Not as simple as it seems

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( I respect Andrews and Cates relationship very much this is just a story)
short chapter but you guys will love it 😘

I run down the hall trying to contain my tears, I could ruin her life, what does the mean. I hear cate running behind me, but I keep going. Flash backs of the night at the beach come back. laughing, cate chasing me, being lifted up. Our laughs echo in my head. My vision goes blurry, my head is spinning, I can hear people around me, someone touches my shoulder. *BANG* and I'm out.

My eyes open slightly, the bright light causes a sharp pain in my temples. I screw my eyes shut and groan.
"Are you awake" I hear cate ask, I can't reply verbally so I just hum. I feel her hug me, it feels nice. I let out a relieved sigh. Opening my eyes I see I'm laying on on the couch cate has in her dressing room "what happened" I strain.

She's sitting in a chair that she must have pulled up to the couch. "You passed out" she tells me. "When was the last time you ate Y/N" she asks seriously.

"I had a granola bar on Wednesday" I answer guilt-ridden.

"Y/N that's not enough it's Friday" she says in worry whilst stroking my hair.

"I know I just didn't have the energy to get up and prepare anything" I whisper.

"I'm so sorry I did this"

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't have kissed you" I assure her.

"No it's my fault, I thought I could fix this by myself" she pauses "but it's going to take time".

"But I could 'ruin' your life" I quote her.

"No that's not what I meant."she sheds a few tears.

"Than what you mean" I desperately ask.

"I mean, when we go public, I'm scared it's going to ruin me career NOT my life, I didn't mean to say life." I just nod my head trying under stand.

"So you chose your career over me" I say under my breath.

"No not at all, I chose you over all things, but I'm scared that if I'm not a big successful actress you won't want me" she say anxiously.

"No cate not at all, I love you so much, I don't care if we live in smelly old apartment and work three jobs. As. Long. As. I'm. With. You." I reassure her.

She bends over and rests her head on my chest "I love you too my sweet girl, but after today we can't be seen together, Andrew is very angry and I'm scared he might hurt you and he will be angry when I tell him about the divorce "she says calmly as if it's normal.

"Cate has he hurt you" I ask seriously concerned. She doesn't answer. "Cate" I panic .

"Yes" she whispers. My heart literally stops how could anyone hurt her why would anyone do that she doesn't deserve that. Lift her head off my stomach and made her look at me.

"I'm so sorry, come here" I say signalling her to lay down. She gets off the chair and lays onto me resting her head on my chest. I play with her hair. "Does he still hurt you" I ask.

"No he hasn't in a long time" she splutters. I hold her tight. We lay together on the couch for half and hour. I just listen to her breathing, it's the calmest I've been in a long time. I tap her shoulder.


"Yes dear" she says lifting her head off my chest to took at me.

"I don't want too, but we need to get up". I sigh.

"You're right, I don't want too though" she says and snuggles back up to me. I wiggle under her.

"Come on I'm not joking,plus you're heavy" I joke.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now