Part 15

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Y/N’s Pov

We got down..

Y/N; thank you Kai..for coming in such a short notice. I know Jungkook has asked you to come here right?

He nodded.

Kai: yeah..but why now. our deal had ended 4 years ago.

Y/N: I know, but I wanted to do this one last step for Taehyung to hate me more. And see he hates me permanently now.

Kai: but..are you ok?

Y/N: do you think I will be ok by hurting my own love?

A tear finally escaped.

Kai: I don’t understand you at all. at first, you created that whole act of you and me being in a relationship behind Taehyung’s back. You intentionally did that for Taehyung to expose us and hate you. But I had seen that you had loved Taehyung more than anyone could ever imagine from the first. And again now, you have hurt him the most by calling me to be with you.  And still now, I am seeing the same amount of desire and madness for him in your eyes. in fact you love him more now. I even saw Taehyung’s eyes which were hurt unconditionally seeing you with me that night and also today. he loved you from the very beginning and still loves you and only you. Then why are you punishing yourself and Taehyung. What is the reason of doing all this? he is still crazy for you.

Y/N: I know…he still loves me but loving me will lead him to destruction. If he loves me then he will never be happy in the future. He will never get what he wanted for a long time. I can never give him what he deserves as a husband. I cannot give him which other normal girls can give him. Loving me will never lead him to a happy family…….

He seemed confused…

Kai: what are you even saying?

Y/N: I am an infertile…

A gasp of shock left his mouth

Y/N: I cannot give birth to his child..i cannot give him the happiness of being a dad. He wanted to be a dad from the very first of our wedding.

I said and bursted into crying kneeling on the ground….

Kai: are you sure Y/N?

Y/N: hmm. We had attempted for a baby after one year of our marriage. My body had showed some symptoms of being pregnant so we visited the doctor for the first time. The doctor said that they were very less chances of me being pregnant. That day I had seen my Taehyung’s disappointed face but he buried his all disappointments inside him. He didn’t even say anything to me regarding this. Instead he tried to cheer me up and said we would try for the second time. After some days we attempted for the second and as usual my body showed some effects of being pregnant. That time I didn’t say anything to Taehyung. I just went to visit the doctor alone. The doctors clearly stated that I can’t get pregnant ever. I was devastated for a moment. I was thinking how I would even say it to Taehyung. He would be heartbroken.

Kai: on which era are you living huh? This has become a modernized world now. there are many ways to get pregnant..

Y/N: I know…

Y/N: anyways leave it…

Kai: are you hiding anything from me now? there must be another reason which you are not saying it to me.. tell me what is it?    

Y/N: it is nothing..leave it Kai..i am leaving. And yeah..thank you once again.

I stated without even looking at him and ran to my car. I sat on my car and drove off.

I remember our last memory of being together….

Y/N’s Pov

I fluttered my eyes open only to see Taehyung fixing his coat looking at the mirror. His face was showing no emotions, when he was getting dressed. I looked at him as he did the same but looked away without even saying good morning. I furrowed my eye brows and felt he was ignoring my gaze. His face was showing a tint of coldness. I was about to get up but my head hurt a little and I halt my movements. I hold my head to ease the pain but it wasn't lessening. Maybe I cried miserably last night that’s why my head was paining.

It has become a normal thing for me now. After hearing what the doctor said, I cry at nights silently. I don't really have that intention to say it to Taehyung now. It's been a week only since I last visited the doctor. I wiped my swollen eyes which had dried tears. I got up and hugged him from behind as he hugged my arms lightly. He is not that type of person to not hug me properly. I raised my eye brows.

Y/N: Good morning love...

I said smiling.....

Taehyung: hmm

He didn't even wish me back. He looked at the mirror for the last time and turned to me saying

Taehyung: I am leaving for office. Take care...

He was about to turn again but I hold his wrist stopping him

Y/N: Baby what happened.....

I whispered

Taehyung: nothing...I will leave now...

Y/N: baby say it to me if something is bothering you...

I said as calmly as possible

He seemed irritated for my behaviour..

Taehyung: I have told you nah....its nothing...

I flinched a little but I gathered myself. It is not the time to get mad. I hold his both..and looked at his dark orbs..

Y/N: baby say nah what happened....Will you not say it your Y/N...

He breathed heavily and said,

Taehyung: nothing happened baby..

He smiled a little but I know he is not saying the truth. There is something which is bothering him but what.

Y/N: okay ....I understand..if you don't want to tell me...its okay...

He smiled a little and kissed my both cheeks and went outside.

I looked myself at the mirror. I was a mess after crying last night. I went to the restroom to get freshen up.

After sometimes I returned to my room after freshen up

To be continued

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