Beautiful Love 

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Cates mouth moves over mine as we walk into our bedroom after utterly omitting the greetings from our friends sitting on their patio.

I stumble back as her hands hold my lower back and our lips slip passionately over each other. lightly sat on the bed, cate catches my hips in her astonishing hands as her lips share our saliva. My breath fails to remain floaty, more so hard exhalations push against mine and Cates mouths.

Cates hands fondle my sides and my hips commence to stroke in waves.

A light pressure in forced onto my shoulder with her tender touch. Slowly, my back comes in contact with the plush mattress and the relieving compression of Cates body on top of mine is heavenly. She continues to caress love sick kisses over my lips, my hands find themselves on either side of her face, trying to mix in as much emotion as possible.

Her tongue slips over mine, her sweet taste enters my mouth earning a moan of gratitude to escape my lips.

Our chests hit against each other as we are at a loss of breath, cate slips on hand under my head and pushes me harder into her lips. No matter how close we are it's not enough, I long to feel every inch of her soft skin on mine. The act of love could not cast a more beautiful portrait than the image of cate and I in this moment.

The windows remain open and the warm evening breeze dances past the curtains making them flap, clouding the view of the dark blue sky, light from the moon bounces off the lake illuminates the room. Cate separates her lips and hovers over me as she looks deep into my eyes. I stare back as my mouth remains slightly open, taking in shallow breaths as my aroused body lets me not to calm down.

My breath trembles and every heart beat comes closer to hopping out of my chest, my dress rides up to my waist as my legs wrap around Cates waist. She reaches her hand and rubs her thumb over my bottom lip "I can't describe how much I love you" she whispers. I'm over run with emotions, Ive never felt so much love as she plantes an adoring kiss on my forehead, then my cheek, around my jaw and stopping right above my collar bone "my sweet girl" she coos in between attentive kisses, making sure she shows affection to my favourite spots.

My fists gather the sheets and breathy moans flee from my mouth when Cate's hands slip under my dress ever so slowly, dragging her nails over my sensitive skin, resulting in goosebumps exploding over my skin.

She continues to gently suck on my neck, always returning to my sweet spot.

Her hands push up my body, and start massaging my breasts under the thin fabric of my dress, she moves her mouth down my neck and stops at the hem of the dresses collar. "Let's take this off" she whispers and pulls on its fabric.

I lift my arms and arche my back, giving her less struggle when she pulls the dress over my head.

She pauses for a moment, I look into her eyes before they scan my body. Her finger slides down my chest, down my stomach until she reaches my panties, she hooks her enchanting fingers on the the seam of my soaked panties. I let my legs fall open, hoping she would start to deliver pleasure after she worked her magic, making sure I need her one-of-a-kind touch.

Crawling down my body, Cate glides hands down my sides. The arche of my back becomes higher and a low volume gasp is in took through my half open mouth.

Her hands travel down my hip, down my thighs and then leave my body. My heart rate remains it's same rapid pace and butterflies squall in my stomach, my body is hot and and my center throbs as I wait for Cate to touch me.

Taking me by surprise, a gentle kiss is laid on my calf, followed all the way up my leg. Voluptuous pulsates flow up my body, making me shiver and a whiny gasp slips away.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now