You're All I Need

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Looking around the small yet beautiful cabin, I gasp in admiration

The interior is Made of wood panels, varying different shades of browns, the main living space consists of a kitchenette, and a two small brown love-seats.

"Wow" I exclaim.

"Yeah it's quite amazing" cate drops our bags on the hardwood floor and takes my hand. "Come look" she tilts her head in the opposite direction and proceeds to guide me through the cabin.

"This is the kitchen" cate waves her arm towards the kitchenette with enthusiasm.

"I like it"

"Ok ok come on" cate excitedly guides me to one of the doors at the back of the cabin.

She opens one of the two doors to reveal a cute little bathroom. "This is the bathroom" she smiles widely "and this is the bathtub we are going to have sex in" she says after letting go of my hand and sitting on the side of the tub. I giggle and approach her, she holds my waist and pulls me in between her legs, she lifts her hand rubs her thumb over my bottom lip "I can't wait to hear you scream for me" she coos. I blush deeply and bite my lip, she slowly trails her index finger over my jaw and then grabs my neck, she pulls me close to her and connects our lips.

Her lips are so soft, the feeling of them on mine is a feeling I missed deeply when she was gone. She only kisses me long enough for me to Inhale her warm breath and then she pulled away. "Come on" she whispers and takes my hand.

She leads me to the other room, she opens the rough wood door to show a beautiful bedroom, with a high wood ceiling and a bed that takes up most of the space in the middle of the back wall. Cate places her hand on my lower back and guides me in, I stand in front of the bed in awe of the beautiful room.

Cate stands behind me, she rests one hand on my hip and moves my hair away from my neck with the other.

"You like it?" she whispers in my ear. My eyes are closed and I can feel myself getting wet with each breath I take.

"Mmm" I hum in approval.

"This is where I'm going to fuck so hard, and make you scream for mommy" she starts kissing my neck.

"What else"I pant.

"First" she starts trailing her finger up my stomach under my sweater.

"I'm going to tease you, make you beg" she whispers in my ear "then, I'm going to make up cum hard, and the whole time you'll be begging for mommy's touch" she grazes her teeth over the shell of my ear.

"Hmm please" I whine. Cate grabs my hips and turns me around, I'm now facing her. She backs me up and lays me on the bed, I wrap my legs around her waist as she stands between them.

She starts kissing and sucking my neck. "Yes mommy" I whine as she bites down on my neck and quickly soothes it with her tongue. Her hand trails down my stomach over my shorts and then cups my center.

She starts palming my wet pussy over my shorts "mmm mommy" I breathe out. She continues sucking on my neck, definitely leaving marks, her hand moves up and she goes to to unzip my shorts.

*BANG* goes the front door, cate and I jump up. "What is that" I ask panicked and grab Cates hand tight.

"We're here" The familiar voice of Sarah calls out. I sigh in relief but keep my hand in Cates.

"Can't they knock" cate chuckles and rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"Cate" Sandra calls out.

"We're coming" answers cate.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now