Part 21

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I snapped back into reality and turned only to see Jungkook, her only best friend. His eyes were boiling in anger. But that same eyes were swollenand red also maybe he cried for Y/N. I went to him to hug him but he pushed me away from him in anger. His act took me off guard.
Jungkook: You killed her right? You killed my Y/N......

He said and hold my shirt collars with his both arms and gave me a jerk. I was shocked seeing this version of him.

Then I saw his eyes were getting teary. His eyes were showing pain...

Taehyung: Jungkook, listen to me

Jungkook: what is left to listen killed her Kim Taehyung, you killed my Y/N....your damn words killed her....Are you happy now ruining my Y/N's life.....did you get your revenge huh....or anything is left to say to her.....

My tears were flowing rapidly on my cheeks. I shook my head multiple times in between my tears. My hands were trembling thinking did I really killed my Y/N by saying those words. My legs were getting numb thinking if anything happens to her. Fear took control over me like anything.

Taehyung: wa...was...angry....and I don't know...why and.. how...

I was choking on my own tears and couldn't say anything further

Jungkook: were angry huh...just because you were angry you can't say shit about her character. You don't have the right to say anything about her dignity. You don't know the truth that's why you are saying this so easily that you were angry, if you knew the truth than you would never say that....

Truth!!!what kind of truth. Is there a bigger truth than the previous truth. It felt like I was stuck in a maze which doesn't have any end.

Jungkook: you know what, why would you care cause you wanted her to leave you, am I right? It's you who didn't love her.

I shook my head multiple times as no. I loved her. I love my Y/N till now. How can he say that...

Taehyung: you can't say anything about my love for her Jungkook.....

I said and he scoffed in disbelief.

Jungkook: if you had really loved her then you would have wanted to know what was the reason of leaving you keeping all your ego and anger aside. If you had really loved her then you would have seen her pain while talking to you. But you became blind to see her guilt. Your eyes were covered by that one scene of Kai and Y/N together. You thought you were cheated and this feeling dominated your love. You know what you really don't deserve my Y/N because you are not capable of understanding her.

I felt immense pain in my heart. He was saying the truth. I couldn't understand my Y/N. I am not capable of her. She doesn't deserve me...

I felt my knees became weak and I felt on my knees and bursted into crying....

Jungkook looked at me while his eyes had tears of fear of losing his best friend.

He knelt down and said,

Jungkook: She is in pain Taehyung, try to understand your Y/N.

I looked at him with hope in my eyes

Jungkook: she had a reason behind all of these incidents. She didn't intentionally say all of that to you..she had loved you from the very first.

Taehyung: Then what could be the reason Jungkook...and is the reason that big that she left me and created that big mess...and if she didn't loved Kai, then why she was with him...I can't understand....

Jungkook: Actually Taehyung...Y/N is ummmm I mean...


she yelled and we all started hearing her. We all look towards her and saw she couldn't even stand straight....she was about to fall .Jungkook and I both saw it and run towards her and before she fall down me and Jungkook hold her on our arms.

Jungkook: Ko, I am sorry....i will not say anything to him....I promise why did you got up from the bed...

I looked shockingly at both of them what were they talking about...she was looking really pale and weak. She weakly smiled to me...and caressed my cheeks slowly...I kissed her forehead...she smiled in response.

A tear escaped her eyes. Jungkook looked at me and nodded and I carried her to the room....and my tears were falling in extreme level.

She then said something and I halt my steps

Y/N: You think it's easy
You think I don't wanna run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours

She sang and I felt my heart just teared apart....

To be continued

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