Part 16

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After sometimes I returned to my room after freshen up .

Then after sometime the maid told me that mom has asked me to visit her. So I went to her and saw her sitting on her bed. I went near her as she was looking down. It felt like she was thinking about something

Y/N: what happened mom...are you not feeling OK?

I asked getting worried...for her.

She looked at me with her unreadable reactions.

V's mom: no no dear..I want to talk about some personal matter

I shivered a bit thinking she might have known the truth.

Y/N: Yes mom...please share it with me...

I said slowly not wanting her to be suspicious about me.

V's mom: please sit.....

I nodded and sat beside her. She held my both hands with her delicate ones as she looked at me. I got scared for a moment thinking about the worst that could happen to my life. I looked at her eyes which were looking at me, but those eyes were not understandable. It felt like she was herself nervous to say me the thing. But what? I noticed her lips slightly trembled. I got confused for a second and was waiting for her to speak.....

V's mom: leave Taehyung.....

She took a deep breath and blurted out...

I felt my heart tripped hearing her.

Y/N: mean

My words shattered and my lips quivered a little. She might be kidding with me...

V's mom: please I beg you.....leave my son....

Her grip tightened around my hands and tears finally fall her eyes. I was getting more confused. As if I am entering into a maze which doesn't have any way of coming out.

Y/N: what happened mom, why are you saying this all on a sudden? Has anything happened? Did anyone said something to you....

V's Mom: do you know, Mr. Geller?

I nodded. He is Taehyung's biggest client and also the sponsor of his dream project...

V's mom: His daughter Hailey Geller has liked Taehyung for herself.

I got confused. Liked for herself means what. Doesn't she know he is married.

Y/N: Mom, what are you saying? How can she like him for herself. Doesn't she know he is married.

V's mom: she knows. But Taehyung has become her obsession after that meeting in France. She became crazy for Taehyung.

Y/N: mom what is the reason of saying all this. We all know this can't happen.

V's mom: she is her father's only daughter. Whatever she wants her father gets it for her. And when I say whatever I meant whomever she wants

I shivered a bit.

V's mom: Taehyung has become her adamance now. She wants Taehyung at any cost. She became a psycho. She even said to her father that if she doesn't get Taehyung then nobody could get her.

I gasp in shock. A tear left my eye.

Y/N: but mom, how is it possible? He is a decent man, what could he do more than convincing Taehyung.

V's mom: he is an underground mafia......

I gasped loudly....

V's mom: he threatened me and your dad that he will kill Taehyung if you don't leave him. Thus, Hailey will get a chance to capture Taehyung for her.

Y/N: what mom...I can't leave him. He loves me and I love him too. He wouldn't be able to live without me.

V's mom: if you don't leave him then he wouldn't really live....

I got up and tears streamed down my eyes. How can I leave him. What just happened with my life right now. My life just tossed upside down in a jiffy.

V's mom: and you know why Taehyung was upset this morning.

I looked at her confused, how does she know Taehyung was upset.

I shook my head.

V's mom: He was taunted by our relatives that he can't be a dad. You guys were married for 1 and a half year but still no kids. So they thought that it was Taehyung’s fault.

I shockingly looked at her, how can they?

V's mom: They even said to him that he can't get the blessing of seeing his own son. He is a cursed father.

I felt disgusted of people's cheap mindset. They hurt my Taehyung.

V's mom: Taehyung was hurt hearing them. His heart ripped that day when they said, he is incomplete as a man.

Y/N: what mom, how can they do that to him? They are his own relatives.

V's mom: They even said that, You are a useless woman who can't give Taehyung a child. They even said that you are incomplete and useless as a woman....they said, you could be infertile but Taehyung didn't believe them. He protested and said you can give him a kid..

I got up from the bed and turned around....and ran to my room

I laid down on the bed and tears immediately streamed down my eyes. I was looking at the ceiling in front of me as tears were falling from the corner of my eyes. My body was calm and quiet. After sometime little sniffing sounds were heard. Words were not coming out from my mouth. Because it seemed words got stuck in my lungs. I closed my eyes and recalled their sentences….

“You are a cursed father”

“you can never be a dad”

“maybe your wife is infertile”

“or maybe you are incomplete as a man who couldn’t give yourself and your wife a child”

Y/N: just stop…just stop…

I yelled out and tears were continuously streaming down.
I opened my eyes and got up from bed breathing heavily. I held my forehead in frustration. I was messaging my temples. No no my Taehyung is not a cursed father. He is not incomplete as a man or as a husband. In fact I am incomplete as a woman. I can’t give Taehyung a kid. I can’t give Taehyung his happiness of being a dad. I can’t give him a happy family. They were right, I am an infertile. I am useless as a woman. I am of no use to Taehyung. I don’t deserve calling a good wife.

I then bursted into crying thinking that he still think I can give him his child.  He heard so many things regarding me and my infertility and his being a cursed dad. But sill he didn’t say anything to me. Quietly endured all of those harsh words. Swallowed all their assumptions and curses. What is he made of? He didn’t even said all of these to me so that I don’t get hurt. He loves me without knowing any limits.

I was feeling guilty for not being a complete woman. I cursed myself for not being an ideal wife. I can’t give Taehyung what he deserves. I don’t know how much painful it was for him to hear those words.

I wiped my tears harsly and thought of telling Taehyung the truth then he will understand me. I got up and got dressed and went straight to Taehyung’s office.

To be continued

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