All Yours

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Y/F/N = your friends name

We pull up in front of Cates sisters house. "Oh god I'm nervous" I say and rub the palms of my hands on my thighs, a nervous habit of mine. Cate puts her hand on mine making me stop my actions.

"hey it will be fine stop stressing"she says in a soft voice, her accent bringing me comfort. I breath out shakily.

"What is they don't like me a-a-and you leave me"I say my voice breaking and tears threatening to fall from my eyes. She holds my hand entwining our fingers together.

"I. will. never. leave. you. Y/N." She says in all seriousness. I nod and wipe my eyes with a snif.

The front door of her sisters house opens and her four kids walk out, Edith skipping which is the most adorable sight. Luckily Cate's car is a huge SUV with two backseats.

Dashiell opens the door and the kids get in.
Edith sits in the seat behind cate, Ignatius behind me, Roman and Dashiell sit in the very back of the car. "Alright kids everyone out there seatbelts on" cate says and turns on the car.

All the kids put there seatbelts on but cate doesn't leave, she looks at me and gives me an encouraging look, I take a deep breath. I turn around in my seat so I can face the children. "Hi kids it's so nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" the older children just smile and mumble some "hi's" and "nice to meet you" but Edith speaks up "we know mommy told us" she smiles and swings her legs back and forth, I turn to cate and then back to the children "your mommy told you about me" I ask in curiosity.

"Yep she said that you're her girlfriend and that you're beautiful and that she loves you" she says cheerfully. My heart fills with joy , my cheeks cover in a light shade of blush and a huge smile grows upon my face.

"Oh well I love your mom very much as well" I smile and look back to cate. I lean in and give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Ewwww" Edith says and scrunches up her face. Cate and I laugh.

"Do it again, do it's again" Edith giggles. I lean into cate and peck her lips a couple times.

"Ewwww" Edith says once again. I turn back into the proper sitting position and cate drives away.

On the drive to the first house Edith is very talkative.
Asking questions like; what's my favourite colour, my favourite food, my favourite song.
I really like her, the other children didn't really speak a lot which made me kind of sad.

"Ok and here we are" cate says and turns off the car. I turn to the kids.

"You guys ready" I ask and turn my body towards the kids. The older ones shrug but Edith claps her hands and squeals making me laugh.

"Alright let's go" cate says stepping out of the car.

When I step out of the car I see a huge house made off white brick, it has a stair case leading to the main door and lots of windows.

"Oh my goodness cate this is beautiful" I exclaim.
I walk around the car to stand beside her, she wraps her arm around my waist.

"I'm glad you like it" she smiles looking down at me.
"Alright let's go look in side, shall we" she says. We start to walk to the house. "Here Edith take my hand" she reaches her hand out for her.

"I want to hold Y/N'a hand" she says shyly. I look up to cate and smile.

"Yes of corse you can hold my hand" I say and she places her hand in mine. I look to cate and she has the biggest smile on her face, I smile back and we walk across the road.

Cate opens the front door to the house. We step into a huge main lobby with other rooms splitting off in all directions.

"Can we look around mama" Edith asks in awe of the house.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now