Part 26

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I walked out of the apartment only to see four muscular men near my car, waiting for me. I wiped my tears and put on a straight and cold face as I went to them.

Man 1: boss is waiting for you..

I nodded and went inside the car and they drove me to an unfamiliar place.
As soon as we reached, I got up from the car and saw a huge building in front of me. it felt like an abandoned building.

They were about to hold me from both the sides but I gestured them to not touch me.

Y/N: I can walk

I said in a rude tone.

They showed me the path until we reached a room. I opened the door and saw the person who is the ultimate reason of my destruction.  I saw Mr. Geller and Hailey smirking at my failure state. I disgustedly looked at them. Hailey came to me and tried to touch my cheeks… but I pushed it harshly.

Hailey: ohhh Taehyung’s babygirl….seems angry huh

She teased me. I heard her father’s creepy laugh.

I feel ridiculous. 

Mr. Geller: but this angry bird saved her husband oh sorry ex husband two times….bravo

I looked down while tears trickled down my eyes…

Mr. Geller: I have told you how many times…

He said as he hold my chin harshly and I hissed in pain.

Mr. Geller: I have told you freaking thousand times to not get close to Taehyung, can’t you understand a single thing….4 years ago Taehyung rejected Hailey by humiliating her in front of the whole family and friends. I was about to get revenge for his behaviour but my innocent daughter loves Taehyung that's why I spared his life. Then after some days our illegal business got leaked and we got caught by the police and we went behind the bars but we returned a week earlier before your arrival and I got to know that you, the great CEO of America returned to South Korea and was dealing with your ex husband. Huh, Do you think we are all fools here that you will come and get your husband back at your service? Hailey still loves Taehyung and this time she will get him and if he can’t be Hailey’s then he will be none’s.

I shivered badly thinking about the worst that could happen to him.

Mr. Geller: then then your highness, you acted sick to get your ex husband’s attention, am I right?

How cheap can he think?

Hailey: that’s why we have to send shoot mans of ours to shoot him, basically to scare you because we knew you would save like an ideal lover…. And you did....

She laughed creepily.

Yes, when I had returned from the bedroom to see Taehyung, I had seen the shoot man whose gun’s aim was on Taehyung. he was hiding in another building. I flinched a little until I heard Jisoo say something. I didn't even notice what was was saying. I couldn’t process anything that time because my body was turning cold noticing the gun man was moving his gun’s aim on Taehyung’s whole body. That’s why I wanted to pass the time talking to Jisoo. By the time I wanted Taehyung to move from that place. I forwarded my step but I felt the gun man stopped moving his gun then I pushed the vase to fall that caused a chaos. Taehyung looked at me and I noticed the gun man ran away from there. I realized they returned. So before they could do more, I had to leave him there.

I left my love alone again but this time completely shattered and crumpled from inside.

Y/N: what do you guys want huh...I have told you many times that Taehyung doesn't love Hailey then why are you creating this mess around him. And yes, he will not get married to you anyway, he is getting married to Jisoo.

Hailey laughed creepily and said

Hailey: Jisoo is just a mere employee of ours. I had sent her to look after Taehyung in my absence and she did. I had asked her to be Taehyung's best Friend to get close to him. And I told her to be nice enough to his mother that his mother herself ask Jisoo to be Taehyung's wife. You know what, she was the one who informed us that you returned. Do you really think she would get married to him, na na darling, I will be under the veil on the wedding day not Jisoo. She is doing her job correctly.

I felt my heart sanked. That means Jisoo is in their gang and was helping them but I had thought Jisoo can take care of my Taehyung because she loves him. But she can hurt my Taehyung anytime without even knowing himself.

I felt scared badly.

I can't even contact the police or Taehyung otherwise they will kill him. What can I do to save him from this murderers. Now I have to save his life at any cost. It doesn't matter to me if I live or not but he has to live. I need to do something fast

To be continued

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