A Name To The Face

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You just say there on the edge of you bed in silent fear as the hours passed by. Had it been 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours! You had lost all concept of time. You didn't know how you felt? Whether to be scared, angry, sad, possibly even attracted to this mystery guy who followed you home and... Y/N no... just no! At this point it was as if you would sit like this till sun rise.

All Might had finally made it home. As soon as you heard the door open you ran down the stairs as fast as you could to try and be comforted by the only family you had. You hugged him and bursted out into tears as your father looked at you with a confused and worried look on his face.

You were never really affectionate towards anyone, so you running downstairs to just hug your father and cry surprised him!

"Are you okay Y/N?" He asked as he rested his head atop yours. Your cries had calmed down at this point. But as soon as you tried to get words out you bursted into tears again.

"It's okay, I'm here for you," He said realizing that right now all you needed was for someone to comfort you.

"Your here for me? Your here for me?! The one moment I needed you, you weren't there!" You cried out breaking away from your fathers embrace "You know maybe you would have been better off if that random villain from the league or whatever that broke into our house and gave me a death threat actually killed me! Because at this point I seem to be more of a burden to you then I'm worth!" Your father stood in shock. "I could have been killed while you were busy out playing hero! How could a bunch of nobodies be more important than your own daughter/son!" You stormed off to your room and slammed the door behind you.

All Might was at a loss for words. He wanted to comfort you but he knew he would just make matters worse. Even thought your words were selfish they were true. All Might felt like the worst father ever and he probably was pretty close to being the real deal.

You didn't sleep that night, you were kept awake as everything that had just happened replayed in your mind over and over and over again as if the moment were taunting you! You wanted to dig yourself a hole where you could shrivel up and die in to escape reality.

Now that League of Villains knew that All Might had a weakness and it was you. You were a weakness, you were a liability, you were a limitation, you were a problem.


The sun came up in the sky as you rubbed your dry eyes and yawned to start your day. Once you finished pulling yourself together and getting ready, you slowly walked downstairs feeling the heavy pound of every step as you walked. You got downstairs and your father was sitting in the kitchen looking at you with worry. You ignored him and made your way out of the house to Mitsuki's place to avoid having another awkward ride to school with your father.

As always Mitsuki and her son were waiting for you in their car. You sat in the back and immediately zoned out. "Hey dumb ass, you look dumber than usual!" The angry boy interrupted your train of thought. You glared at him but he kept on talking "I fought some villains yesterday, I had them running away like little babies! They were so weak against me!"

"From what I herd All Might had to bail your class out of a possibly deadly fight... If anything you were the weak one," you mumbled in annoyance as you interrupted him. The typically loud boy was silent once again. It seemed you were the only one able to tame his chaotic nature, but you never really minded it though. The rest of the ride was silent other than Mitsuki's road rage but you found it comforting, it felt like she was a protective mother bear.

Walking into the school you bumped into Kana. "HEY BESTIE!" She said in her usual excitable nature. Kana always seemed to be in a bubbly mood opposed to your pessimistic attitude. You wondered why the two of you got along so well?

"Hey girl, what's up?" You said faking a cheery mood. You didn't really want Kana to see you in such an odd mood because you knew she would ask questions and right now you just wanted to ignore your emotions. You knew that your social battery could not take the strain of emotionally opening up to people today.

...(I find writing about the school stuff boring sooooo we time skip UwU)...

After school you walked home with the angry blonde, since last night you wanted to take every precaution your pride would let you take. Even though the blonde was sometimes annoying he made you feel safe. How can someone I don't even know the name of make me feel safe?

"Can you continue walking me to my house?" You asked the blonde once you had reached his mailbox. Your anxiety was getting the better of you but you still didn't want to seem weak. For some reason there was a part inside you that just wanted to prove to that cocky kid that even if you weren't a soon to be hero doesn't mean you are weak!

"Sure," he grumbled. He could sense that you were anxious even read it on your face and what type of hero would he be if he didn't walk you home? At least that's what he told himself, he didn't want to admit that he had a soft spot for you. In some twisted way he felt that admitting he had a soft spot for someone was like admitting that he had weakness.

"Well this is my place! Thanks for walking me h-," you stopped mid sentence as you looked at the blonde's expression and remembered that you were at All Mights house and All Might supposedly doesn't have children.

"This is All Mights house? Sooooo why are we stopping here?" He questioned.

"I- uh... I-I am... uhhhhh- his friends daughter/son?" You answered with the best lie you could think of on the spot. "We are staying at his place since ours is being rebuilt!" Once you chose you lie the story line came easy to you.

"Y/N there you are?! Why are you back so late! I thought we had discussed you coming ri-," All Mights voice trailed off once he noticed the confused blondie staring blankly at you. You just sighed in annoyance as you covered your face with your hand.

"I'm his daughter/son," you said plainly to end the young boys confusion.

"I know you may have some questions young Bakugo, so if it doesn't trouble you in anyway you may come in for some coffee or tea and we can talk this over," Your father said as you rolled your eyes at how fake he sounded to you. Bakugo huh... I finally have some semblance of a name to his face.

Bakugo nodded his head as the three of you entered the house. "Coffee or tea?" Your dad asked both you and Bakugo.

"Tea sounds good!" Bakugo said with an oddly cheerful yet shy attitude.

"I don't drink coffee it makes me feel sick... You should know this by now father," you said in a cold tone. Your father had asked you this question more than once and every time the answer was, coffee makes me feel nauseous but he never seemed to remember the little things like that when it came to you. 

Once the tea was made and you all were sitting around the table All Might spoke up "Yes, Y/N is my daughter/son. There mother passed away when they were young and no, Y/N doesn't have my quirk nonetheless have one to begin with,"

"Wow... Don't you think that this is my life so I should be the one sharing? You clearly demonstrated that you know nothing about me countless times in the past," you remarked with irritation and hurt in your voice. Bakugo knew that your relationship with your father was worse than his with his mom Mitsuki, he could tell just by your voice that what you said really hit deep for you.

A/N this chapter is out a little late I am soooooo sorry! The next chapter will be longer to make up for it I promise! ❤️

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