Remember Me

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TW// Talk about Self harm scars

My eyes slowly flutter open, the bright sunlight illuminates the room as the lake glimmers and birds sing peaceful songs. It's a beautiful view to wake up to, but not as beautiful as the women who is laying under me. A smile beams on my lips and I admire her. like most mornings, I appreciate her, admire her, and become in complete awe of her.

I bring my attention to the clock, it reads 11am. Sighing, I rolling off of cate, I sit beside her and hold the blankets against my bare chest as I look out the window. I start to think about everything, how not even a year ago I was lost, lost in life, lost in mind. How deciding to apply for a job as Cates assistant was the best decision of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without her, I don't want to. Everything fell into place, I met cate and she saved me, I wouldn't have guessed she'd be my soulmate.
"Baby" I hear said soulmates tired voice call out for me as she plays with the ends of my hair.
I turn to be met by the admirable portrait of Cates natural face, no makeup, nothing, just her.

"Good morning" my voice is just as sleepy.

"Come here sunshine" she opens her arms and holds a sleepy grin.

Forgetting about the pain that lies in between my legs, I snappily move but wince at the pain the shots up my core. "Careful dear" cate chuckles lightly and strokes my cheek with her index finger. I smile big and cautiously move my leg over her.

I'm now straddling her waist, no blankets covering us, just our bodies together. Cate trails her fingers over my lower abdomen, slowly caressing each scar. I now longer feel ashamed, cate makes me feel proud, proud that they're scars and not cuts. Proud I made it through, that I'm strong. I reach my hand and touch her scar, proof that we're both strong, that we make each other strong. "Y/N" she whispers.

"Yes" I answer softly.

"Someday, when I'm gone" she starts, I feel my heart sink and tears blur my vision "I want you to remember me". The tears that once threatened to full now release quietly.

"I will always" I whisper and look down at her finger that is tracing hearts over my lower abdomen.

"Pick one" she looks up at me, she now has glistening tear drops coating her wonderful eyes.


"Pick a scar, to remember me by" she instructs softly.

I look down at the scars that spread across my stomach, each one seemingly fading, now just a distant memory. "This one" I trail my finger over the most prominent scar. Cate carefully turns me onto my back and lowers herself so her cheek is near the chosen scar and she's resting on top of my legs.

"Every time you miss me" she starts, she holds me protectively with one arm and with the other as trailing her finger over the discoloured skin. "Or you're sad" her voice breaks and tear spill from my eyes silently. "I want you to look at this scar, and think of me. I want you to remember this feeling" she looks up, to see me with a tear stained face and a dreading expression "no tears my sweet girl, this is happy" she whispers.

She kisses little kisses over the scar "remember this feeling" she kisses me once more. I nod slightly and memorize the sensation. "Remember this" she runs her finger over, once again my heart skips a beat as I commit to memory. "And this" she blows over the scar, a shiver shoots through my spine and a light chuckle leaves her lips.

She crawls up my body and cups my cheek with her hand "don't be sad my beautiful angel, I don't want you to be sad. Show me your beautiful smile"

I chuckle lightly and wipe my tears, with a tear stained face, I smile the best I can. "There it is" she says softly, her smile is soon to come.

As our naked bodies lay with each other, I feel complete, she's the missing piece, she always will be. "I have planned our day" she tells me.

"Is it good" I ask looking deep into her eyes.

"Amazing" she says but seems not to be paying attention to the conversation, more so my face. Her eyes dart from my lips to my cheeks to my forehead.

"What is it" I Ask.

"I don't know how my baby is so beautiful" she exclaims now meeting my eyes. I can't fight the smile that beams, a smile of true joy. "Now come on you beautiful sleepy head, we need to get up" she kisses my lips quickly before retreating off of me at standing at the end of the bed.

"Wait" I call and crawl to the end of the bed and kneel in front of her.

"What is it baby" she strokes my hair.

I kiss her scar, slowly with no rush, projecting every once of love I have. I look up at her once again "I love you".

" I love you too my sunshine, you're a sweetheart", she grabs my hands and pulls me up into her arms, I wrap my legs around her waist and she holds me tight. "Now let's get dressed, I can't wait to show you what I have planned".

Short chapter :(
I cried making this, sorry if it was boring but it's very emotional to me because I have similar scars to Y/N so whenever i see them I think of cate 🥺

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