Part 44

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Taehyung’s Pov

I am outside of our mansion near our car. We are leaving for Hawaii today. So we are bidding good bye to our daughters. I am staring at my wife, my love, my Y/N. she is looking really beautiful in light yellow embroidered dress. She is really perfection. Meanwhile she is talking with my two angels while kneeling down to their level at the entrance of our house. And my little two bunties are listening to their mom attentively. I giggled seeing their reactions while nodding to their mom. They are really a mix of me and Y/N. I am really proud of my babies. They agreed without any kind of hesitation for our trip to Hawaii.
This is all I want, my beautiful family with Y/N. this life is more peaceful than I imagined. I never imagined my life will be this much perfect…
It really gives me shivers when I remember that incident. I thought I lost my Y/N. I thought that was the end of my life. I can never imagine myself and my life without her.

I ran to my babies to give them a hug. But I stopped when I heard Y/N.

Y/N: baby listen don’t trouble police uncle ok? If you don’t like there then call granny ok. She will take you to their home ok? And yeah Jungkook uncle will come sometimes to visit you.

Aera : we will take care of us..and will not disturb police uncle

Chief Uncle was also admiring my babies’ etiquettes like me standing not so far.

I smiled at my babies, they have so good manners.

Aerum: and mom we will not disturb uncle, I promise.

She winked at her and she widened her eyes and we laughed loud

Y/N: where did you learn that?

Me and Aerum got nervous and then Aera said to her

Aera: dad always does that looking at you when he says

“ Y/N you look very beautiful today that I can’t control myself anymore”

She imitated me. She widened her eyes and glared at me and I laughed awkwardly.

Y/N: baby don’t do that ok? You are not grown up yet..

They nodded and I also nodded while pouting

She smiled looking at me and got up from kneeling down.

Y/N: and you my big baby..don’t do this ok?
I looked at her and nodded while pouting.
She again kneeled down

Y/N: babies listen eat your food timely and sleep on time, I will call you guys ok

They nodded smiling and she smiled at them. I kneeled to their level and kissed the cheeks of my daughters

Taehyung: don’t worry Y/N, they are grown up girls and most importantly they are my girls, they will be good girls. Am I right my babies?


We gave each other high five and Y/N admired us.

Y/N: ok now, give me kisses both of you..

They both kissed Y/N on her cheeks and hugged her. I hugged their hug and kissed them on their foreheads.

Taehyung; Y/N come on we are getting late for the flight..

We got up and went to chief uncle.

Taehyung: uncle, thank you so much for this trip and I am really grateful to you.

Y/N: yes, uncle thank you so much..

He nodded while wiping his tears which were escaped from his eyes out of joy.

He hugged us both and we felt the warmth of a father. We are really lucky to have him in the absence of our parents.

Then Aerum run to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and then Aera ran to me and hugged them while carrying them up

Aera+Aerum: dad, we want something from the both of you.

Taehyung: what is it my babies?

Meanwhile Y/N also looked at them being confused

Aera+ Aerum: we want another sibling..

We widened our eyes and I noticed Y/N glared at me slowly

Y/N: baby who taught you this?

Aera+ Aerum: dad…

They said and I looked at Y/N who was giving me a look that she was going to kill me anytime.

Taehyung: we will  give you a sibling for sure

She widened her eyes again and this time she was blushing like hell

Y/N; enough Taehyung, we are getting late let’s go

I laughed looking at her blushing state and we left them and got into the car.
We got into the car and we waved at the kids. The driver started the car.
Then I looked at Y/N, she was worried for the babies. We never left them alone.

I hold her both hands and pulled her towards me. she looked at me. I pressed my lips onto her to calm her racing heart down. She responded without hesitation and I felt peace in my heart to feel her. I felt my heart bloomed in joy.
We pulled out soon and I caressed her cheek saying

Taehyung: Y/N, don’t worry. They will be alright.. we will call them everyday.

She smiled and hugged me and  I captured her in a warm embrace.
The next Day

Y/N’s Pov
We are currently at the Hawaii beach sitting really close to each other. it is evening here. The sun is about to set. The weather is not that much warm. so we got a blanket for ourselves.
I looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me. I smiled and went to him and sat on his lap as he covered both of us with the blanket. He snaked his arms on my waist from behind very tightly as if someone is going to take me away from him. I hugged his both arms which were on my waist and rested the back of my head on his chest. He rested his head on top of my head and kissed my hairs while sniffing. I smiled at his gestures. his fingers gently combed my hairs.

Taehyung: Y/N

Y/N: hmmmm….

Taehyung: remember the day when we

Y/N: when we almost died..

I felt a tear left his eye and fall on my cheek. I looked up at him and he bursted into crying hugging me tight. I hugged him back to give him my warmth and comfort. I know he was really scared to lose me that day. It has been over five years but still he didn’t forget that incident. he was in shock for a lot of days after that day. He used to not go to office as he used to stay in the house with me. he was very scared to leave me alone. He used to get nightmares of that bomb incident. he took care of my slightest pain and when I used to get ill, he used to arrange the freaking hospital stuff to come to our house and treat me.
I smiled while my tears fall on my cheek. I slowly wiped his tears with my fingers. He attached his forehead with me and inhaled deeply to feel my presence. I didn’t imagine that I will be loved this much by my husband. he then slowly snuggled on my neck and inhaled my fragrance . I rested my head on his shoulder and let him do what he wants. I am his only after all. We stayed like that for a long time to really feel each other’s presence. He couldn’t even sleep with me most of the times when we became parents. Cause one of us had to stay with the kids. I smiled to myself and kissed his forehead and pulled out from the hug. I looked at his mesmerizing eyes. his eyes showed only love and care for me. then his gaze fall on my lips and without me realizing he captured my lips with his lips. And I felt a sense of unconditional love of him after a long day. He needed me completely.

I realized now that I was always with the kids and gave them the most priority and gave him less importance. But he was longing for my warmth and affection. After all he is mine. He needed my love. I smiled and kissed him back with passion. Trying to match up his madness for me. but he was more dominant as he deepen the kiss pulling me by wrapping my waist by his one arm. He kissed me like he never kissed me before. So delicate yet a little rough.

His kiss was showing he wanted me fully, he wanted my full attention. I understand his every gesture and emotion. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him kiss me as long as he wants. He pulled out after a long lasting kiss.

He kissed my cheeks slowly and as gently as possible. As I always say he never forgets to adore me. he kissed my forehead and looked at me as he said,

Taehyung:  This is a thank you for every hour we have spent together, for every kiss, for every embrace and for every tear shed for one another.

A tear of joy left my eye.

Y/N:I love you more than anything else. When I tell you I love you, I am not saying it out of habit, I am reminding you that you are my life.

He slowly pecked my lips and said,

Taehyung: I love you..

He then carried me to our resort where we were staying…

Y/N: I love this life.

Author’s Note
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction
Their hearts beat for each other and it did beat that day when Taehyung decided to try one last time. He had slowly released Y/N from all the ropes which she was tied up and took a deep breath and pulled one of the wires which were attached with Y/N. they thought that was their lives’ end cause the bomb might blast. But the bomb didn’t explode instead it was untied automatically from Y/N’s body. Without thinking more Taehyung carried her on his arms and ran with his Y/N on his arms. he saved his love and his love story.
Do you guys know where did Taehyung get all this strength from?
. he had none reason to live other than Y/N. his only motive was to save his Y/N and if it goes otherwise then he will not leave his Y/N’s side. He will also die with her.
Some love stories are like this also. When one can kill for their loved ones then one can die also for their loved one. Taehyung wanted to be with Y/N whether in this practical world or in another world.
His heart beats for Y/N and will always beat and this beat also beats in Y/N’s heart also.
True love stories never have endings

Thanks for reading 😘😊

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