Part 32

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Y/N: Taehyung where're you taking me?

I asked about a 100th time because he is taking me somewhere by blindfolding me. We came to Paris that night, I had resisted thinking about Geller and that Hailey might do something seeing us together.  But he said he will handle them and told me not to get involved in this matter. So I agreed.

We are currently staying at one of the biggest hotels of Paris and Taehyung being an absolute overprotective, he booked the whole freaking Hotel. I mean I had stopped him many times but he wants me to be safe at any cost now.

Y/N: baby...please open it...I want to see the surprise

Taehyung: baby..we haven't reached yet

He blurted with his deep and husky voice.

Y/N: Taehyung atleast put me down, you will get tired

Yes, he is carrying me all the way on his arms. I felt he is taking me to somewhere upstairs. I guess it is a rooftop

He then slowly kissed my earlobe making me giggle

Taehyung: we are almost here..

He then put me down and slowly opened my blindfold. I fluttered my eyes only to see the whole Paris under my feet....we are here at the top of Eiffel tower. My eyes would pop up at any time from the socket.

My lips parted automatically in awe and I was feeling overwhelmed and loved. Tears of joy trickled down my cheeks.

Eiffel Tower is not only a common city icon but also becomes a symbol of love for many couples from all over the world. It is because of thousands of marriage proposal made under the beautiful tower every year.

I looked down only to get shivers down my spine...

The French have a nickname for the tower: La Dame de Fer, "the Iron Lady." The first platform is 190 feet above the ground....

I looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me as If he was admiring something. His eyes had tears

I smiled and eventually bursted into crying hugging him. He immediately engulfed me in his warm embrace.

Y/N: did this.....

Taehyung: I wanted to put the whole world underneath my queen's feet...I wanted you to know that my love is higher than this height. It has no limits.....

I pulled out and looked at him before he kissed my cheeks slowly. I am feeling my heart is racing rapidly. Only for Taehyung...I am feeling peaceful in his embrace...


he kept screaming and I cried in joy seeing him expressing his all overwhelmed feelings. He was saying it in the air and his sounds were heard in the whole Eiffel Tower. He pulled me closer by holding my waist and I bumped into his chest. I was blushing that time.

He kissed my forehead showing his soft gestures which I missed badly...

He then buried his face on the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent. Still this habit. He then started sniffing my hairs while giving soft butterfly kisses all over.

Y/N: Taehyung, people are seeing us...

Taehyung: so what let them see and learn how to love their wives...

I hit his shoulder playfully and he giggled. He then pulled out and looked at me with a soft smile.

He then knelt down on the grass and I raised my eye brows

Taehyung: What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined… to strengthen each other… to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.

I, Kim Taehyung ask you Kang Y/N to pass through life at my side—to be my second self, and best earthly companion.

Marry me...

I knelt down holding his both hands and cried while nodding....the feelings of happiness. I was never expecting this much love will be given to me...he loves me inspite I can't give him a kid

Y/N: what could I ask more....the person I love and want to spend my shattered life with is now proposing me to be a part of his shattered life...

He laughed in between his tears.

I leaned in and kissed him with all passion and love I have for him.

Without wasting a second  he captured my waist and pressed our bodies together leaving no gap. As he kissed me back with all the love he have for me. I could feel his each and every inch of his body is saying loudly that he loves me more than himself. I cried in between the kiss trying to fill the empty gaps of our hearts. Trying to gather myself mixing emotions. Trying to accept that yes, I can be with him now. Trying to feel his love which I was longing for the last four years. Trying to heal his wounds which I had given him and trying to give my broken heart pieces some ointment of his love. Trying to help him breathe after 4 years. I felt he hold my neck and deepen the kiss. I didn't resist, he needs me right now. He was yearning for this feeling, I know.

I don't care what the people are saying, i belong to him and he is showing it to everyone proudly....he smiled in between the kiss and kissed me like there is no tomorrow. 

He pulled out and attached our forheads together and I inhaled his heavy breathing. He was panting hard. I smiled widely and wiped his remaining tears and kissed his forhead....

Y/N: let's get married....

He showed his boxy smile and engulfed me in his warm hug. I hugged him back softly.


"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed"

To be continued

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