More Surprises

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A warm breeze blows over my face as birds chirp and the sun just peeks over the trees.

With my back faced to cate, I groan as the clock reads 6:00 am. Despite my efforts, sleep seems not to come.

I sigh and turn onto my other side, cate lays partially on her side, with her right arm under her head and the left hung over her side. I smile and shift into her body. Now close to her, I position my head on her pillow. With my forehead touching her bare chest and my legs tangled with hers.

I listen to the beat of her heart and the rythme of her soft breathing. As her warmth projects onto me, I trail my hand over her frame. Taking extra time to appreciate what she calls 'flaws' but I call perfections. "Sweetheart that tickles" she mumbles, still half asleep.

"Hmm, maybe Ill get pay back from all your tickles" I tease and trail my hand over her stomach.

"Don't even think about it" she grins sleepily.

"Or what" I say smugly and start to move my hand over her skin.

"Baby" she groans "if you don't stop you'll regret it"

"Maybe I want to regret it" I tease.

"No. You. Don't" she chuckles and pulls me onto her, I now lay on her chest and stare into her icy pools. I giggle and kiss her lips gently, "what time is it" she asks after I pull away.

"6:20" I reply.

"You really felt the need to wake me up at this hour of the morning" she laughs and rakes her fingers through my hair.

"I didn't mean to" I trace circles over her chest with the tip of my finger and yawn lightly.

"You're exhausted, sleep more" she instructs.

"I can't, I tried" I huff.

"Well than, let me sleep more" she says closing her eyes.

"Nooo I'm bored" I pout and rest my forehead on her chest.

"Well what do you want to do than" she asks caressing my lower back.

"Mmm, welll" I trail off and cup Cates breasts in my hands.

"Not now princess, later I promise"

"You've made me wait so long" I start to kiss her neck and up her jaw.

"I know, but you'll be glad I did tonight" she holds my cheeks in her hands.

"Fine" I sigh, "than just a kiss" I ask.

"Yes kiss me baby" she grins before her lips are smothered in mine. The kiss is gentle, soft and caring. Her lips glide over mine, as butterflies take flight in my stomach with every move she takes. She places her hands on my cheek and mine are tangled in her blonde locks. Her tongue peacefully slips into my mouth and starts playing with mine. I gently suck on her tongue as we kiss. This is nice, we never just kiss.

We continue to make out as birds sing peaceful melodies and the sun rises.

We kiss until time is lost, oxygen is now a must and can no longer be ignored. Slowly we separate as we don't want the moment to end.

I lay on Cates chest, out of breath and full of joy. "God I love you" she exclaims whilst holding my cheeks. I nuzzle into her hand and a small blush covers my cheeks.

"I love you more" my smile is so big my mouth hardly moves as I speak.

"I don't think so" she says like every time, something I've come to love.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now