Kick it

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With an aching back I slowly wake up in cate arms, I groan and cuddle into her warm body. "Oh sweetheart, you're awake"

"No not yet, I'm asleep" I mumble into her chest.

"Yeah yeah okay" she chuckles. "How was your sleep"

"As good as it gets in the front seat of a car" I joke.

"Oh hush" she scoffs jokingly.

"You're a big dummy" I joke "I can't believe you got us lost" I groan.

I look up at her with a smile, "I'm just kidding" I plant a kiss on her cheek, then her nose and then her lips.

"You're adorable baby" she coos. A shade of red is painted on my cheeks and I cuddle back into her chest. "What do we say we get going, the kids still don't know we're out here" she explains as her hand trails up and down my spine.

"Ahh right" I sigh.

"What is it dear" she asks.

"I don't know. I just, don't want this vacation to end"

"I know, but I promise there will be so many more in the future" she tells me.

"Okay, I'm excited to see Edith. I miss her"

"Me too sunshine, but let's get going"

"Can I drive?"

"I don't know, do you think you can handle the bad roads?"

"Probably better than you" I joke and take her hand in mine.

"Hey I'm a great driver" she laughs pretending to be offended.

"Oh yeah, that's exactly why we're lost in the middle of nowhere"

"Fine fine, you can drive" she chuckles and shifts in the seat.

I open the door and hop out before quickly running to the drivers seat, I throw open the door and get in quickly. "Oh don't forget" cate grabs my bag and opens the front pocket. She takes out my anxiety medication and places one pill in her hand. She the takes a bottle of water from the cup holder and hands them to me.

"Thank you" I take the pill and water from her and quickly take my medication. "I'm sorry for what happened last night" I sigh and hold onto the steering wheel with two hands.

"Hey, it's not your fault baby. Don't apologize" she lays her hand on my thigh and caresses it light.

"I love you"

"I love you too my dear" she leans over and kisses my cheek. I smile coyly before turning on the car and driving away.


Approaching twenty minutes into our drive home cate has lost herself in sleep and incorrigible snores pervade the once peaceful silence. "Cateee" I chuckle and shake her arm, keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

"yeah okay, you're gay" she mumbles, clearly dreaming something wild.

"Babe wake up" with determination I rattle her arm until her eye lids flutter open. I share glances between the road and her, "hey, you were snoring really bad and I'm bored" I pout. Completely disregarding my call for attention, her eyes shut and she begins to fall into a slumber. "Cate wake up"

"Yes sweetheart" she mumbles.

"Please I'm bored" I pout.

"Listen to some music, or put the windows down" she suggests.

"No I want you"

"I'm here, I'm awake and ready to listen" she sleepily rests her hand on my thigh, and with love contriving from her touch she rubs her thumb over my skin.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now