Part 14

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The next day


Taehyung's Pov

I fluttered my eyes open due to sunlight. I yawned a little then was about to move but how could I moved. My little gummy bear was sleeping hugging me like a koala. She was almost on top of me. Unintentionally a smile crept my face. I looked at her sleeping. She was looking ethereal as if God has sent an angel for me on my arms. some hair strands were blocking my view of seeing her face. I slide some hair strands and tucked them behind her ear. I went close to her only feel her warm breath against my face. She has such long eye patels.
I just forgot my all sufferings and pains for a moment and felt it was like our normal morning gestures. and as my wife she slept on my arms. I was feeling like I slept peacefully after so long. I went more close to her face and brushed my cheeks against her. she groaned a little bit and I giggled and blow a little near her ear. She felt ticklish and smiled a bit but still not opened her eyes. I chuckled seeing her cuteness. I slowly kissed her earlobes and she as usual pushed me a little while blushing. But her eyes were not opening. I kissed her closed eyes and she smiled in satisfaction

Y/N: stop..will you

She said almost whispering...
I kissed her neck slowly slowly going down and yes, my trick worked she woke up in a twinkle of an eye. She looked at my eyes with her magical ones. Most perfect eyes I have ever seen. She smiled looking at me. I pulled her whole body on top of mine and she giggled seeing my craziness.

Y/N: why have you waked up me so early?

Taehyung: Mrs. Kim it is 10 o clock...and you are saying so early...

She pouted and looked away. I hold her chin and pulled her face close to me. I was about to place my lips on her then a ring on the door interrupted our moment. I groaned in irritation and she laughed.

we got up and went to open the door. I opened the door only to see the reason of my destruction, Kai.

I was shocked seeing him here. I froze on my spot. Then I realized I was not in my own control earlier. I almost forgot about everything when she was on my arms. I crossed my limits. I remembered our moment of last night, I wasn't able to process, how could I lose my control over myself. I got frustrated and due to that I held my hairs harshly with both hands. I looked at my back to see a shocking face of Y/N. Kai went to her and hugged her as my all hopes got destroyed once again. Am I an idiot to fall for her tricks every time. I looked at her movements carefully. She was indeed uncomfortable. I thought she would push him but instead she hugged him back closing her eye. I saw a tear fall from her eye. I looked down, not wanting to increase the level of pain. That means she was faking last night. That care. That promise of not leaving me ever was just a mere lie for her. how could I fall weak in front of her. how could I lose myself on her arms. she was faking it. admit it Taehyung..
I kept saying it to myself and she came in front of me trying to hold my shoulder. now I feel disgusted of her..

Y/N: Tae......

Taehyung: enough...

She flinched a little.

Y/N: listen to me.....first...

Taehyung: why, want to tell more lies? Huh? What am I to you huh? A toy right. Whenever you want, you play with it and whenever you get bored of it you throw it like a trash. Are you not done playing with my emotions? Aren't you tired of being this fake. Aren't you tired of this acting huh?

She seemed literally hurt. I don't care

Taehyung: you were a ridiculous woman and still is. Actually you know what you don't have a decent character....instead you have a really cheap character. You don't get easily satisfied with one man right? You are the biggest slut I have ever seen...

Kai: Tae..stop.or else

Y/N: it's ok Kai....

She remained calm and was looking at the ground. I don't understand why she was not reacting at my words. Why she stopped Kai?

Taehyung: oh oh now I understand you felt pity for me last night right? That's why you came to me, am I right?

Y/N: stop Taehyung....

Taehyung: just don't call me that with your filthy mouth....please. I don't need your sympathy now. I can deal with my weakness myself ok...

Taehyung: please leave with your lover...

She came to me to hold me but I harshly pushed her so she tripped and was about to fall but Kai hold her. I was also shocked by my own behavior. She was also surprised then she gathered herself and said,

Y/N: Thank you for saving my dignity yesterday Mr. Kim. I am really grateful to you. and also you have saved my reputation in front of many people last night. And yes I am thankful to you for your favor of letting me stay at your house. I will never forget that...
She said straight looking at my eyes. her eyes had grief and extreme level of pain. It felt like she was not definitely prepared for my harsh words regarding her character. I just brutally ripped her dignity with my own words. The pain was worse than previous night's incident. I just raped her with my own words which are worse than previous night's incidents. I killed her now.
I was looking down but I looked at her eyes when she was saying. Her eyes were red but with no tears. It was like she bleeding inside but trying to hold herself.

Taehyung: Just leave will you..

She flinched looking at me. she hold Kai's hand and went outside leaving me all alone. I looked at her back which was vanishing slowly. She didn't look back.

After her figure disappeared, I knelt down there completely shattered as my legs were trembling and a tear fell from my eye. I recalled my words....which I had said to her. I was feeling something heavy inside my heart. It was the burden of guilt for saying that kind of words to my love. I love her till now no matter what. Then why did I even said that to her? she must be feeling broken from inside. I couldn't control my jealousy and pain at the same time. I lost control over my mouth. shit Taehyung...I cursed myself.
I held my hairs in frustration then tears fall rapidly. I then screamed my heart out kneeling there holding my knees.
Taehyung: why this had to happen to us?

To be continued

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