully rolled your eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" he questioned.

"Neither of you can accept a thankyou like a normal person," you giggled.

"Well that doesn't make us the exact same?"

"Okay then, you and Bakugo are similar," you rephrased your sentence. You and Shoto chatted for the rest of the ride with some normal small talk. You asked Endeavor to drop you off a block away from your house and you walked the rest of the way home. Once you got home you ran straight to your room and made it look like you had been there all day by messing it up a bit. Moments after that your father made it home and walked to his room to pass out, it was almost midnight after all.


School felt as if it lagged but before you knew it exams were here. Your exams were nothing special, it was just a few short written ones. You passed them all in the end and completed the year with mostly A's or B's and a 91.7% average. You were quite pleased with your grades but you just wished you didn't get that stupid 78% in math that brought down your whole average.


Summer was finally here, you were ready to have fun! You woke up and hopped out of bed did your hair as you usually did and got dressed in a trendy outfit. You were about to head out the door for the day but your father stopped you.

"Time for summer camp!" he said with a laugh as he handed you a suitcase.

"Wait? What!" You were kind of confused.

"Remember? It's the fun little trip you are going on because of your little stunt you pulled at the sports festival!" Your father laughed a little bit as you grumbled.

"Oh... Yeah," you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. Your father let you run upstairs and pack. You didn't know how long the camp was so you packed enough interchangeable matching outfits for a month. Once you finished packing all your essentials you grabbed your pocket knife and placed it in your bag just in case. 

"I'm ready," you said with a sigh as you lugged your suitcase downstairs.

"Great! Aizawa should be here any moment to pick you up and bring you to the bus. Hopefully you learn the dangers of being a hero on this trip," Your father went on in a slightly passive aggressive tone that really annoyed you.

"Hey kid, ready for hell- uh I mean vacation?" Azawa said as he entered your house with a subtle laugh.

"I am soooo excited!" you said fakely as your face went from an overly happy plastic smile to a deadpan gaze. You walked out and tooka seat in his car as you placed your suitcase next to you. Aizawa came to his car a bit after you, he stayed back a few moments to chat with your dad about some stuff you just assumed was boring. FInally you were on your way to UA where you would get on the bus and start on your way to training camp.

"Everyone, Y/N will be joining us for this trip as an extra credit for her business course at UA. They will be helping me with enforcing rules and scheduling throughout the week as well as participating in some of the activities," Aizawa said as he introduced you to his full bus of rowdy students.

"Hello, I am the class representative of 1-A Tenya Iida. We met in hosu city," Iida said as his voice subtly trailed off as he finished his last sentence.

"Since we are seated in a specific order I hope you wouldn't mind sitting at the back of the bus," Iida continued as he took his seat.

"Oh, I don't mind," you said as you made your way to the back of the bus while waving at Bakugo. Once you took a seat at the back you put in some earbuds and turned on your music as you zoned out for the rest of the ride. After a while you slowly drifted to sleep.

This trip will be fun! As long as you let it be. The voice calmed you as you slept.

"HEY DUMB ASS!" you heard a familiar voice yell as they shook you.

"W-WHAT!" you said as you shot up immediately and accidentally your head collided with the idiot who chose to shake you awake.

"You fucking idiot, the bus stopped!" You looked up and saw Bakugo rubbing his forehead as he talked.

"Oh! Uh, sorry? Here let me see!" You said as you stood up and pulled Bakugos head towards you to see the damage you had done. You looked at his forehead and noticed a little bump forming.

Bakugo's face went red at how close you both were as he managed to yell "W-WHAT LET GO OF ME Y-," but you cut him off before he could finish his sentence. You didn't really notice your now growing headache from the collision nor did you notice how close you and Bakugo were you were just concerned that you had hurt him.

"At least it's not a concussion?" You said as you stepped back.

"What about your head? You also collided," Bakugo said as the two of you stepped off the bus.

"I'm fine," you said with a little laugh.

Class 1-A looked around their surroundings a bit before you were greeted by what you thought to be furries. They introduced themselves as the Pussycats, but you were at this point convinced it was a cult? As the cat cult- I uh mean Pussycats talked about what was going down Aizawa pulled you aside.

"Y/N, based on your results in the Sports Festival I hope it is safe to assume you have at least some combat skills?" Aizawa questioned in his usual lazy tone.

"Uh, yeah I guess?" You said as you tilted your head slightly in confusion.

"Well this should be fun!" He said as he handed you a roll of tickets.

"What's this for," you were still very confused.

"Each of these tickets is one meal, the students in class 1-A will be fighting you to each get a ticket. If you run out of tickets before 12:30... No food for you," Aizawa said with a small chuckle.

"Oh, you just love watching kids suffer don't you," you said as you squinted your eyes at him.

"Possibly. Oh I forgot to mention, you should probably run now since the students are about to be sent off to find you in less than 1 minute... Have fun," Aizawa said as he walked off.

A/N well the next chapter should be fun... 😂

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