Part 3

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She went to her office without having breakfast. She had the habit of skipping meals but in those recent weeks she was almost having nothing. She was becoming weak but she was ignoring her health. She reached her office and went to her room. everyone bowed to her. She sat on her chair and started working. Being a CEO is a difficult task.
A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest- ranking executive in a company, whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and recourses of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors by the board and its share holders.

She was busy working on something on her laptop. But her deep thoughts were interrupted by a familiar sound.
Mr. Han: Ma'am the board members are here for the meeting. They are all waiting for you in the meeting room.
Y/N: ok I am coming. Prepare the meeting room and take all these files to the meeting room.
Mr. Han: yes, ma'am.
Mr. Han is Y/N assistant manager.
Y/N got up from her seat and she felt her head was getting heavy maybe she didn't eat anything from last night that's why. Her head was slightly spinning. She completely ignored it and went to the meeting room followed by her assistant.

She entered the meeting room and all the members stood up showing respect to her. Though she was elected by the board members but they all respect her very much. She greeted them professionally and told them to sit down.

Y/N: good morning everyone. It is really nice to meet you guys. Shall we start?
Mr. Choi: but Ms. Y/N, I would like to say something before we start the meeting. May I?
Y/N: sure Mr. Choi, go ahead.
She smiled while saying.
Mr. Choi: Mr. Kim Taehyung, the president of Kim's Corporation from Korea, wants to meet you regarding a deal...

As soon as she heard the named her heart dropped. She wasn't able to discover how she was feeling. She wasn't able to figure out how she should react. Those mere letters of his name renewed the pain of her wounds. As if it stabbed her heart with a sharp knife. As if it reopened the box of all her sufferings and pains which she buried long ago inside her heart. She didn't let anyone know about her previous life.
She kept quiet for a while then spoke not to add more awkwardness to the environment.
Y/N : Mr. Choi, shall we not discuss this matter now in front of all the board members. We will talk about this personally in y cabin after the meeting. I assure you..

She explained in a calm and poised tone. She was indeed really professional

she remained calm throughout the whole if she was forcing herself to speak some times. As if her words were stuck on her lungs.

After the meeting she immediately came to her cabin... she was feeling suffocated on her own cabin. She was sweating hard inspite the AC was on and her hands were slightly shaking..she felt her knees become weak. so she sat on the floor...
But not a single tear drop fall her eyes.
"they say that when nothing is left on a person's heart, tears also give up on that person"
She closed her eyes...
"???: I can't believe you did this to me"
???: "How could you stoop so low..."
???:You disgust me"

She opened her eyes after recalling some painful memories. Her eyes were red but still not even a single tear left her eye. Then she heard a knock on the door and flinched slightly. She got up trying her best to not stumble in her way.
She somehow managed to open the door and revealed Mr. Choi in front of her. She thought that he would talk about the previous matter. So she mentally prepared herself to not show any sign of overreaction.
Y/N: Mr. Choi, I was about to come to you...but before that I wanted to use the restroom. I hope you don't mind.

She handled the situation very smoothly. Because she could only be herself truly in her house, on outside she puts on a mask of a cold and straight forward person. She doesn't want to show her weak side in front of others. For others she was the most powerful woman who doesn't have any weakness. People think no one can break her confident. She was like an inspiration for people. But does she really don't have any weakness?
Mr. Choi: Oh no problem..shall we talk about the deal with Kim Corporation
Her heart skipped hearing the name..but she remained calm.
Y/N: sure, Mr. Choi..Please come in
He nodded and entered the room and sat on one of the chairs while she sat on her sit.
But first let's start with the introduction of Kim Taehyung.
Same as Y/N, Kim Taehyung is also one of the richest, successful and talented CEO's who own and run business around the world. He is a well known CEO's who is forging new paths and delivering phenomenal results for his business. He is the perfect definition of how youth can control the world. Besides his charismatic aura, his breathtaking features have won millions of hearts. He is the number one CEO of South Korea, besides one of the best CEO's of the whole world. He was also recommended for joining the entertainment industry for his amazing and ethereal looks and his unreadable reactions. His one deep gaze can rip the other person without him laying a finger. In the whole South Korea, he held a power. He was the most famous celebrities of South Korea in spite of not being in the entertainment industry.

He even walked at the Vogue fashion week as a special appearance and obviously as a show stopper. He is also the brand ambassador of Vogue, Korea, as he is a very powerful and inflectional personality of South Korea.

He heard on the news that a Company made it to the top in America so he wanted to seal a deal with them. He was completely unaware of who was the CEO of that company. He only heard that the CEO was a woman of young age. He wanted to expand his business by doing this partnership with her company. So he requested in another word threatened the board members to organize a meeting. He holds a great power in his hand that even the board members are scared of him.

Now back to where we were,
Y/N is currently checking the documents of the project which Kim Enterprises has sent through Mr. Choi. She really knows how capable Taehyung is specially when it comes to work. She was indeed impressed. She thought that if she does the deal than it would be a big benefit for her company. Besides she knows how much power and audacity Taehyung holds. So she wanted to give it a try. Still her heart was saying something else. She would be meeting the person whom she doesn't want to meet. She doesn't want to see those unreadable eyes which she understands. Still when Mr. Choi suggested that it would be beneficial for their company then she finally agreed.
But she thought to herself that why Taehyung approached her company knowing it was her.

To be continued

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