Part 19

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I ran to him and said

Taehyung: where is she? How is she….why didn’t you guys informed me earlier?

I asked getting real worried

They startled seeing me there.

Kai: Taehyung, she is having severe fever. her body temperature is 105 degree Celsius. Her body temperature is not decreasing. We had called the doctors they said it was a viral fever. it will decrease in 2 or 3 days but it is not decreasing.

I felt my heart just stopped for a moment.

Taehyung: what…and you guys are telling me now….

I asked a bit angrily

Kai…cried on my arms…

Kai: Taehyung…you know what..i can’t see her like this. she used to shake badly when her temperature used to rise. She didn’t even let anyone touch her, hug her or comfort her. She used to cry miserably at nights because she used to feel pain all over her body. Her eyes have become swollen due to excessive crying. Her body has become real weak by the affects of high powered antibiotics. And she barely eats. Doctors are saying maybe she doesn’t want to live anymore. If this continues doctors have said it will turn into an incurable disease. She barely talks to any of us. Her lips always mumble your name. her eyes always search for you…. 

I felt my heart was getting ripped hearing his each word regarding her. she was suffering from unbearable pain and I was at my home resting. I curse myself for not being with her at her worst time.

Kai: she didn’t want you to know that she was sick that’s why she was avoiding your calls.

Tears kept falling on the floor.

Taehyung: how is she now?

Kai: she has taken the medicines and painkillers. She is currently sleeping if I am not wrong. She doesn’t even let me get close to her to check on her. she just wants to stay alone.

I raised my brows. She didn’t let Kai get close to her…

I went straight to her room only to see a petite and fragile figure curved like a ball and was sleeping. Her back was facing me. I went close to her bed slowly and saw her swollen eyes which just teared me apart. She was hugging a pillow close to her. I can’t see her in this condition. I felt my body was turning cold seeing her state. my fingers automatically brushed against her hairs then gently to her cheeks. Her skin was burning hot. I lay beside her as quietly as possible. I slowly removed her pillow and was about to secure her on my arms. I heard mumbling.

Y/N: I am a bad person..a very bad person..i don’t deserve you Tae..

She kept mumbling as her tears kept falling from the corner of her eyes. a tear left my eye also to see her like this. she was never this much weak condition. what was killing her from inside? what was the pain she is hiding now? I kissed her forehead and hugged her as delicately as possible. And soon she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face on my neck. Still she only gets comfortable on my arms. she found affection on my arms. I cannot describe the feeling of securing her on my arms. I felt I just breathed after a long time. I felt alive again. I felt I have got my everything on her arms. she trembled a bit and I gripped tightly around her waist by my arms. praying to god that all her illness and  pains should convert into my body. I buried my face on her burning hot neck…trying to take all the sufferings of her in me. trying to take all of her wounds and miseries in me. I pulled my head out to see her…to see my love…

I slowly caressed her hairs with my fingers. Her swollen eye were really becoming my weakness. I can’t see her cry..i kissed her eye patels gently. My fingers trailed down to her skinny hands which were really delicate. My kisses brushed against her arms. showering her with all the love and care I have for her. no matter what happened with us. No matter how much she hurt me, no matter how much I had given her pain. But she would find me whenever she needs me. she would find me when she is in danger or in unbearable pain. What kind of relationship do we have…I

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