Part 38

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I woke up hearing the sound of the door bell. I am currently at my previous home. I have sent Y/N to mom's house. We only meet in the day time at our other residence.

I frowned my eye brows thinking who it could be.

The maid knocked my room and I hummed in response

The maid: Sir Hailey ma'am has come to visit you

I nodded

Taehyung: ok let her sit in the living room. I am coming in a minute

He left

Aish this girl. I don't want to see her face to ruin my mood in the morning. My mood was already down without seeing my baby on my arms from last night. I only know how I slept without hugging her.

Then I heard a click sound from my window. I looked at the direction. And to my utter surprise my Y/N was unlocking the window glass with her hair pin. I laughed seeing her this version. I mean why she is that much dumb to open the window with her hair pins. She could have called me but no she wants to do everything on her own. I ran and opened the window.

There she is smiling ear to ear seeing me. Thank God I have seen her first in the morning. Otherwise my day would have ruined by seeing that Hailey. She was panting but still was looking angelic. How can I resist her.

My heart started racing when she pecked me softly on my lips. And hugged me warmly. I felt satisfaction on that hug. Her arms are the most safest place in my entire life.

Taehyung: baby why did you climb all the way?

I whispered to her ear. She giggled.

Y/N: I was missing you...

She said with pleading eyes

Taehyung: I missed you too but this is dangerous. You could have got hurt. You are not fully recovered
She kissed my cheeks and giggled again giving me butterflies all over my body..

I engulfed her on my arms and let us stay on that position. I just wanted to hear her warm breath, her heart beats which beats for me. Her whole existence is enough for me to breath.

I sniffle her hairs and placed butterfly kisses all over her hairs. I inhaled her fragrance which was enough for me to lose my control...

As if I was drowning in our current affection. I buried my face slowly on the crook of her neck. I started placing tiny pecks on her neck...

She slightly pushed while chuckling. She blushing as hell...

Y/N: ok control yourself Mr. Kim...

I frowned

Taehyung: waeeeeee..

It was left from my mouth in a whining and demanding tone.

She laughed and said

Y/N: You have other works to do such as meeting Hailey

I understood as she said with a dissatisfied tone. I hugged her as tightly as possible as she hugged me back.

Taehyung: baby don't overthink. And I understood your insecurities. It is natural to feel like that when you see me with another girl. But you trust me right. There is only one person who rules my heart and will always rule. This Kim Taehyung belongs to you and Only you.

She smiled a little and kissed my forehead.

Y/N: ok go now...she is waiting

I smiled and looked at her

Taehyung: Stay here....I will come in 10 minutes. Cause I can't handle her more than 10 minutes.

She chuckled and nodded and I went downstairs...I noticed she was still feeling insecure a little bit.

I turned to her and hold her jaw as I  pecked her lips tightly and she looked at me in shock.

Taehyung: we will continue that later

I winked at her.
She blushed hard and looked away

I ran down to be greeted with a hug of Hailey. I feel real disgusted by her touch. I never hugged her back.

Hailey: Taehyung, you wanted to spend some time with me right? So here I am.

Taehyung's mind: how I wished to spend some romantic time with my Y/N but here I am wasting my time with this whore

I fake smiled then nodded
Taehyung: yeah..

Hailey: you know what, I hated that Y/N from the very first. I felt from the very first that she was a type of hoe or anything. She needed boys for her desires. She just used you....she doesn't deserve you...
Thank God you left her

Now she is getting on my nerves. Why does she have to say these cheap things about her...

I felt my veins popped up in anger hearing her. But I breathed heavily and tried to gulp it down.

Taehyung: Yeah I also think that...she was always clinging with me. Thank God I left her

I felt my heart just crumpled for saying all of these things about my baby...guilt was increasing . But I did all of that to trick Hailey

Hailey: I wish you have understood my love for you...I have always waited for you..

I was feeling ridiculous hearing

Taehyung: I wish someone was there for me to help me from that girl

Hailey: there was, there was my dad who was...

Stopped midway..
I smirked and sit on the couch and told her to sit beside me

She sat almost clinging on my arms.

Taehyung: Baby now we are getting married so there shouldn't be any secrets between us.

I saw she was sweating..and I smirked in Victory

Taehyung: besides it will be easier for us to lead a happy married life in future of we know about each other's dark past

Hailey: Actually Taehyung, if you don't mind, can I say a truth to you?

I smiled inside my heart. Thinking she might spill everything. She said

Hailey: Taehyung actually my dad in an underworld mafia

Taehyung: what!!

I acted shocked

Hailey: ummm actually he was, he was. Now he has left that world. He is now working with full of honesty and dedication. He is now investing in new business...and that drug dealing things are all fake and us framed by my father's ex enemies

I was  thinking in my mind about how she could almost fake a whole story without hesitation. She is much more than her dad.

I smiled and tried to act cool

Taehyung: ohhh but I am happy now hearing your dad is working with honesty

She smiled creepily and cling more onto my arms...I was feeling real uncomfortable

Taehyung: Hailey actually I think I need to take a rest now. Actually I am having headaches these days

She understood and left from there.

As soon as she left I ran upstairs only to be greeted with none on my room.  I looked around to find her but I couldn't find her. Where did she go. Did she leave me ? Did she saw me with Hailey and misunderstood everything.  How would she react. How would she be feeling if she saw us together. No no she trusts me, she knows this is all act. Then where is she.

To be continued

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