Part 10

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I said what my heart wanted to say. I know I had left him but right now, I am in need of his warm embrace. I am longing to feel him now. I spread my arms indicating him to come to me. I was smiling. Yes, I was smiling seeing him after so long. I just want to run away from my every reason of leaving him. I just want to melt myself in him. I want to feel him as mine. I just want to hide myself in him for this night only. Just want to forget what happened between us and play a role as his. I am his....until death.

I saw a tear left his eye. He also needed me, I know. He came to me and looked at my eyes. the eyes were just searching his place in my heart.

Author's Pov

She held his shoulders and tears automatically fall from her eyes. she looked down trying to take all her overwhelmed emotions in her heart. She lay him down slowly. Taehyung did what she wanted him to. He lay down on the bed. Her fingers went to his hairs combing them softly. He closed his eyes as tears fall from the corner of his eyes. he was also overwhelmed....he was feeling loved. He closed his eyes just to feel her soft pair of lips on his forehead. He couldn't express the amount of pleasure he was feeling. Then her lips trailed to his bridge of nose. He felt butterflies everywhere inside his body. then her lips kissed his cheeks as delicately as possible. He felt he was melting due to this much affection. Then her gaze falls on his lips and she looked at Taehyung who was already looking at her. but after what Taehyung did killed her physically also. He said,

Taehyung: you have lost that right on me, I am about to get married now. I shouldn't be doing this now. it would be cheating with Jisoo. And I don't cheat like other people.....

Taehyung said without any emotions showing in his eyes. She felt her heart was stabbed a billion times. His last statement just brutally teared her apart. She could hear anyone's badmouthing about her but was difficult for her to gulp the last sentence down. She suddenly felt she was crossing her limits. She realized that she was doing wrong with Taehyung and Jisoo. She wanted Taehyung only for some time but she forgot she had lost that right a long time ago. She was thinking she did a crime by wanting some comfort. She immediately snapped back and got up from the bed....she was feeling she was bleeding from inside. She said

Y/N: I am sorry..i..actu..actually don't know ..did this..i mean...

Taehyung: it's rest hereI will sleep at the guest room....

He said and left Y/N alone there completely broken

Taehyung's Pov

I ran to the guest room. I couldn't process what I did now. I stopped my love from loving me. how can I be so rude? I was feeling satisfied with her every gesture. I was feeling peace and my soul was calming down. I was feeling alive just by her touch. Then why I rejected my love? I reached the bed and sat on it. I closed my eyes just to remember that painful night when I found about everything.


Taehyung's Pov

Y/N: yes...yes I did this to you...I didn't love you from the start..I felt pity on you...

She said without showing any kind of guilt or regret on her face. She just spit those harsh words on my face. She had no reactions on her face. Her every word just crashed me from inside.

Taehyung: how could you stoop so low huh? You were with that man for I don't know how many days, meanwhile I was here alone in this house thinking you were in your dad's house .This house is I right? Or are you going to say this that this is not your house also? Huh?

Y/N: yes, I was with that man...because what he gives me, you cannot give that to me

I snapped back..Did she just said that..Tears streamed down my eyes. I am feeling failed as a man, as a husband now.

Taehyung: I feel disgusted of you....if you wanted to leave me then you could have said me. why you played this dirty game with me? huh?

I screamed and she said,

Y/N: don't shout at me like this..ok? I did all this because I wanted fame, money and status which only you could give me. I am only Mrs. Kim and none else....but I didn't loved you from the first. I had only loved him....

I understood how cheap she is. All she did is for money, fame and status...I hate myself for loving this woman. Those promises, those words of worry, care was all her act. She did very bad this time....i chuckled like a psycho and she looked at me confused

Taehyung: what do you think after knowing all this I would still keep you as my lovely wife huh? I am calling the divorce lawyers are not capable of calling my wife...

She chuckled

Y/N: what do you think? I am still willing to stay with you huh? He is coming to get me out of this hell

She called this place our dream house a hell. Tears were nonstop flowing

Taehyung: hell? This was our dream Y/N? You remember that? Or only you remember is your lover right now.

Y/N: ever since I stepped into this house, my life became like hell, doing household works, taking care of your old and sick parents, cooking, taking care of you...aghhh I am tired of all of it.

I thought she did those things because she loves me and my family. But she hates my parents, hates my life.

Taehyung: and me being an idiot, I believed your every lies, your every acts of being kind, careful...but you are opposite of it.

I went to her and squeezed her arms harshly and she hissed in pain...

Taehyung: just one last thing my lovely wife

I said sarcastically....

Taehyung: look at my eyes and say that you didn't love me from the first

She looked down and I got hope that she can't stoop so low. She then breathed heavily and looked straight at my eyes

Y/N: I never loved you

I felt I died that day internally. I was left with nothing in my heart. I couldn't say anything after that...

Taehyung: just leave my life...Get out....

She looked at me for the last time and bashed out from the room. I knelt down and bursted into crying. my heart wasn't able to take that pain.

End of flashback

A tear left my eye.

Taehyung: why you did this to me huh? Was I not capable of calling a good husband? What was missing in me? did I not loved you?

I laid on the bed curving myself like a ball. I kept saying those things..

Taehyung: you had left me right? Then why did you come back? Why are you showing fake affections towards me? why are you worrying for my wounds? These wounds are external but what about the internal wounds which you had given me? huh? Why are you acting that you care for me? I don't want those fake emotions back. What was that today? why did you wanted some time with me? why were you showing love to me? love....i don't believe in this word anymore. it's all fake ......

To be continued

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