Part 27

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I came to the cafe after asking Jisoo to leave me alone for some time.

I am currently waiting for Kai to come. After some time Kai came to me and hugged me warmly. I am glad he considers me as his friend.

Taehyung: Kai, I wanted to speak to you about something...

He nodded while saying

Kai: Yeah sure...go ahead

Taehyung: I know Y/N doesn't want to share that with me but without knowing the truth completely, I can't be able to heal her fully. She needs me and my comfort but there is something which is becoming a reason for her to separate herself from me. I love her and I don't want to do the same mistake as I did in the past. I want to understand her and without knowing everything, I can't understand her fully. It will only create distance between us which I don't want. I want her back in my life now.

Kai: Taehyung, actually she is an infertile.....

Those mere words crashed my heart inch by Y/N can't be pregnant. She can't be the mother of my child. I can't be a no this can't be happening..I felt my heart just drenched.

A tear escaped my eye

Taehyung: I don't believe Kai...she can be pregnant with my child...I can be a dad...I don't believe in this Bullshit..I mean..why ..

Kai: see, this is why Y/N didn't want to share it with you, because she knew you would react like this. She knew you would be disappointed with her and you will think her as an incomplete woman or any useless woman. She thought she would gradually become a burden to you and you would eventually fall out of love. She thought that you might not need her in the future and you might have to go to another woman for your needs and then eventually abandoned her. She used to think she is useless as a wife, she used to think, she couldn't give you your happiness and she couldn't become an ideal she decided to leave....

I then realised that I was overreacting hearing the truth. But I cannot feel anything right now. I am feeling my nerves are getting slower and my arms are getting numb. My breaths are getting heavier. There are emotions which are getting mixed with each other. I can't decide which emotions and feelings are dominating now. The pain of not going to be a father of the child of my Y/N or the regret of not being able to be beside her when she alone was suffering. I curse myself for not being with her when she was in pain. I mean, she must be miserable after hearing the reports but she suppressed it in fear of my rejection. She feared I might hate her. The amount of hurt of mine is nothing compared to her. She can't be a mom and this must be the most worst feeling of every woman. But every husband should be there with his wife to support her but I was being a stupid that I didn't understand her pain and believed she cheated on me. How can I be so irresponsible.

Kai: This is what she feared Taehyung, you are disappointed in her and you are also thinking that why isn't she an incomplete woman. Am I right?

He said and I shocked my head in no
Kai: You are also acting like ever typical guy..

Taehyung: No Kai, my Y/N is perfect with all her imperfections. She can't be a mom that doesn't mean she is incomplete or useless as a woman or a woman. It is fate who doesn't want her to be a mom. She is more than enough for me. She completes me with all her flaws. She did everything for me to be happy which any random girl who could become pregnant of my child couldn't do. she was with me in all my sorrows and sufferings which any random girl of my child couldn't do. She didn't leave my hand when I was struggling to become a successful man. She was with me in my success and failure. She didn't leave me alone for a moment.  She understood my all fears and weakness then why can't I. I am not disappointed in my Y/N, rather I am Disappointed in myself for not being able to be beside her when she needed me the most. And I didn't need a kids making machine for me. I wanted a life partner for me who would understand me and never leave in my every sphere of life. And yes I wanted our child to be the symbol of our unconditional love. I didn't want child to proceed our generation. Besides there are so many ways.  We will try every single way but if it doesn't work then I would still not leave my Y/N's hand. I have hold her hand, not to leave her hand. I still love her the same way I had loved her. In fact I love her more now and I respect her more now. She did all of this for my happiness and wellbeing.  But she forgot she, herself is my happiness and wellbeing. I love my Y/N

Kai looked at me proudly smiling .I smiled back.

Kai: I am proud of you Taehyung.

I nodded and he hugged me. Now I know what my Y/N was going through.  She was in pain. Now I want to vanish her all pains and sufferings. I want her to be mine now desperately.

To be continued

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