Part 4

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Author's Pov

After that day she was informed that Taehyung will be having a meeting with her in a week. Besides she was invited to a Fashion Show of Vogue Korea. Since it was one of the big fashion brands of Korea and the brand ambassador was Kim Taehyung himself, so he wanted to make a good professional relation with her for their later benefit. As he was also attending, he thought to invite her also before the meeting for a good impression. So they could be friendly and it would also benefit his company if she agrees to do the deal with them. But Taehyung was absolutely unaware that the CEO was Y/N

On the other, Y/N was hesitating to attend the show but the board members personally called her and requested her not to offend Kim Taehyung. So she agreed to go. But her heart was restless as hell. She doesn’t want to be his close. But she was helpless.

And her skipping meals habit was still on its peak. She was becoming really thinner. She also looks pale nowadays. But who was there for her to take care of her. She had none in America. Or we can say she intentionally made the person go away from her who would have taken care of her.

The Fashion Show

Taehyung was at the backstage looking the final looks of the models. Sometimes Taehyung really gets interested in all these stuffs. The directors and the designers were all standing behind Taehyung. They were listening to Taehyung about what he was saying. 

Taehyung: hmmm I think everything is perfect ….I think, we should start the show now…

Director: yes.. Taehyung. By the way, I guess you have invited a guest today

Taehyung: oh yes….she would be coming in a few minutes.

Designer: I am looking forward to meet her 

Taehyung nodded and went outside with his personal manager.

He took his sit of a chief guest and the seat beside him was empty which was reserved for Y/N. He looked around and searched for the CEO. He arranged his suit and looked at the stage.
Soon the show started revealing the first model…

Taehyung’s Pov

I was watching the models walking one by one on the runway. But I felt something was missing in them. They don’t have that perfect expressions or that aura which they should have.
Then my heart started beating real fast. It was beating increasing its pace making me hear it. I think the people around me might also heard it. Then I heard the sound of swift footsteps which was coming towards me from behind. Gradually the sound became even clearer. That means the person is close to me. Then a familiar fragrance brushed against my nose.

My lips were trembling thinking about the person I don’t want to meet. My hands were sweating thinking about that one person. No no she can’t be here. Then I felt my eyes were filled with tears. How can I fall weak this easily? I wiped my tears quickly. I was feeling out of breath for a second. I rubbed my chest to ease my racing heart. But it was not stopping, it was beating faster. It happens when she is around me. But Taehyung think about it how can it be possible. Why would she be here?

I breathed heavily and turned to look at the person for whom my heart had started beating faster. I felt my heart stopped beating for a moment to see her. I froze on my spot. As if everything around me became blank.

I looked at her eyes, the eyes which used to control my whole presence. Those same dark brown orbs which used to look at me with unconditional love.

she was wearing a black gown with embroidered on it. It was a cold shoulder gown. She had that charismatic aura which I wanted to see in the models. She was enhancing the elegance of the dress. Her hairs were left brushed open. Very light makeup was applied on her face. Just some mascara to her long lashes, lip gloss with a tint of blush on her face.
I scanned her all features which are now more beautiful. I can describe her every curve without even seeing. My heart can recognize her by only inhaling her fragrance. I know her every inch.

She was looking awe-inspiring and very much alluring…
I then again looked at her eyes. Her eyes were unreadable to me. She was showing no emotion.
I chuckled sadly and a tear escaped my eye.

She came close to me… I can’t control. I really want to go to her and hug her as tightly as possible. I am seeing her after 4 years.

No Taehyung stop. You hate her. You feel disgusted in front of her. You don’t love her anymore.

I was about to approach her then my secretary came and informed that she was the CEO of the company which I am interested. Interesting…how she could make it to the top. God knows what cheap tricks she has used. I am absolutely aware of her character. Such a ridiculous girl

I cursed her under my breath.

She extended her hand for me to shake hand

Y/N: Nice to meet you Mr. Kim. I am really impressed seeing the project details you have sent it to me

I couldn’t believe that she could be this normal seeing me after 4 years. I mean no reactions. Not even a single regret was showing on her eyes. I didn’t know that she would move on this easily. Maybe she didn’t love me from the first. I wish I would have known this earlier.

But I have to be professional. Her company is one of the top companies in America. I shouldn’t miss this chance by bringing the past again. Even she doesn’t care. I should also not care.

Taehyung: Nice to meet you too…and yeah it is a pleasure working with your company. I hope you will like the presentation also..

Y/N : I am looking forward to it..Mr. Kim

Author’s Pov

They talked with each other as if they met for the first time. They were really professional towards each other. all the time, they were fake smiling. But eyes don’t lie right? They wanted to embrace and wanted to cry as much as they had held back. They wanted to hold each other and tell that they needed each other. They wanted to laugh in happiness for seeing each other. They were meeting each other after so long. These 4 years were like ages for them. They longed for each other. They were miserable without each other. They needed each other the most. 

But something was stopping them. The bond they had shared vanished long ago. They were not the same old Y/N and Taehyung.
They talked as if nothing happened to them. As if they hold no grudges against each other.

And Taehyung hated her the most. And on the other hand Y/N knows that Taehyung hates her. So they didn’t want to increase more pain in their lives. That’s why they kept quiet for their own sake. They wanted to wrap this deal as soon as possible. But can they again get separate from each other? And most importantly why Taehyung hated her?
The program came to an end and Y/N and her assistant also got up to leave after bidding Taehyung a good bye. 

Being a gentleman Taehyung walked her to car and bid her goodbye.

Taehyung’s Pov

I saw she was getting into her car but she tripped a bit and I unintentionally got scared. I ran to hold her. Then she looked at me. This time her eyes had tears…aish still now, I can’t see her crying. I acted as if I didn’t see her crying. I helped her sit on the car and told the driver to drive carefully. They drove off the place leaving me alone

To be continued

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