One To Remember

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We slowly advance towards the end of the split off dirt road, but instead of turning left on to the paved road Cate turns right onto a similar dirt trail except this one seems to be used more. The extent of the bumps are less and it seemingly more cars travel this way.

I still rack my brain, what could we possibly be doing back here.

We sit in comfortable silence, Cate has a loving hold on my thigh and my hand rests on top of hers.

As we drive further back, I start to see houses with docks leading out to the lake and people. Excitement grows in me , I bounce my leg up and down as I eagerly stare out the window. "I'm excited my dear" cate says slowing down the car.

"Me too" I reply softly and admire her from the side. The car comes to a stop and we're parked in front of a dock lightly hidden by the trees. Pixie lights that decorate the dock shine through the branches. The last of the sun rests just over the tree line, the lake and sky share an abstract mix of colours. Cate laces her hand with mine, my hand is brought to her lips and then gentle kisses are laid over my knuckles. "Come my darling" she instructs and takes her purse in her hands. I waste no time before hoping out of the car and meeting cate by my door, she holds my hand and leads me onto the dock.

The lake is a mirror, and the sky is a painting. The air is warm and I'm stood in front of the most wonderful view of them all. "Come" cate says and holds her hand out for me, I take it and we sit on the dock. Our legs dangle over the water and I rest my head on Cates shoulder. "I have a plan" she announces.

"What is it" I ask admiring the water. Cates finger hooks under my chin and I'm directed so she's in my sight.

"We" she starts and pulls her purse off her shoulder "are going to write something about each other on a piece of paper and then show each other" she explains and pulls off a piece of paper from the note pad that's kept in her purse. She hands me a piece of paper and a pen.

"So I can write anything" I question.

"Anything my dear" she smiles and starts to write "but you can't look at mine yet" she smiles widely at me and continues.

I think about what to write but settle on something I know she'll love.

When the sun sets, your charmingly timid eyes still shine bright. When one lays eyes upon their beauty , the astonishingly pale pools draw you in and never let you go. Once you observe their deep gaze you will be returning once again to feel an indestructible sentiment of love and passion, which they project. Now that I've studied your sparkling eyes, I never want to share a stare with another set.

I battle with the result, not completely content with what I've wrote.

Cate writes the last word on the page and meets my stare with a smile "ready" she asks. I take a deep breath before placing my work in her soft hand.
She gifts me with her paper and kisses my forehead before proceeding to read.

Y/N, someone of many words, many feelings, and many perfections. You took my heart and I never want you to give it back, it's yours. When I first seen you, my world no longer revolved around myself, it all changed when your soft lips opened and your intoxicatingly passionate phases recited in my mind, for all I know is you. All I want to know is you.
When you're present, the world spins a little slower, moments mean more, and every breath I savor, because time has a extraordinary way of showing us what really matters. Now, my sweet girl, stand up and look behind you.

With tears in my eyes, I'm taken back by the note.
My head shoots beside me and somehow cate has stood up and moved with me noticing, i put the note in my pocket then stand up and turn around.

My heart skips a beat when I see cate on one knee, and I ring box in her hand. I gasp and tears of joy coat my eyes. I can't speak as my breath is caught in my throat. "My sunshine, last time you weren't ready, but now we have grown. We are stronger than ever and I want to secure our bond" she pauses and sniffles with a smile. She opens the ring box to a beautiful twist cushion cut ring, with a big diamond in the middle, single happy tears fall down my face.

"If you will, I want to be my wife. I want us to share each other until our last breaths. Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me" every word of hers is coated in love, and honesty.

"Yes!! Yes please" I laugh lightly through my broken voice and my tear stained face. I put my hand out and she slips the perfect fitting ring on my finger. I wipe my face with my right hand and Cate kisses the one in front of her.

She stands up and cups my cheeks in her hands "I love you my sunshine" she assures me.

"I love you more" I sniffle before crashing my lips into hers.

Our lips move against each other, every care in the world vanishes once they collide. As our mouths move together cate seductively trails her tongue in loving movements over my bottom lip. My mouth reacts immediately and Cates tongue is soon colliding with mine. As her warm flesh glides again my own, thousands of sparkling butterflies storm in my stomach, each one filled with a different fondness for cate.
Her lips caress over mine and the taste of vanilla lip balm mixed with the sweet taste of cate remains in my senses.
Now as my breath starts to grow short I intake a great breath in search of oxygen, cate seems not to slow down. A continuous Motion of Cates tongue over mine sparks electricity, and every time my heart skips a beat.

Everything I wanted is now here, cate and I, her children, all I could wish for. More joyful tears drip down my face as my heart is over come with an indescribable bliss.

Now starting to feel light headed I'm left no choice other than separating, I pull her close one last time before letting her go.

"I can't believe this" I say after we break apart. I bring my fingers to my lips and smile.

"Believe it sweetheart" she says with an smile bigger than the ocean. all that has happened between us, all the laughs, all the cries, everything comes back to me.

Silent tears fall from my eyes and i hug into her chest, she wipes my tears. "honey, don't cry. This is happy" she tells me.

I nod and the corners of my lips pout as I am over joyed with emotion.

"You're adorable love" she strokes my hair. "Oh, I still need to read your note" she pulls it out of her pocket starts to read aloud.

As she reads my words her eyes fill with glassy tears, and she chokes on her words. With every word she pronounces, a blush falls over my cheeks and heat covers my face. "Sweetheart" she exclaims after completing.

I smile coyly and wipe her tears "even more beautiful when they're glassy" I say and kiss her cheek.

"No one in this world has ever made me feel the way you do"

"We are ment for each other" I cherish her beauty.

"You deserve it, I'm so proud of you sweetheart" a gentle kiss is laid on my forehead and her finger strokes lovingly over my cheek.

"I wish I met you sooner" I tell her with tears threatening once again.

"Me too sunshine, but you are so strong that you made it alone, and now you don't need to be strong anymore, I'm here to protect you" she pulls me into a hug after her speech.

"I'll protect you too" I sniffle and smile.

"You're my sweetheart"she says and strokes my cheek.

"And you're mine" I whisper and look into the eyes I love so much.

"Now" she pauses and picks me up bridal style (how ironic) "I'm going to treat my soon to be wife, and the light of my life" she places her forehead on mine and walks to the car.

"Not just me, you too" I say and kiss her lips gently.

"Anything for you my dear"

I know I said this update would be a while but I lied hehe. This wasn't how I planned cate to propose but this idea came to me and I thought it was better.
This chapter is really short but I felt like it deserves its own.
This definitely could have been written better but I hope you guys like it!!

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