You Don't Know Me

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Dabi took you to a strange building. Once you entered a girl who looked to be your age ran up and hugged you.

"OMG! Hey, bestie! I have not seen you in FOR-EV-ER!"The girl said as she jumped up and down still hugging you.

"Why'd you bring them here Dabi?" A man who was covered in hands turned around in his chair and talked.

"Well our old friend Y/N lost her memory in an accident and I was hoping we could help get it back," Dabi said as he over unuciated random words in a suspicious manner.

"OH? Thats horrible!" The girl said as she let go of you. "I'm Toga! And we were besties!!!" She continued.

"Oh, uh hi,"You smiled and waved your hand awkwardly.

"Interesting..." The guy with hands said as he stood up in his seat.

"What's so... Interesting?" You asked..

"They still have the quirk... Right?" The hand guy asked Dabi and brushed you off as if you didn't exist.

"I don't know? Maybe we should... Experiment," Dabi said as he pushed you slightly forward and stepped away from you.

"Huh?" Blue flames filled your vision, you winced slightly preparing for impact but they suddenly disappeared. "WHAT THE HELL!? THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME!" You shouted.

"It didn't kill you, did it? So chill out Sweetheart," Dabi said as he patted your head.

"I have no idea how I would have ever even considered someone as annoying as you, an acquaintance," You grumbled as you glared at him. After a few minutes you had been introduced to everyone in the room.

"Maybe we could have some fun, like the good old days?" Dabi said as he nudged Shigaraki.

"What... Good old days?" You tilted your head.

"When I said we were acquaintances I may have changed the truth a bit," You rolled your eyes at Dabi as he went on. "Back when you had your memory you were friends with us and we were somewhat of a team... One might even call it a league,"

"A league?" You were still slightly confused.

"Just another thing your father forgot to mention... What a shame," Toga said in a disappointed tone.

"You were one of the greats, a wanted villain," Dabi said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "No wonder your father kept this from you. He didn't want you to ever be your true self... The world went along with him as well. The news about what had happened was broadcasted everywhere and since your father was a famous hero he was able to get the charges dropped. Everyone went along with the game trying to keep you from your true identity. The world was willing to take away your freedom and your purpose in life for selfish reasons," He leaned and whispered in your ear.

"So... I'm a villain?" You were shocked and angry, but something inside you was happy that you now had a purpose in life.

"You were not just any villain. You fought for justice, you wanted to destroy all hero agencies, no matter the cost," Shigaraki said.

"But, how is that for justice," You questioned.

"People only make it in this world if they have a cool quirk or are rich. The hero agencies were all just reminders of that," Dabi said as he pushed you out the door of the building. "You have to earn your place back in the league by making a name for yourself again Sweetheart. Do with that information what you will," he continued as shut the door in your face.

"Everyone has lied to me?! The only people I can trust are my friends... I have to prove myself to them, then the emptiness will fade away," You mumbled to yourself as you made your way home. Once you got home you started to make a plan. You knew what Hero agency would be the easiest to take down and you had a great idea as to how you would do so,"


Hey, sorry to bother you I was just wondering if you wanted to get a few drinks tomorrow?

Sounds fun. How about we meet up at the bar near my hero agency since I am just out of work at 10PM?

It's a date!


Everything was falling into place perfectly, the only thing left to do was train. Since your memory went away your father made sure to keep you fit and active while you were at home. He may be a horrible father but at least he cares enough about your physical health to make sure you stay active. You had a training room in your basement so you just told your dad that you wanted to let off some steam and work out. The day came to an end as you got into bed and slept through the night. You woke up the next morning ready to have some fun. You waited impatient as time went on until it was 9PM and your father had fallen asleep. He was never really a night owl.

You slipped into a short skin tight dress with a slit in the side, you did a simple makeup look and let your hair down naturally. You finally left your house and made your way over to the bar closest to the Ground Zero Agency. You walked in and saw that your date was already there. You looked at him with his spiky blonde hair, and his crimson eyes that pierced your soul.

"Hey, Bakugo," you said as you took a seat in the booth he had saved for the two of you.

"You know, I don't mind the Mister Hero nickname," He grumbled as his cheeks became slightly red.

"Well then, Mister Hero" You laughed a bit. You tried not to look him directly in the eyes because you knew that you would lose sight of your mission if you did. He was wearing a plain button down white shirt with the top two buttons loosely undone along his collar bone, and a pair of black suit pants... And you supposedly WEREN'T supposed to be attracted to that. He is the enemy, he represents the injustice in the hero world. You purposely made sure you didn't drink too much that night, and bought as many drinks for Bakugo as he would accept.

"Hey, Bakugo. Do you have a place that is maybe more... Private?" You whispered in his ear.

"Of course I do Baby girl," He said as he led you out of the club and to his hero agency. He took you to his office.

"Much better Mister Hero," You said as you slowly walked up to him until he was up against a wall. You put on some lipstick and went straight in for a kiss. Your whole body tingled, the frame of his body against yours. He slowly wrapped his hands around your waist, the kiss went on for a few seconds until Bakugo collapsed to the ground.

"W-what the hell?!" He said weakly as he tried to stand up.

"Night Shade lipstick," You said as you whipped it off your lips being careful not to get any in your mouth. "When used correctly it can be a girl's best friend," You laughed a bit as you stepped on his hand with your black heels. "Aw, poor little hero feeling a bit weak," You said mockingly as you walked around his office desk and to his computer.

"What's going on?" Bakugo managed to stand up.

"Oh, I thought a hero like you would know better? Nightshade is a very deadly plant, and if my timing is correct you will be dead in 6 minutes and 32 seconds," You went on as you opened his computer and powered it up plugging in a usb.

"You sadistic bitch," He said as he tried to walk over to you but fell to the ground.

"I mean, I do have the cure with me. But whether you get it or not is up to you," You clicked your tongue. "So what will it be? The password to all of your files on here.. Or your life?" You picked up a pen from the desk and clicked it impatiently.

"Damn you," Bakugo said weakly.

"5 minutes and 15 seconds," You said as you spun around in his office chair. "I really didn't want to kill you. You are pretty attractive there Mister Hero, but it's not enough to save you," You sighed and then laughed a bit. You finally felt whole, you felt happy, it was exhilarating!

"Y/N don't do this, this is not you," Bakugo cried out.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" You said as you stood up and kicked him in the gut causing him to groan in pain. "All you hero's know is money, glory, and fame... Nothing else."

"4 minutes and 46 seconds," You said as you sat back down in his chair.

A/N We love a great badass and sadistic character don't we UwU

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now