Let The Games Begin

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Days passed by as the UA sports festival grew closer. You spent those days training your endurance with Bakugo. He didn't want to spar with you anymore just in case. It was finally the day of the sports festival and you were ready.

Before stepping into the arena you made sure to put on a mask so that your father wouldn't stop you from competing.

The first event was the obstacle course, this part would be easy for you since you did not have to fight against anyone. You managed to get to the end and pass to the next round just by the skin of your teeth. You placed 42ed, which ment if you lost by one person you would have been out for good.

"Hey, nice job dumb ass!" Bakugo said as he walked up to you and patted you on the back. You were still out of breath from the obstacle course, but it seemed what Bakugo had felt from the obstacle course had long passed. You chose not to compliment Bakugo on his third place victory since he was not too pleased with it.

"T-thanks," you said while still catching your breath. The best thing about being so far behind in the obstacle course was probably that you were able to see what everyone else's quirks were.

The next competition was the Cavalry Battle. You were unsure if anyone would come up to you and chose you to join their team since you didn't have a flashy quirk nonetheless have one to begin with.

Bakugo had already formed his team. You were kind of annoyed he didn't ask you to join his but you understood why he didn't.

While waiting to be asked to join a team you decided to get to know your possible competition a bit more. "Hello, I'm Y- I uh mean Tanaka Kana," you said to a  blonde who you saw passed to the next round. You stuttered saying 'your' name remembering that you had entered into the competition under Kana's name.

"Hello, I'm Neito Monoma," the blonde said in a snooty tone. "I won't bother with you since I already have my team," he continued as he made a motion with his hand practically shooing you away. You rolled your eyes at his obvious superiority complex and kept walking.

You felt someone tap your shoulder, you turned around to see a taller boy behind you with purple hair. "Are you Tanaka Kana?" He asked.

"Yep, that's me," you said with an awkward laugh.

"Well, it seems that you are the only one left for the teams. My team needs one more person... Sooo,"

"Oh, okay! Maybe I could meet my other teammates?" You said as you smiled sheepishly. Social interactions with new people weren't really your thing. But for some reason when you are with Kana or Bakugo it's as if you are a social butterfly.

"By the way, I'm Hitoshi Shinso," the purple hair boy who resembled a troll doll said to you as he led you to your teammates.

"Hi, I'm Tanaka Kana," you said as you awkwardly introduced yourself to your teammates. One of them being a boy with a large tail who said his name was Mashirao Ojiro the other being a shorter guy with blue-ish hair who said his name was Nirengeki Shoda.

Shinso seemed quite talkative and asked quite a few questions, but you just answered them as any other person would.

A few minutes before the Calvary round began you felt your mind slip away from you as you lost control of yourself. But you quickly regained control, you were confused with what was going on. You looked over towards Shinso and noticed how panicked he looked.

"You okay?" You asked him as you and your teammates all made your way into the arena.

"Would you mind telling me why whenever I try to use my quirk on you it is overridden by another quirk?"
He said it ever so casually yet there was anger in his tone.

"Oh, uh- it's just," you really didn't know how to explain it, because you yourself had no idea what was going on.

"Whatever it is I don't want to know, just listen to my instructions and we will almost for sure pass into the next round," Shinso said as your team got into position.

For some reason Shoda, and Ojiro seemed to not be talking whatsoever, yet they did take instructions from Shinso perfectly.

Your team layed low for most of the game, collecting headbands slowly but surely. Whatever Shinso instructed your team did no questions asked. It kind of annoyed you but your team was doing okay so you weren't complaining.

What Shinso said to you about being unable to use his quirk on you was still sitting at the back of your head, you were confused with everything that was going on. Then again when aren't you confused.

By the time the Cavalry Battle had completed your team was 3rd place and you all got to move on. But for some reason Ojiro and Shoda chose not to compete in the one on one tournament.

"Hey, uh Shinso. Do you know why Ojiro and Shoda won't be competing in the next round?" You asked him as the both of you walked over to see who you would compete against in your first bracket.

"Oh, I was mind controlling them during the whole Calvary Battle," he said with hardly any expression in his tone.


"You can't complain because my quirk didn't want to work on you," Shinso said as he walked past you shoving you aside.

You got up and were ready to beat the shit out of him when Bakugo came up to you "huh, your doing pretty good for a quirk less loser," he said.

"Well it looks like first place just inst in your vocabulary right now," you teased.

"Shut the hell up before I blow you to pieces," Bakugo gritted.

"I'll be winning first place, I can promise you that," He continued. You both parted ways into the stands after you had chatted for a few minutes. You left him to go stretch your legs and possibly get something to eat.

You had a quick snack and then made your way over to the sign that had who you would be competing against in the one on one.

Mei Hatsume was going to be your first competition. "You must be Tanaka Kana!" You heard an enthusiastic voice behind you say. You turned around to see a girl who was decked out in gear. You shook your head yes and the girl continued. "The name's Mei Hatsume, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said as she took your hand and shook it vigorously.

"So you're my competition?" You asked

"I'll make you a deal, as long as you rep my gear in the rest of your rounds I'll forfeit," Mei said as she leaned towards you.

"I- I couldn't. It wouldn't be right," you said as you looked away.

"The rules say nothing against it, and from what I can tell your quirk is similar to mine. As long as you have the slightest bit of fighting skills you would win against me anyways," Mei seemed to ramble on a lot but in the end she had won you over.

You felt so lucky thus far in the UA sports festival since you have had to do hardly anything to get to where you were. You knew you hadn't earned your spot but you would make sure you earned it by proving your ability in the next round.

You took a seat in the stands but by the time you had done that the first round was already over. The annoying broccoli head had won against the bitchy troll doll. You assumed that that round must have been boring to watch.

A/N well I hope you liked this chapter. I wrote it at 3 am and did zero edits to it... like most of the stuff I put on here. 😀✌️

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