Tell me about it

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I'm just going to apologize in advance 🥲

"Y/N will you marry me?"

My heart stops, seeing her like this is the most beautiful thing. This was what I needed to trust her, but I don't need to marry her.

"No..." I say with a smile, of course I want to marry cate but not like this. Her face drops and her eyes fill with tears.

"W-what" she stutters as her voice breaks.

"I said no cate" I'm still smiling.

"Why are you smiling" she cries, I get down on my knees in front of her and place both my hands on her cheeks.

"I want to marry you cate...but when we are ready" I pause and wipe her tears "I don't want to get married out of pity". She stays quiet and more tears stream down her face. "I forgive you cate" I whisper. "I trust you". She stops and her face is no longer sad, yet filled with joy.

"Really" she asks in a weak voice. I nod my head but before I can say anything her lips are on mine, electricity sparks as our lips move together in a dance of love, every moment makes my heart flutter, I've missed her soft lips, I can taste her sweetness with a mixture of salty tears. I put my hands on the back of her neck and pull her closer, she stands up and puts one hand on my waist and hold the ring box in the other.

I try to kiss her as long as I can but My lungs, my stupid, stupid lungs long for oxygen, I caress my lips over hers one more time before I pull away from the kiss, I stand breathless looking into Cates icy blue eyes, which right now couldn't be more beautiful. The sun is shining against her skin making all her features more evident, from her gorgeous bone structure to her expression lines that she hates so much. I trail my fingers over her laugh lines all the way up to her worrying wrinkles. "You're so beautiful" I whisper studying her face, she stays quiet and looks over my face as well. She lifts her hand and runs it over my least favourite parts of my body. Starting at my lower abdomen ,where the most of my scars lay, up my stomach to my jaw line and then over my acne scars, my body erupts with goose bumps

"and you're perfect" she whispers smiling. A heavy blush falls over my cheeks and tears of joy well up in my eyes. I blink away and last tears that want to fall and look down at the ring box in Cates hand and then back to her.

"I love you more than anything" I say in brutal honesty.

"I love you more" she says and strokes my hair.

"Now put that away silly" I laugh and put my hand over hers which is holding the ring. She laughs and puts it in her pocket, before I can do anything I'm lifted off the ground into Cates arms, I giggle and wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. I rest my four head on hers.

"Do you want to go home sunshine" she asks closing her eyes.

"No not yet" I whisper, a smile grows on my face and I quiet chuckle escapes my lips. "What are the paparazzi gonna think" I laugh.

"Hmm" she pauses "they are going to know that I am in a relationship with the love of my life" she smiles. My heart flutters and I peck her lips gently. She starts to walk away from the water until we reach the dry sand. She lays down on her back with me on top of her.

"You're going to get sand on you" I laugh.

"I'll deal with it" she chuckles and rubs my back "how about later we can have a nice tub together" she suggests, I smile widely and nuzzle my head into her neck. But my smile quickly fades as I remember what I can't show her.

"Yeah that sounds nice" I lie, I'll take care of it when the time comes. I don't want to talk about my problems, it's Cates turn. We stay quiet for a moment and cate holds me protectively. "Cate?" I finally speak up.

Not a perfect love story  ~ Cate x Reader Where stories live. Discover now