Part 20

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I looked at her sleeping figure on my arms. She was sleeping so peacefully on my embrace. As if she was longing for this warmth of mine. I kissed her forehead and lay her on the bed as slowly as possible. Not intending to disturb her sound sleep. I was about to get up from the bed after laying her but her fingers held one of my fingers, just like a kid who doesn't want to leave its favourite toy or doll that's why it keeps always with it even in sleep. I smiled at her actions which is really irresistible.. I slowly removed my finger from her grip and went outside to see Kai and her secretary.

Kai: How is Y/N? Is she feeling pain again? How is her fever?

As soon as I went outside Kai started bashing me with questions. He really cares for her. His face was showing immense worry.

A tear left my eye memorising her last words before sleeping. After recalling that I hugged Kai as tightly as possible. And I bursted into crying.

Taehyung: My Y/N is in pain Kai..

He understood and patted my back slowly to calm me. 

Taehyung: I can't see my Y/N like this....please it is hurting very much inside my heart.

Kai: Taehyung, you have no idea what Y/N had gone through. You can't even imagine how much pain she's  in. You can't even compare your pain with her. I have seen her dying every single second without you....

I pulled out and looked at him in shock meanwhile my tears were falling wetting the floor. I felt unbearable pain hearing her state.

Taehyung: But she...she..did cheated...on with you...I saw it with my own eyes in your house. she said I can't give her what she wanted...she said, she never loved me, she said she couldn't stay with me in that hell.  She even cursed our house, marriage life, my parents and most importantly my love. She said I was not enough for him. She only wanted fame, money and status..

I blurted out everything in one go.

Kai: do you really think she did that to you intentionally? Do you really believe she doesn't love you? You really think she married you just for fame and money and status?

I froze my spot. I felt my breath stopped for a while. The day when she returned back to Korea to meet me for the first time, I couldn't read her eyes that night. As if her eyes were trying their best not to show her overflowing emotions seeing me. But when she was about to leave the show, she tripped while walking and her eyes had tears. Her eyes were showing she was wounded and that wounds were increasing giving her irresistible pain. Again that day when I had hurt my hands, she noticed it before anyone could notice. Her gaze was worriedly seeing my wounds but I had ignored her gaze and when the coffee fall on my bruises, she immediately panicked as if her skin was getting burnt and getting cut instead of me. When Jisoo was bandaging my wound, she felt a tint of hurt and insecurity which she ignored. But when she saw I was in pain, she came to me putting her all ego aside because I was her first priority then. My safety was her prime priority. Again, she saw my tears even when my eyes were close.  She understood the pain of piercing from that wound and knelt down only to distract me from that burning feeling. She knows, only she can calm my soul and heart. Because she is in my every beat. On the other hand, I noticed her eyes were finally showing some kind of emotions which was only love, her pure love. Not a tint of fakeness was showing. Her eyes were showing that she was  desperate to hold me , comfort me in my pain. As if she was feeling that pain, not me. But I was blind to see that emotion in her eyes.  Because I was complaining in my heart why did she leave me. But I was being an idiot to see her guilt which was ripping her day by day. That night when she was getting harassed by that man, I felt my heart beat was saying something, no no, not saying it was screaming that my Y/N needs me. Amidst our dance, I felt my heart was beating at a speed as it never beat before. It felt she was calling me. As if my heartbeat is saying she is in danger. So I ran as fast as I could and my heart took me to that restroom area. I found relief on her gaze seeing me that night. She felt safe around me, she felt protected on my arms. She hugged me  bursting into crying and finally was showing her emotions of pain which was unbearable. She screamed her heart not only for getting assaulted but for holding me on her arms after a long time. That night at my home, she needed me the most. Because that was the limit of her pains. She wanted to forget her pain for some time by embracing me but I was so engulfed thinking about my pains and wounds that I couldn't see her sufferings. She was longing for my one warm embrace. But I made her helpless by rejecting her gestures. But still she came to me when I was alone, getting scared in darkness. She pulled me into her warm embrace, was trying to give all the comfort she had for me. But that morning my anger and jealousy took all over me and I couldn't process anything after seeing Kai. It reminded me of the old time when I had seen them together on their house. It started giving me flashbacks of her each doings which ruined my life. That's why I blurted out what my mind wanted. But I couldn't realise she was slowing dying listening to my each word. It was killing her soul just like slow poison.....

My tears seemed to not stop.

Kai: just think about it Taehyung, why would she marry you for money, fame and status? Even you know she is really capable even more than you that's why she could become one of the best CEO’s of America in this young age. She doesn't need you for money status and fame. She has that ability to earn all of these herself in just a few years. And now see she has it all. Money, power, fame, honour everything without you having her beside.

Then reality hit me that I was so in that incident of cheating that I forgot that there could be a reason also for leaving me. Besides Kai himself is saying that then there has to be a reason

Kai: Do you really think after all she said that day to you, she could be living in peace? Huh....Taehyung she cried sitting on the streets for you all the night. She cursed herself for saying all of that harsh words to you. I found her asleep on the street that night and took her to my house. But do you really think, she was happy leaving you, she was an alive dead body. She didn't talk to anybody as if she is a mute girl. Only study and study and nothing else. She tried to keep her busy to not even think about you. She became a complete robot which had no emotions, no feelings. She didn't sleep at nights. She didn't eat properly. Sometimes, I used to hear sounds of her screamings and crying. But she didn't let me go close to her. That's why I called her father and he took her to America. There she started her new career, a new path. But you know what Taehyung she was not even happy starting a new life.

Her father said, she used to curse herself for everything, for leaving you, for creating this huge drama with me about cheating. For telling those words to you. She was in guilt and not only guilt she was in pain for leaving you.

Her father used to call me and Jungkook being all worried for her health. Her father sometime used to cry saying if this continues her daughter will die soon.

Jungkook: When was she living Kai?

To be continued

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