Part 18

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After flashback

I bursted into crying thinking about the most dangerous incident that had happened with me.

Y/N: I am so sorry baby…I had never loved anyone other than you and will never love anyone else. My heart only beats for you and it will beat for you until it stops. I had never cheated on you. I didn’t even let Kai touch me. I only belong to you…only you…

I cried harder and then after sometime I gathered myself and went to my hotel to freshen up.

Taehyung’s Pov
2 Days later,

I was on my office busy discussing something with one of my clients. Then I heard a knock on my door and our conversation got interrupted. I looked at the person through the glass door. it was my secretary. I hummed in response and continued my meeting with the client. My secretary entered and was looking at me silently. I understood he was initiating to say something. I looked at him with my as usual straight face and said,

Taehyung: spill

Secretary: sir, Ms. Y/N…is suffering from severe fever…that’s why she couldn’t attend our two meetings.

I felt a stinging pain in my heart. Yes, she didn’t come to my office since 2 days after that day. she didn’t even informed anyone in my office that she wouldn’t be able to attend the meeting. Even my secretary called many times in these two days but there was absolutely no response from her secretary or her side. As if she was trying to hide from the world. I had appointed my other people to spy on her to see if she was doing alright or not. I don’t trust that Kai. What if he hurts my Y/N? but my people said that she didn’t even get out of her hotel room. as time passed I started getting more anxious about her health. Then I told my secretary to personally go to her hotel to see what the situation was.
And yeah she is sick….the very moment I heard she is suffering from fever, I felt my heart was stabbed many times by a big hammer. The regret of saying her so many harsh words was killing me from inside. maybe I am the reason of her sickness now. she was really soft and sentimental from inside from the very first. Whenever she used to get hurt badly by hearing something, her body used to get effected. I then looked at my client and gestured him to leave. He understood and left as soon as possible. I got up and was about to go out of my cabin. But something stopped inside me. how could I go there? How could I face her after saying so many things to her. but my heart is feeling restless. I felt my forehead was sweating. My fingers trembled a bit. As if I am suffering from fever instead of her. my heart is saying Taehyung run to her right now. she needs you. she needs your comfort. But my guilt is stopping me. again Kai is with her maybe. He would take care of her. but I want to see her for once.

I am at a huge dilemma. Then Jisoo entered the cabin and my gaze fall on her. she came to close to me and observed my features carefully. She noticed my restlessness and uneasiness. I looked at her and a tear escaped my eye as I looked down immediately. She wiped my tear with her thumb and I looked at her feeling embarrassed for my behavior, for hurting her feelings and for choosing Y/N over her again and again. 

Jisoo: Go

She said and I ran as fast as I can leaving everyone in the office in awe.
I got into my car and drove as fast as I could. I want to see her desperately. As if seeing her, is now my motive. I don’t care if she is angry with me or hurt by my words. She needs me right now. I don’t care about Kai. What if he couldn’t take care of her properly?
I don’t know why tears were falling my eyes as if I am about to see something bad. I reached her hotel entrance and went straight to the reception. Everyone know me here thus everyone started bowing to me. but I didn’t want to see that, I want to see my love. They took me to her room. I saw Kai and her secretary outside her room. I felt my heart tripped seeing tears on Kai’s eyes.

To be continued

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