Part 24

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Taehyung’s Pov
I kept looking at her thinking about what all happened with us while she was waving her hand in front of my face with a confused smile…
I snapped back and looked at her reactions which I really adore..I smiled and shook my head indicating nothing happened..

Taehyung: are you hungry?

She nodded while pouting..

I chuckled at her reactions and said,
Taehyung: now come and give me a hug….

She smiled widely and spread her arms to hug me and within a second I was engulfed by the most delicate hands of my love securing me from all the negativities of the world. I hugged her back as tightly as possible. I want to stay in her arms like this forever. I don’t want anyone to come between us…..i kissed her hairs softly and was inhaling her scent and snuggled on her neck…she giggled in response. How I love our tiny romantic moments…...

Y/N: done..loving your wife Mr. Kim?

She teased me and I laughed as I hugged her more tightly. She said wife…yes Taehyung she said wife…I told myself in my mind. I can’t express my happiness now. I am overwhelmed. She didn’t resist. I can’t believe this is happening after so many years…. I missed her hugs the most. But I am hell confused why was she not resisting my any acts. Why doesn’t she push me away like always? She didn’t even call Kai to meet her to make me jealous or think that she is cheating on me. she let me sleep with her, she let me feed her food, medicines everything. She didn’t even say anything about her past or the reasons of her doings. She just let me do what I wanted. She is not that type of girl. She just behaved as an ideal wife these 5 days. but the Y/N I know is not like that, If she has to do something she will do it even though it hurts her. then why is she not continuing her act. Or she planned something really big this time to leave. No no god please…I can’t live without her.

A sudden shiver runs down to my spine to even think about her separation. i can’t afford that this time…..i will die in an instant…….

She then noticed something was wrong with me and kissed my cheeks slowly..and separated herself from me…why am I feeling I am hugging her for the last  time. This separation will long last….i sudden fear enters in my mind.

Y/N: I will freshen up..till then make breakfast..

She said playfully and went to the room….

I couldn’t smile properly. I was feeling something bad is about to happen. But what? Why this sudden fear?
I went to the kitchen to make the breakfast for her. the maids were helping me but still my heart was feeling restless and anxious. I felt a tight squeeze inside my heart. Then I heard a doorbell. I hope the person doesn’t bring any bad news in the morning….

I opened the door only to see Jisoo who was smiling seeing me. A sudden punch of guilt my felt my heart.

Jisoo: Hey Taehyung…guess what , I have cracked our foreign deal.
Yes, she works in my company.
I smiled back hesitantly. What would she think if she saw Y/N in my house, in my bedroom…

She said and came forward to hug me. Before I could resist she hugged me. I was frozen on my spot. I didn’t hug her back…my hands will not allow that. Her hands were rubbing my waist slowly. I felt uncomfortable..

Jisoo: I missed you Taehyung….

Taehyung: hmm

I hummed in response. She pulled out raising an eye brow. She is my best friend, so she understood my uneasiness and stood at a distance from me. I sighed and let her come in…
I turned to leave but she held my wrist to stop me and said,

Jisoo: Taehyung didn’t you miss me?
I looked at her and was about to answer her but I heard another familiar voice.

Y/N: Taehyung.

To be continued

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