Blood Lust

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"Well then go ahead Y/N," All Might said, feeling his heart ache. He loved you so much but the only way he knew how to love was through a smile that you despised because it didn't feel genuine to you. Nothing your father had ever done for you felt genuine, it all just felt forced or fake or it felt like it had intentions behind it other than just being your father. It felt like whenever he did anything that showed love toward you it was only to get you to love him back it was never for you to feel happy.

"Well, as he already said I'm his child. He decided that we would keep it a secret though for my protection," You used air quotes for the last part of the sentence. You thought that when your father said that he was just saying it because you were more of a burden to him than you were worth.

You looked at Bakugo and could tell he wanted to yell at you for being so rude to his idol but he kept his mouth shut for once. For some reason he really empathised with both you and your father. He didn't like how he felt, it was conflicting for him.

"Do you have any questions Mister Hero or can you leave now?' Bakugo's face went red from embarrassment of being called a hero in front of his idol and anger.

"WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS I HAVE AN ACTUALL NAME!" Bakugo  yelled at you trying to make it look less like he was embarrassed and more like it was just anger but you could see through his anger and it made you want to laugh. On the inside Bakugo was just afraid of his feelings and didn't want to seem weak in front of his idol. 

"Welllll  MISTER HERO, my name isnt dumb ass but that doesnt stop you from thinking it is," you put aside your tea and flicked his forhead basically throwing a bunch of gasoline on an already raging fire. He stood up about to blast you into oblivion but then he stopped once realizing he was making a scene in front of All Might. He then sat back down and just grumbled in annoyance.

"Y/N YOU SHOULD NOT TREAT OUR GUESTS LIKE THAT!" All Might raised his voice at you which startled you and you dropped your tea shattering the porcelain cup. Everything went silent. You stood there nervous as you apologetically looked up at your father and back at the shattered cup. All Might's reaction was unexpected, he started crying?

"Y/N... Do you know why this tea set was so special to me?' Your father asked as he bent down to start cleaning up the mess. "It was used on my first date with your mom," he responded before you could answer his question. He never really talked about your mom so you didn't know much about her.

"I- I am so so sorry," you said as you bent down to try and help your father with the shatter porcelain and the spilt tea, but he stopped you.

"You have done enough damage, young Bakugo I am sorry for Y/N's behaviour. I would like to ask you to leave if you have no other questions," You didn't know why but what All Might had said almost pushed you over the edge and there was something inside you that was just screaming at you to kill him?! Kill him just do it END IT ALL! The voice repeated this in your mind over and over again. This feeling was consuming your whole being. Killing him would be like a weight lifted off your shoulders!

You felt someone tap your shoulder and the voices stopped. "Y/N, I'm going to head out now if that's alright?" Bakugo had a look of concern on his face when talking to you that almost melted your heart. You had never seen him look so soft and caring before, it made you almost forget about everything that had happened.

"Y-Yeah it's probably for the best if you leave anyways," You said as you walked him to the door.

"Are you okay?" Bakugo asked.

You laughed a bit and then answered "Better than ever," your answer sent shivers down his spine with the coldness in your voice and the almost dead look on your face. You then ushered him out the door and shut it behind him without saying a goodbye. Something had changed in you, something was wrong.

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