Windowsill Flowers

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Before you shut your eyes completely you saw a flash of blue light and you felt the coldness of the forest fade away. Everything around you felt warm, you were at peace.

"A-am I in heaven?" You said as you slowly opened your eyes to a white room.

"If you were in heaven wouldn't that make me an angel, sweetheart?" A voice that was all too familiar to you called out. You just turned your head towards him and laughed a bit, still being a bit loopy from blood loss.

"If you're here then I'm assuming this is hell, because damn your hot," you said to him and he chuckled a bit at your compliment.

"Well no, surprisingly you're not in hell either. You're in a hospital right now Y/N," he said while leaning on the door frame of your hospital room. You watched him as he leaned out the door a bit and looked both ways. He was a wanted villain after all.

"I'm curious as to why exactly you just didn't let me die?" You asked the mysterious man as he walked towards you in your hospital bed.

"Like I said, I'm going to need that pretty face of yours eventually sweetheart," his voice was so smooth yet course going through your mind, it calmed you.

"Awww you think I'm pretty?" You said playfully batting your eyelashes, you were acting practically delusional from the amount of blood that you had lost. He just laughed at your comment and walked out of your hospital room disappearing from your vision completely.

You were very weak at the moment so you decided to close your eyes and get some rest. A few hours later you were woken up when you heard some people talking.

"They will need to receive a blood transfusion," you heard one person say.

"Luckily their blood type is AB+ which is the universal recipient," you heard another voice chime in.

"Even if anyone can donate blood to them, I am unsure if we can give it since they are not a priority patient and we have many heros right now who need it," you heard the first person continue.

"Their recovery may take longer than we thought," the second one replied concluding their conversation.

You were feeling a lot less in pain at this point but you still felt weak and dizzy, you also felt annoyed, now that you were injured and you might be unable to compete in the UA sports festival.

You sat up a bit in your hospital bed to get a better look at your room. The walls were an off white cream colour and the ground was an odd marble.

"Y/N?" You heard someone say from the entrance to your hospital room. You turned to meet their face. They looked tired and their eyes were puffy and bloodshot.

"What's up Mister Hero," you said in a calm voice.

"I- I thought you were... The trees were all in flames... and, I couldn't find you," Bakugo said as he blinked back tears. You felt bad, you caused him so much trauma in just one night.

"I'm fine," you said with a weak laugh.

"Well you better be dumb ass, because if you died I would have killed you!" He grumbled while taking a seat next to your hospital bed. He then placed a vase of flowers down on the windowsill.

"Don't think I got these for you, it was my mom's idea!" He said while diverting eye contact with you. You just laughed a bit and thanked him for bringing them.

The flowers lit up the bland room making you feel a lot better. It was like the flowers were a reminder that people out there really do care for you.

"I should head home, I have homework and other shit to do," bakugo grumbled as he stood up.

"We'll have fun Mister Hero!" You said in a sarcastic manner as he walked out the door.

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now