The Truth

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Soft music in the background, flowers scattered on the ground, the most beautiful of view of the dewey Forest. But not as beautiful as the view that stands right In front of me. Cate in a white dress that hugs her body perfectly, walking down the aisle to meet her. People, family members, friends watching cate and I being paired in holy matrimony, to promise never to hurt one another, to always love each other, to love forever. Standing in front of her hand in hand, eye to eye, ever so happy. No words to be said just the feeling of our love. People standing, cates pulls me into a kiss.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

I open my eyes and groan. "Alright I hear you" I yell and shut off my alarm clock. I throw the blankets off me "it was a dream" I whisper and put my face into my hands and shake my head. One week, it's been one week since I left cates apartment and I haven't left mine once.

I put my feet onto the cold floor of my bed room and grab my phone from my night stand, I check Twitter every day to see if there's anything about cate. Nothing it's always nothing. I sigh and decide to search up her name. Just her biography some fan accounts I was about to give up when I see a link
"Leaked pictures of Cate Blanchett and her mistress".

I press the link to find pictures of cate and I kissing at the beach and when we were swimming and the one that hurt the most to look at ; cate picking me up over her shoulder as we smile and laugh. My heart sinks when I see that. A few tears fall from my eyes as I stare at the pictures.

I sigh and throw my phone down on the bed. I can feel my heart slowly beating in my chest and the sadness wash over me I'm waves starting at my chest travelling to my feet. I turn my body and look over my bed, a body pillow on the right side of the bed, the side Cate loves, her blanket and one of my own. I grab her blanket, wrapping it around myself And make my way to the kitchen. I pour myself a drink of water and lean against the kitchen counter. I play My dream in my head over and over again wishing it was real. I just want everything to go back to normal, I want to cuddle with cate and sit on her balcony with her as she smokes a cigarette. I think about the website, it hadn't occurred to me early. People are going to see that, they're going to know, this is going to make cate look bad.

I finish my water and go back to my room. I grab some clean pyjamas and walk to the bathroom, I turn the water on and walk back to my room as I wait for the water to heat up. Right as I walk in the door my phone rings, I was going to ignore it but I seen who it was from. Why is Kenneth calling me , how did he get my number.

"Hello" I answer

"Yes hello Y/N, listen it's been a week we need you here, cate is so stressed and has had to do extra work because you're not here. Can you come down"

"I don't know"I hesitate.

"please Cates been asking for you"

"Well why can't she can't call me her self" I scoff.

"I don't know just come, she needs you" hearing him say that made me feel horrible.

"Yeah give me an hour I'll be there" I say and hang up before he can reply. I walk to bathroom, I don't know if I should be excited or mad. She leaves me in the night and then blocks my number. I couldn't deny it I want to see her, I need her. I get in the shower and was my body and my hair quickly. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I wipe the steam off the mirror now seeing I look like shit. My eyes are blood shot and puffy, I have huge bags under my eyes that are pigmented with a dark purple almost a black. My nose is red and sore from wiping it so many times.

I take my makeup from under the sink and start to fix myself, I never wear much makeup so I didn't really know where to start. I put some concealer under my eyes and on my nose which seemed to help. I put on mascara and some highlighter on the inner corners of my eyes. I smile at myself slightly in the mirror considering this is the best I've looked in a week.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now