Part 29

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I am currently standing outside the cabin where Y/N is shifted.  I am seeing her pale and petite figure lying fully unconscious on the bed through the glass door and I am feeling my heart is dying slowly seeing her like this. She is still under doctors observations. She is covered with a lot of bandages on her arms and feet even all over her body. I am feeling my heart is brutally crashing to see her attached with some kind of wires. we cannot meet her until she regains consciousness. I looked at Jungkook who was crying at a corner seeing Y/N covering his mouth.

A tear left my eye. The eyes which are yearning to meet her eyes. The eyes which are tired now of begging to God to rescue my Y/N. These hands of mine are longing to hold my Y/N.

Jungkook told me everything about that bustard Geller and Hailey. They were doing all of these behind my back. Maybe they have forgotten who they are messing with. Maybe they doesn't know Kim Taehyung's power. Maybe they have forgotten their worth and status. They have pressed my weak point, they targeted my Y/N. What do they think they can threaten my Y/N behind my back. They can make Y/N weak but not Y/N’s Taehyung. They can convince my Y/N but not me. They must have forgotten whom Y/N belongs to. They cannot harm my Y/N anymore.

I will get revenge of my Y/N's each and every small cuts. They have messed with a wrong person this time.

But right now, Y/N’s health is more important to me. Why was I not with Y/N that time. She had to go through miserable sufferings and pains.

They I saw, a doctor came out from Y/N’s cabin. Me and Jungkook rushed to the doctor. He looked quite dissatisfied.

Taehyung: doctor, how is she?

He looked down and breath heavily.

Doctor: I am sorry Mr. Kim, Ms. Y/N’s body had deep cuts. It had marks of their excessive beating and I guess they have beaten her with a sharp thing. I have already treated those cuts. But her body is very weak, more than I expected. She is traumatised and her brain isn't responding that much to gain consciousness. As if she doesn't want to live now. As if she isn't willing to fight for her health.

Doctor: does she suffered from any illness, I mean viral fever or cold which caused her body to be this much weak?

Taehyung: yes, she was suffering from viral fever a few days ago. But I saw her fine today morning.

Doctor: Ohh that's why her health is not that in good condition...if she doesn't wake up in 5 hours then


The doctor trembled badly and said,

Doctor: Mr. Kim...please try to understand. We are trying our best. And if you remain calm, then the other patients will not get disturbed.

Jungkook: Taehyung...calm down. Our Y/N is strong. She will fight it too.

I turned back to Jungkook and bursted into crying. He patted my back slowly while crying hard.

I felt my heart beat was getting slow that means her heart beat is also getting slow. I felt my heart was getting pierced by a sharp knife. And my heart was bleeding badly. I am feeling something heavy from inside. As if someone was bashing me with a heart rock.

Taehyung: my Y/N Y/N...

I knelt down while holding him. I put my both palm to Bury my face in them and let my all tears out. Literally complaining to God that this had to happen to my Y/N. This should have happened to me instead my Y/N. I slowly walked to her room. My eyes found my Y/N lying there lifeless. I went close to her slowly and my fingers slide her hair strands from her face. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her cheeks had their finger prints. They touch my Y/N.

A tear escaped my eye. I wiped it. My heart cannot tolerate her state now. I slowly kissed her forhead. She was unmoved, like a dead body. My trembling hands caressed her all wounds and I felt my heart was tearing up.

I felt suddenly her fingers brushed with my hands which were near them. I looked down to see her finger moving. I interviewed my fingers with her and she did it back. She held my fingers with hers. I pressed the button next to her to call the doctors.

I saw her eye Patels were fluttering a little to open. I just want to see her eyes which are a galaxy for me. I swear I will take my baby away from this mess and from this pains. Please just once baby wake up. I said it in my mind.

She slowly slowly parted her eye Patels to open her eyes. She then blinked a few times to see properly. Her eyes roamed around the room only to stop seeing me. She saw me and panicked a little. Her lips quivered a little. I saw some tear drops fall from her eyes.

I don't care...I need her now. I faced her really close. The distance was so less that I felt her uneven warm breaths hitting my face. She widened her eyes and tried to move away from me. Then the doctor came and I distanced myself from her. The doctor checked her and told her to rest as much as she can. He left us alone their. Jungkook was standing outside so I gestured him to come inside. He came inside and Y/N's face lit up. I swear I will kill him one day for becoming my Y/N's best friend.

He came and whispered something in Y/N's ear. Y/N’s smile faded as he heard what Jungkook said. That means maybe Jungkook said about my knowing everything.

Jungkook kissed her forehead and then went outside

To be continued

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