Part 35

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we are here eating our breakfast in the bed. She is sitting on my lap and I am feeding my queen....

Y/N: here eat it

She fed me a chocolate dipped strawberry...

I smiled and eat it.

Y/N: So what do you think about that Geller....

I chuckled seeing her getting back to her bossy attitude

I was about to answer her but my phone suddenly rang and looked at the id. It was my secretary. I received it and put it on speaker. So that she could also hear

Secretary: Sir, We have a meeting with Mr. Geller and his daughter Hailey tomorrow. As you are in Paris should I postpone the meeting?

Taehyung: don't postpone it. We will come tonight from Paris...

Taehyung: listen, tell Mr. Geller that I am looking forward to arrange a meeting regarding our marriage with Hailey.

She looked at me confused. I smirked and kissed her lips slowly

Taehyung: Spread the word

I cut the call and threw it one the bed...

Y/N: what on earth are you planning to do with them...

I smirked as she raised her eye brows

Taehyung: baby...I asked my secretary and manager to spread the word that I am in Paris for some urgent meetings.

Y/N: so you didn't tell anyone about our marriage

I shook my head, and kissed her cheeks this time slowly as she blushed a little

Taehyung: no I didn't. So that Geller doesn't suspect us. I have also informed your assistant to spread the news about your illness and you are abroad for treatment.

She nodded understanding

I slide her hair strands from her face and admired her features. She looks like a goddess. My goddess.

Taehyung: and I have personally called that Geller to invest in my project.

Y/N: then,

Taehyung: Then what, he was in seventh sky hearing it. He was overwhelmed in joy.

Taehyung: And now, this spreading the news of me getting married to Hailey will made them fly in the sky for sometime

Taehyung: meanwhile, I will just work on my plan

She became impressed

Y/N: Woah...when did you plan....

Taehyung: last night when we...

I teased her leaning close to her neck as I inhaled her fragrance which can drive me crazy everytime. She blushed hard and almost became a red tomato

Y/N: fine I don't want to hear it anymore

I chuckled hearing her...

Y/N: what is your rest of the plan

I love seeing her being impatient to hear the plan

Taehyung: you trust me right?

Y/N: more than anyone else...

She said firmly....I smiled and leaned to kiss her lips but this time her phone rang making me groan in annoyance.

She Laughed looking at my expression

It was Jungkook....

Why does she have to have a guy best friend. Whenever she talks to him, she almost forgets about me. I wish I could vanish that Jungkook and throw him in another world. But I can't, he is her best friend and he took care of her on my absence. I am grateful to him for everything, starting from taking care of her to saving her life.

She took the phone and talked with him telling him everything about our marriage with great excitement. She is saying all of that with a huge smile plastered on her face. I love to see her smile.

My smile turned into a smirk thinking the worst that could happen to that Geller. My eyes turned dark thinking how he tortured my Y/N. I swear I will punish that bustard in such a way that everyone will think 1000 times before laying a single finger on my Y/N

I looked at her again and my eyes soften again.

I thought of teasing her a little.

I went near her face and she tried to push me away with her palm
while talking in the phone.

I laughed but didn't move, infact I went more close to her face. She blushed and looked away. But I went to her right cheek and kissed it slowly. She smiled and looked at me diverting her all attention to me. This is all I want...

But she got up from the bed while her eyes were on me. I furrowed my eye brows and was about to get up but she teased me by showing her tongue out....

She is really getting on my nerves now. She then turned to leave me outside.

I ran to her and hold her waist from beside and a loud gasp left her mouth.

Y/N: Jungkook, I guess a big mouse entered our room and it is disturbing me so let me just shuu this mouse out.

Jungkook: yeah yeah make sure that mouse doesn't eat you up

He said a bit loud so I heard and she blushed hard burring her face on my chest and I chuckled seeing her cuteness.

Taehyung: Don't worry Jungkook...

Before I could say more she cut the call and glared at me

Y/N: I guess you have become more pervert these days. You better stop..

She said with a pout

Taehyung: or else?

I smirked

Taehyung: fine let's go for a tour in Paris. Besides we are leaving tonight so we might not get any chance to go on a city tour. What say?

She widen her eyes and smiled cheekily.

She kissed my cheeks and ran to the restroom to get ready

I wish this happiness never ends. Because this time Geller is going to end badly

To be continued

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