Part 28

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men: Now rot here.....

They threw me to my hotel entrance after saying that. I fall on my knees on the ground. I noticed my arms were bleeding badly due to their excessive beating. Some of the places of my arms had bruises. My face had multiple traces of their fingers causing it to become red and swollen. The corner of my lips is bleeding. I am feeling really weak from inside as if everything inside me is broken including my heart. How many times am I going to hurt him. How many times will I have to give pain to my Taehyung. I just can't now. I just can't. I am left with no strength now. I can't play with my heart and his heart now. I am tired of running away from him, I am tired of pushing him away all the time. I am just tired of playing these cheap games with him. I have become more dirty now. I don't deserve Taehyung now. I think I have to leave now, from him, from this country. But what if Hailey and Jisoo does something to Taehyung. I can't afford to lose him. But who will help me. I can't even go to the police.

I pulled out my phone, maybe they have tracked it already. I called my secretary to come and help me to arrange myself. I can't even walk properly because my feet were already bleeding. I am a mess right now. And I am feeling my whole body is breaking right now. I wish,  Taehyung was with me. He would have killed those bustards but I think he hates me more now.

A tear left my eye remembering his crying state. He was pleading to not leave him. I tried to move but couldn't, I think my body has no strength left.

Then after sometimes, my secretary came with Jungkook and Kai. Jungkook came to me running and knelt down on my level. I saw a tear left his eye.  He looked at me all worried as if his heart was breaking seeing me in this state.

Jk: Ko( basically a nickname given by Jungkook to Y/N) wha...t..h...happened?

He said while tracing my bruises with his fingers. His eyes were showing that he was dissatisfied with himself that he couldn't be with me that time. His eyes had regret but at the same time his eyes were fuming in anger. He carried me slowly and went inside the hotel. I was so weak that time that I just let him do what he wants. I rested my head on his shoulder. I have only him because I left my love, my world, my Taehyung.

Kai already had called the doctors and they soon shifted me to their hospital.


currently I am outside of Y/N’s immergency cabin. The doctors are treating her wounds. I saw the doctor took a thread to stich her skin, while she was unconscious. I looked away not wanting to see her in this painful condition. She must be feeling miserable pain. I sat down on a bench and bursted into crying.

When I had found her, I had seen her arms were bleeding badly, some places of her skin had bruises. I wish I could kill those bustards with my hands. But no, now Taehyung needs to know everything.

He needs to know that his Y/N has gone through all those. He has all the rights now to punish those bustards with his own hands. Y/N’s heart still belongs to him. That's why he has all his rights to know what happened with  his Y/N. I will not get convinced by Y/N now. Taehyung has to know now. This was the limit of my Y/N’s pain. Not anymore.

I don't know how will Taehyung react when he gets to see her all injured and the bruises all over her body. He can't see a little cut on Y/N’s skin, how will he react when he see his Y/N. He might get a huge attack on his heart. He might kill those bustards brutally or even in a  worst way.

Sometimes I even shiver thinking Taehyung's anger and specially when it comes to Y/N, he can kill and he can get killed. He will destroy the world if anything happens to Y/N.

I pulled out my phone while shivering.  Taehyung also can kill me if he learns I was not with her.

Taehyung: Hello Jungkook, Is everything ok? Is Y/N ok? I have been feeling restless since morning. I don't know why I am feeling something bad is going to happen. Then her feet were alright? Please tell me ...nah please

He kept questioning me with his worried voice. No wonder they are soulmates. If one soul is wounded then the pain of that wound experience the other. He might have felt Y/N’s pain...

Taehyung: Jungkook..please why are you not saying everything alright? You silence is killing me...

Jk: Taehyung.....

I couldn't say more and bursted into crying....he got real annoying

Taehyung: Why the fuck are you crying? Tell me what happened?

He yelled

Jk: Taehyung....your Y/N...

I felt he stopped breathing for a moment....

Jk: they hurt our Y/N

I felt he just fall somewhere making a sound

Jk: Taehyung, are you ok?


he roared almost which was almost shaking the whole freaking building.

I flinched a little and said

Jk:  I will text you the address....

To be continued

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