Part 13

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Taehyung’s Pov

I was still on my bed curved like a ball sobbing a little. Then I noticed suddenly lights went off. I panicked a little and I felt my legs started shaking. This usually happens when I am alone in darkness. I tried to get up but I felt my knees became weak and numb. I couldn’t able to move. My lips and some fingers started shaking. I was feeling scared. I couldn’t see anything in front of me. everything was blank in front of me. I looked around and of course no one was there for me to hold me. I looked for my phone on the night stand to call the guards to check the electricity. I was searching but it was dark all around that’s why things were falling touched by my hands. every time the things used to fall I would flinch. I was getting scared. I needed somebody to hold me tightly now. I found my phone but it fell on the ground. Shit. I cursed under my breathe. I then went to the ground but accidently my legs tripped with a glass jar. I fall on the ground while shaking. I felt my heartbeat was uneven. Then I started trembling very very badly. I couldn’t control my movements. I hugged my knees and closed my eyes just to feel a very warm embrace. I inhaled her fragrance and her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I felt my racing nerves were calming down slowly. She slowly rested her face on my neck and kissed my neck as gently as possible. The more she came close to me the more my heart calmed down. I was feeling peace and lot warmth which was I yearning for.

Y/N: calm down….i am here…see I am here with you see…baby open your eyes

She almost whispered which was so soothing. I felt a tint of happiness when she called me baby…I opened my eyes slowly just to meet her teary and worried ones. I then wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her back burring my face on the crook of her neck. I inhaled her addicting smell. Her words relaxed my body and heart. I was feeling complete after a long time. I needed her…I cried on her arms like a kid. She patted my back slowly. Then she pulled out and kissed my forehead with as much as love she has for me. this was not showing any sign of fakeness. I was feeling she genuinely loves me. she kissed my cheeks.. all over my face like I was a kid. I felt she was extremely worried for me…I was looking at her all the time. Her gaze was not showing any kind of acts or anything instead it was showing fear seeing me. she loved me..and I can feel that now. but why she did that to me? she helped me get up and lay me on the bed. She kissed my forehead again

Y/N: I am not going anywhere…I am with you…

I was holding her hands tightly as if she will leave me if I leave her. she understood and caressed my cheeks…

Y/N: I am not going anywhere baby.. I am with you don’t be have me now

I nodded but still was not leaving her hands. there was darkness all around but she came like a light in this darkness. I closed my eyes as she laid beside me…she kept caressing my hairs as she put her head on my chest. I was hearing her heart beats. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her as delicately as possible. She pulled out her face and looked at me so did I. she then pressed her soft lips against mine and I felt my body  just lost its control. Her kiss was the most pleasant thing happened to me in these 4 years. Her kiss was assuring me that she is there for me. she will never leave me again. Her tears fall on my face when she noticed I wasn’t kissing her back. She was about to pull her lips from mine but I hold her neck pulled her more closer and kissed her back as passionately as I can. Her one touch can relieve my heart. I felt my wounded heart was healing as I felt her tears rapidly fall on my face. I was feeling warmth from inside. she pressed her body against mine leaving no gap between us. I closed my eyes just accept the feeling in my heart that I too need her now. I hugged her waist securing her on my arms. she pulled out from the kiss and kissed my forehead slowly and rested her head on my chest again. This time our heartbeats were racing at the same speed. I felt overwhelmed. We made ourselves comfortable on each other’s arms. we didn’t even notice when the darkness consumed us.   

Author’s Pov

These kids these days…
They can change their minds but cannot change their fates which always drag them to each other. they found each other when they needed them the most. Their minds gave up on each other but heart didn’t. it is not necessary to say I love you every time. Their actions spoke on behalf of them that they love each other and only each other.

To be continued

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