Part 2

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She came to her apartment door and tapped the door bell. The door opened in a few seconds revealing a middle aged woman. She is the head of the servants who work for Y/N. Every maid has their own duty. She smiled seeing Y/N. Y/N smiled back at her.

Maid: ma’am, your dinner is ready. You can go and refresh yourself then have your dinner.

Y/N: auntie, how many times have I told you to not call me ma’am. I am your daughter’s age. Call me by my name.

Y/N blurted. Even though she was the most successful CEOs but she wasn’t arrogant. She has shed her blood, sweat and tears to achieve it. So she values her success. Even though she could have behaved rudely to her but she hasn’t forgotten her manners which her mother taught her. The maid smiled sweetly to her and said,

Maid: ok Y/N… your dinner is ready.

She then handed the other maid her essentials and said,

Y/N: Actually auntie, I am not hungry. You guys can eat.

She said and went to her room before the maid could say anything. they knew she skips meals. It was her regular activity. The maid often gets stressed about her health. She only gives priority to her work. She doesn’t realize her health was weakening due to lack of eating. She had become pale.
Y/N went to her bedroom. she was really exhausted and tired because of today’s work and award ceremony. She went to her closet and pull out her oversized hoodie and a jogger. She went to the restroom. She lay herself down on the bathtub. Her head was resting on the headboard of the bathtub. The water was warm enough to relax her body. She closed her eyes and calmed herself. Her body was getting numb because of staying a long time in the bathtub. Warm water was touching her bare skin giving pleasure to her body. Then warm crystal tears fall on the bathtub mixing with the water. her eyes were still close but tears were streaming down through her cheeks.

Let’s say another feeling was unbearable pain in her heart. She was in unconditional heart ache. Her heart was crying. she was disturbed not physically but mentally.

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. When you are lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost. For the longest time, you can convince yourself that you have just wandered off the path, that you will find your way back to the trailhead any moment now. then night falls again and again, you still have no idea where you are, and it’s time to admit you have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you don’t even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.

She came back from the restroom wearing the hoodie and joggers. She sat on her bed and rested her head on the headboard of the bed. She spent some time scrolling through her social Medias but she was bored. She put the phone down. She wasn’t feeling sleepy. It was her general thing. She cannot sleep at nights. She then opened the side drawer and found some sleeping pills. She consumed two sleeping pills. She lay herself down on the bed and after sometimes she fell asleep.

But what was the reason of being in such a pain? She had everything, her own company, money, fame, respect, luxury what not. Then why was she feeling empty? Why was her heart aching? What happened to her? Why the feeling grief was dominating her other feelings?

she woke up very early in the morning. The sun was rising. She went to her balcony. Cool breeze was blowing and was touching her face. The cold wind was giving her peace. Her hair was flying. She was holding the handrail. Totally soothing her heart and mind. She recalled something……….

???: Get out from my life. Just leave………

she recalled and a tear escaped her eyes. she then went back to her room and got ready for her job. She almost became like a robot. She rarely smiles. She rarely talks to anybody. She only focuses on her work and nothing else.

To be continued

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