Part 31

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My tears trickled down thinking he loves me inspite me hurting him the most

Y/N: Taehyung but I have hurt you many times...I Kai...incident...I love made mockery of your love and..o.our..dream home.I told you th..that you can't give me what Kai can give me...but the truth is I can't give you your happiness, you wanted kids from the very beginning of our marriage but me being an incomplete woman and inf....

I couldn't continue more because he embraced me very delicately showing his love for me.

Taehyung: Don't ever say are not incomplete neither useless....its just fate which decided this thing for us. But fate has opened other ways also for us to be parents and to be with each other. And I am everything what you said. Actually I am incomplete as a man....

I shook my head hugging him back as tightly as possible.

Taehyung: I am not physically incomplete but I am incomplete as a human and as a husband. I cannot fulfil my duties being a husband. I couldn't be with you in your worst times. I couldn't be there for you to comfort you when you heard this news..I am really sorry for not being with you when you were threatened by that bustard Geller. You being the wife of Kim Taehyung had to suffer from all of this things. I couldn't save you from getting beaten this much.

He said and painful tears fall on his cheeks.

I wiped it with my thumbs looking at him after pulling out from the hug

Taehyung: I am irresponsible as a husband. And I.. I.. said those curse and harsh words to you...ab.about your character...I have insulted your dignity without knowing the actual fact I know I don't deserve to loved or forgiven.....I am sorry.. I am sorry baby..

I shook my head vigorously and he leaned in to attach his lips with mine. Within a second my lips were captured in the most passionate way it could ever be.  His tears fall on my cheeks.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me more close to him but cautiously as he might hurt me. He pulled me more closer as he gently deepen the kiss. I smiled and kissed him back with all the love I had for him and still have for him and only him.

His kiss showed how he needed me, my warmth and my affection. His kiss showed he was desperate to feel me, he was longing for me to be on his arms. His kiss was showing how he was desperately wanting to show his love. His kiss was also showing regret of saying me all of that...

But my kiss showed, I have accepted him full heartedly this time. My respect for him gradually grow up. Again I can't give him more pain now. He already suffered enough because of me. He still doesn't deserve me but he cannot live without me neither I can live without him. So let the things happen on its own. I can't leave him now, he might die this time because of my separation.

I curse myself for hurting this man...his heart still belongs to me.

The kiss was not the starting of intimacy or anything...the kiss was just melting both their broken hearts to get attached but this time with each other. The kiss had no tongue involvement, no signs of lust, just embracing each other with all their faults and mistakes.


He pulled out after a really long lasting kiss and smiled cheekily to her so does she.

Taehyung: Will you Mary me...again this by accepting my all faults

He smiled in between her tears

Y/N: I will Marry you but this time if you only accept my all faults....

He hugged her as delicately as possible and kissed her forhead.

He pulled out a ring and she widened her eyes

Y/N: you already brought a ring, but my previous wedding ring

He chuckled a little as she pout

Taehyung: this ring is for accepting with all my faults and good qualities.

He smiled ear to ear. And placed her hand ahead him then he softly slide the ring on her ring finger.


Y/N: but I have no ring....

He giggled again

Taehyung: I know, I bought it with me...

I widened my eyes

Y/N: you knew, I would say yes....

He smirked and nodded

Y/N: what if I said no?

I teased him

Taehyung: then I had to forcefully Marry know what I mean?

He smirked again leaning close to my neck. I felt my cheeks heated up. A strange shiver run down my spine after so many days. I pushed him slightly

Y/N: Taehyung we are in the hospital..behave

We laughed together then...

Taehyung: we are going to Paris....tonight...for our pre honeymoon

He smirked and said

Taehyung: are you ready for it?

He switched in his perverted mode again. I facepalmed myself

Y/N: yahh stop being pervert.....

I hit his shoulder playfully and he fake cried. How I love this life. But please God don't take this life from me. I want to be with Taehyung. I want him to be happy and also me. but what will happen if Geller and his daughter know about this. What if they hurt my Taehyung again?

To be continued

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